Could we manufacture a soul?

Sure, but it would have to be supported by some physical medium. There's no such thing as an immaterial soul.
Exactly. Our brains support one now, so it is physically possible. However, could we make a consciousness that is more ethereal?
True. But is there a physical medium that could support a "soul"?
You mean like a body? :p

A "soul" is just an antiquated term for what we now know to be electrical signals and pulses: the stuff that makes the body work.
Without a body, the electrical signals are points. Without the electrical signals, the body cannot function. They are inseparable.
Yeah, the electrical signals are inseparable from our bodies. But, could we create a more ethereal body that would support the same electrical signals?
You'd have to have some kind of thing to contain it, though. An electromagnetic field to contain the energy might work. It depends on exactly what you're trying to do.
Like can there be an artificial God? Actually, I don't think we can build one, but we may be able to grow one.
According to the Hebrew "nephesh" which means soul...which refers to a living body or more specificly, the Hebrews believed that the soul was in the blood it's self...

So if a soul is actually our bodies or the blood which flows through it...then unless man is capable of synthetic bodies which work the same way as flesh and bloood...then I'd have to

Man is not capable of manufacturing a soul.
According to the Hebrew "nephesh" which means soul...which refers to a living body or more specificly, the Hebrews believed that the soul was in the blood it's self...

So if a soul is actually our bodies or the blood which flows through it...then unless man is capable of synthetic bodies which work the same way as flesh and bloood...then I'd have to

Man is not capable of manufacturing a soul.

When God breathed life into the physical body of Adam, he became a "living soul".

We cannot manufacture a soul, it is like saying we could manufacture a tree. Sure we can plant the seed and take care of it until it grows to a tree; but to create a tree from scratch to tree? I don´t think so.
It is a similar analogy; our body is a seed and the soul is the tree. That is the meaning of Jesus parable about the mustard seed.

He said therefore, "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches." (Luke 13:18-19)

So we can genetically grow a human being, and it will therefore have a soul. But we cannot create a soul without the body, it is non-existent. The body and the soul are the same, are manifestations of the same energy in different dimensions.