could you disobey god

If God were both all loving and all powerful, there would be no one in hell, since God could prevent people from going to hell, being all powerful.
Qorl said:
If he doesn't feel emotions than he could not speak about love at all.

Furthermore, emotions are a reaction to something shocking. By definition they are an imperfection.
His perfection is easily debunked by the fact that I can yell, "God is imaginary, I'll worship Him as soon as I build a shrine to Mickey Mouse!" And nothing can stop me. Therefore, me > God.
Obey or disobey is irrelvent. It's all part of the "Plan." A "Plan" that hasn't been updated for, say 2006 years, 1 month and 13 days.
Mythbuster said:
If God were both all loving and all powerful, there would be no one in hell, since God could prevent people from going to hell, being all powerful.

if he prevented natural things from happening, we'd have no free will. if you had a child, you wouldn't carry it all the time would you, so that it would never learn to walk independently.
If emotions are shocking (imperfect) than god doesn't have or never had sex. If he does, he had a violent one, like he eats a lover (victim) after he's done, like tarantella. Why do we have then? Oh I almost forgot, priests and nuns doesn't have. No sex to be perfect! No children at all! Why life than?

-Didn't God created a man by his own image, so he will know a difference between good and evil. You could not know a difference without emotions. Or maybe we do and God doesn't? What was first, and egg or a chicken?

I believe in plan.

God, Am I a pope!!!?
audible said:
god/allah/yehwh is all powerful and perfect, if he commanded you to disobey him, or suffer his wrath and be sent to hell.

this is a logical impossiblity.

would you, could you.

I will disobeyed him if he lied to me for many years. Why? Because I could not, never ever believeth or trust to myself ever again. You could easily forgive some things but not mayor ones. If you will than your honor or hope will be taken away from you, or should I said who you are. You will be a slave wherever you are, in hell or in havens. It doesn't make any differences. You will be a thing. My case reminding me on a movie I watched. The cop lock down a young girl and he promise her to let her go if she will be as he wont's. I feel the same way, the difference is that in God's case you are not able to escape.
Qorl said:
If emotions are shocking (imperfect) than god doesn't have or never had sex. If he does, he had a violent one, like he eats a lover (victim) after he's done, like tarantella. Why do we have then? Oh I almost forgot, priests and nuns doesn't have. No sex to be perfect! No children at all! Why life than?

Why have sex? Why live life through with all its difficulties, make children and then die, and the children live life through with the same difficulties and then they also die? Life on earth can't be so pointless. The biological meaning of life is procreation, but the spiritual meaning is to not procreate, to come back to God, to find our true self again, to die.

The problem people have is that they think God is a physical created being, while in reality, he is the creator of all physical things.

What was first, and egg or a chicken?

The creator was first.
c7ityi_ said:
Why have sex? Why live life through with all its difficulties, make children and then die, and the children live life through with the same difficulties and then they also die? Life on earth can't be so pointless. The biological meaning of life is procreation, but the spiritual meaning is to not procreate, to come back to God, to find our true self again, to die.

The problem people have is that they think God is a physical created being, while in reality, he is the creator of all physical things.

The creator was first.

I didn't talk about God's life but ours. ''Maybe'' God doesn't have sex any more but I'm sure he won't us to have. We are his children now and we do what he wont's. I will say some of us are almost without free will. God is physical the same as we are, if he's not than he didn't created a man by his own image, or Bible lies. But I'm sure he could go out of body whenever he wishes. Life in a spirit is mining less even more than physical.
-Why Have Sex?
Really, Why? If God will give me some in the future I will ask him to do it for me. After all he likes Eskimos ways. So I will take care about his children, and be a priest forever.
yu simply M>U>S>T dis-obey that 'fundamentalist horror in the sky'. 'he's' not REALLLLY in the sky. he's in your HEAD!..................................!
duendy said:
yu simply M>U>S>T dis-obey that 'fundamentalist horror in the sky'. 'he's' not REALLLLY in the sky. he's in your HEAD!..................................!

Of course he programmed me.
Qorl said:
Of course he programmed me.
'he' didn't. 'he' is an invention of a patriarchal mindset. YOU BELIEF IN IT is what makews you feel 'programmed'

so disobey. begin exploring disobeyance. itisn't really disobeyance cause te fundamentalist rules are social controlling would rather be beginning to explore your natrual self
duendy said:
'he' didn't. 'he' is an invention of a patriarchal mindset. YOU BELIEF IN IT is what makews you feel 'programmed'

so disobey. begin exploring disobeyance. itisn't really disobeyance cause te fundamentalist rules are social controlling would rather be beginning to explore your natrual self

He did for sure, If was somebody else is God's fault. You're right, I will check out from this forum forever. Take care. And thanks to God for beautiful bull shit. Coward and of course sadist.
c7ityi_ said:
there is, it's you, but you don't know... yourself.
I've I was a god, I'd light people on fire or spawn rocks out of thin air and chuck em' at random passerbys. :D