Could this be a reason why the government hides the truth?...

Originally posted by ZeRo X
Hell, if you found out something you believed in for years on end was false, what would you do?
Change my mind. Although it's that 0.5% that might riot which is the problem.
Here's another one...
What if the US government delibrately released made up stories of a UFO crash then made it look like they tried to cover it up. This way the enemies of the US would think that maybe it was possible the US did have access to alien technology. They would then think twice about attacking them for fear of retaliation with weapons built using that technology. It was all a big hoax in the interests of national security... :m:
Originally posted by Blaah!
Here's another one...
What if the US government delibrately released made up stories of a UFO crash then made it look like they tried to cover it up. This way the enemies of the US would think that maybe it was possible the US did have access to alien technology. They would then think twice about attacking them for fear of retaliation with weapons built using that technology. It was all a big hoax in the interests of national security... :m:

hhhmmmmm, what a great idea. never occured to me before. I could seriously see this turning out to be the case. given the international tension of the time, and the fact that Russia was testing Nuclear weapons, etc. I bet you're right.
The Government probably hides small amounts of infomation and edit the most important info,but thats about it,i dont think thier info aiming at us is as complex as you think,the dangers 5 steps ahead are much more dangerous than the dangers that are 10 steps ahead,look at it this way if ets are a great danger wouldnt they be smart enough to target Government bases,instead of us.The goverment hides info that has no relativety to you so dont get thinking about something you cant answer.Thier are tons of stupid info on hitler,that gives the impression he had a nazi ufo at the time,which was crap,they said that it was under the antarctic,so imagine the us government questioning ithat info.The Russian/us Government has always had unknown problems against each other,if either of them were scared of retailation,they wouldnt solve or find out anything.
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Still think its possible tho... it was the 50s, they did heaps of corny shit like that back then to try and win the psycological war!
It was in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.

The government did say it was a "flying disc" just look at the Roswell paper the day it happened.

The next day the government said it was a regular weather balloon.

Since then the government says it was actually a top secrect "Project Moogle" balloon that was used to check for nuclear explosions in Russia at the time.

I think there still might be alot more secret about this incident.

Well.. what I believe about Roswell was that the only thing there that happened was what I call a fake coverup. (the government setting up a situation in which they "purposely leak" information then they "cover up" things which never happened) It is my belief that the "cover up" was all setup to make the public believe that the U.S. had some sort of a connection to ETs(and it was quite an effective operation might I say).. when in reality the flying discs are all man-made and man-flown. Controlled by the powers that be.
Originally posted by ZeRo X
Mine, along with many others theories, would be a somewhat fesible explination for a coverup. Hell, if you found out something you believed in for years on end was false, what would you do?

bah! i dont believe life any forms of any kind, can simply just create large astral objects. there is a lot more involved in the evolution of a planet then a flick of the wrist. where is the motivation anyway? out of the millions of planets already out there, why go through the trouble of creating another? (which is impossible, i say).

this is why religion and science shouldnt be thought of in the same room.... and i challenge the one who said that evolution is contradictory to show evidence of such. evolution happens, and that, i'm sorry, is quite possibly the stupidest thing i've heard all week!

religion is what holds us back from logical thinking, as this thread has so openly displayed.... grrrr. sorry, i meant no offense, i just get upset when people wont think outside the box.

nothing had to have created us, nothing had to have put us here, we just "are", so get used to it.
I am a somewhat religous man, and I believe that evolution is something that happens. Its called natural selection.. and I see nothing contradicting to religion in believing in evolution.
well, i know ou to be a man of fact manmade, so lets look at this.

there is no PROOF of god, there is no PROOF he could create us, or anything else. there is PROOF that planets, people, everything, etc, etc could have evolved from nothing however.
Proof?.. Religion is about faith.. otherwise they would call it science.

And you can't get something from nothing.
well science is about proof, so i'll go by that.

how would you define nothing though? i am asuming you mean the universe. but in all honesty, what is the universe? what is this "outer space" stuff people talk about.

it is stupid to assume that it is something, because it's not tangible and you cant grab some of it and hold it, yet we have stars and planets and moons, which i think constitute as "something's".