Could we manufacture a soul?

O.K. I the soul is truly in a different dimension, than I can't foresee manufacturing one. However, if the soul is really no more than the electro-chemical processes ongoing in our brains, then I do believe we could create a soul. This is what A.I. is all about. However, I am also asking, can we create A.I. in an ethereal form?
O.K. I the soul is truly in a different dimension, than I can't foresee manufacturing one. However, if the soul is really no more than the electro-chemical processes ongoing in our brains, then I do believe we could create a soul. This is what A.I. is all about. However, I am also asking, can we create A.I. in an ethereal form?

There are different dimensions of our energy; that which you speak about is our "ethereal body", it is our "life energy", our "bioelectricity". That is just a part of our soul (we normally call soul that part of our body which we can´t see, but it more complex than that).
The "ethereal body" is born with the physical body, and it will die with the physical body and it will die approximately 4 days after the physical death takes place. That is how I understand the resurrection of Jesus and Lazarus, they were both resurrected in the third day, same happened in the Heb-Seb festival of the Egyptian Pharaohs; the ethereal body is an exact replica of our physical body, it will vanish after the 4th day of the physical death; and in life, it will distribute our energy within the body in the way of chakras (Sanskrit for “wheel”). It is “wheel” because they have the shape of spheres of energy, like stars. As a matter of fact, they could very well be considered stars from the subatomic perspective.

The “energy healing” or reiki, or “spiritual healing” or “shamanism”, or “acupuncture”; or the healing that Jesus taught and performed the healing of our energy body works on this form of energy, the “ethereal body”. And it is the healing of our chakras. Enlightened men have this capability; they heal the person’s “ethereal body”. Sai Baba has healed thousands of people with this virtue, the virtue of being able to heal the energy body of another being through compassion, there is no way of healing through hate, only love & compassion.

After the “ethereal body”, we have the “Karmic body” or “emotions energy”. It doesn’t die after the death of the physical body, but it contains our karmic debt to existence; it is an emotional debt, either of happiness or sorrow.

The third is the “Christ/Guardian angel/soul”, it is the part of you which never dies and never changes, and it is what we call “soul”, the “eternal traveler”. This “soul” has a mirror-like quality, and it reflects everything we perceive as real, but it is an illusion, our physical body is just reflected in that mirror. During our life, the mirror-like quality becomes dirty with the “ego”, and you need to die, in order to “clean” the inner-mirror, and be reborn in different circumstances with a clean mirror.
That is why we say that children are somewhat enlightened, their mirror-like quality is utterly clean. That is the purpose of enlightment, to cleanse that mirror-like quality without the death of our physical body; that is why enlightened men say that “they are no more”, “there is no “I””, it is because it is like dying, the death of the ego, the second birth.

This I got from Tibetan knowledge of chakras and soul, it is much complex, and I believe is just the tip of the iceberg of the real energy behind our physical bodies.

Could you create such a phenomena without the physical body? I seriously don’t think so.
I don't really see much difference between the ethereal body, the karmic body, or the emotions energy, they're all made up of thought-energy. You can feel your karma right now (which is just the thought-energy causing each of your experiences) as the bodily feelings within you, the impressions, deep insecurities, etc...The physical body is made up of a very high concentration of thought-energy (matter). This is why healing is possible and there is no incurable disease. What is different though is the mind, the controller, the witness, the thing that gives us free-will, what is that? Shouldn't that be termed the soul?
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John J. Bannan said:

I mean, literally, could we create some sort of ethereal organism that could be intelligent and yet immortal.

It depends on what the actual goal is: Are we out to create a soul, or create something and call it a soul?

The difference is fairly simple to describe. The latter is just a matter of finding a way to make electricity maintain certain patterns; science-fiction is riddled with variations on the "hyperintelligent shades of violet" theme. But to create a legitimate soul in the traditional theological sense requires first identifying the soul within nature, and then figuring out how to synthesize the soul from its basic components. In that scenario, I think the synthesis will be the easy part. Identifying the soul within nature will endure as one of humankind's greatest self-imposed challenges.
When God breathed life into the physical body of Adam, he became a "living soul".


That is how the scripture describes a living soul. Hense what was Adam before he became living? A non-living soul...a body without life. There were organs, bones, flesh, and blood, but no life. The bible tells us by numerous example that a body in such a state...does not think, plan, see, hear, or anything else. And it is litteraly describing the soul.

The spirit also does not have any connection with the thinking part of us. As the bible describes it is "the force actuating your mind." It further describes that neither the soul or spirit is immortal and both die upon death.

This is how every phsican describes death.
I mean, literally, could we create some sort of ethereal organism that could be intelligent and yet immortal.

I guess first base would be engineering conscious life by reconstructing inert matter - as it stands at the moment however, life comes from life.

it seems to have been that way for a long long long time and to say the least it seems like it will be that way for a long long long time in the future ....
I guess first base would be engineering conscious life by reconstructing inert matter - as it stands at the moment however, life comes from life.

it seems to have been that way for a long long long time and to say the least it seems like it will be that way for a long long long time in the future ....

Where did your god get the raw materials to make life? It would have to be from other life, according to your conclusions.
. Hense what was Adam before he became living? A non-living soul...a body without life. There were organs, bones, flesh, and blood, but no life. The bible tells us by numerous example that a body in such a state...does not think, plan, see, hear, or anything else. And it is litteraly describing the soul.

Oh, you mean the brain. Why didn't you say so to begin with lol?
Where did your god get the raw materials to make life? It would have to be from other life, according to your conclusions.

kind of like asking where does fire get its heat from

in other words god has contingent potencies - the living entities are one, raw materials are another

BG 7.6: All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both the origin and the dissolution.
kind of like asking where does fire get its heat from

No, it's nothing like that at all. It's a question based on YOUR claim of life must come from life. All you would have had to say is, "I don't know." But instead, you had to make up some nonsense.
No, it's nothing like that at all. It's a question based on YOUR claim of life must come from life. All you would have had to say is, "I don't know." But instead, you had to make up some nonsense.

if you had laid this as a prerequisite : the answer must not conflict with my idea that the substance of existence is inherently separate and independent from god

....perhaps I could have answered in such a fashion ....