Could this be a reason why the government hides the truth?...

ZeRo X

Registered Member
Now this is a theory, so understand that I have no solid evidence in any of this. But it makes sense...

Maybe when the incident at AREA 51 happened, the government found out things about the earth. Maybe they found out Earth was created by another lifeform, proving religon false. This would be a rational reason, seeing millions and millions of people would find out that they have believing something untrue. This might cause complete chaos, people angry for believing the untrue.

I know this is far fetched, but hey, I can have my theories as well.

Its obvious the government is hiding something tremendously huge. so is this not a rational reason for a cover up?
Its obvious the government is hiding something tremendously huge
Sorry, it's not so obvious to the rest of us. While the government is hiding tons of fairly mundane things, it is not obvious that they are hiding 'something huge'. You are overestimating the amount of secrecy the US can keep. Foreign governements 'learn' about almost all the US's 'secrets'.
I'm sure your right about them finding out most of our secret stuff, but I mean, do you really believe that the AREA 51 thing was a weather ballon, when prevously stated (immediatly after it happened) that is wasnt? They are hiding something, and I think that base holds all of that stuff.
We will know someday, someone will talk....
Well first, it wasn't at Area 51. Second, it is much more likely that it was a terrestrial craft that they didn't want to admit too.

As to knowing someday... the people who were involved are dying off. Second hand tributes are more likely due to wanting to be famous then passing on stories.
Well, he does have a point, once back in grade school a kid told me he would have brought a gun to school and killed everyone if he did not have his faith in god. god is more of a big brother kind of figure, he most certainly dictates more than 40% of the worlds decisions
I think your idea that another lifeform having created the earth would make religious people think they were believing a lie. What faith means is beleiving something without evedence for it and in spite of evedence against it. There isnt anything in the realm of facts or evedence that can really change somone who has faith.
They've already found plenty of things that contradict evolution, most noteably evolution, but fundies still go right along believing that the sun rotates around the earth and the world is only 10,000 years old.
may i make it clear, the bible never says how old the earth is. THe bible never mentions tha the sun orbits the earth.
Originally posted by edgar
may i make it clear, the bible never says how old the earth is.
It does say how old mankind is... and the number is insanely low.

THe bible never mentions tha the sun orbits the earth.

Don't they make christians read the bible anymore?
Ecclesiastes 1:4 and 5: One generation goeth, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to its place where it ariseth.
Psalms 92: "He has made the world firm, not to be moved."
Psalms 103: "You fixed the earth upon its foundation, not to be moved forever."
And how about in Joshua 10:12: "Then spake Joshua to Jehovah in the day when Jehovah delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon."

The bible claims the earth does not move, which is really 2 factual errors. Even if you ignore the rotation around the sun, it still rotates about itself.
given the Silverbug tests going on at the time, I'm betting it was a prototype which crashed. Though I could be wrong...

Given the number of stars in the universe, it isvery likely that we are not the only ones alive. Given the amount of time available to create faster-than-light travel, it's possible that aliens could trvel to earth. Given the number of things the US government has been cuaght hding for the populace, it may be that they know about these aliens, and are hiding the truth form people.

Given the hugeness of the "truth", the number of people who would be involved, the difficulties of keeping such a secret, and the difficulties of keeping such a secret when you have international spies in high levels of government, I'd say it's doubtfull.

But If I was the Pres of the US, and I found out that the world won a prize for the Best Designed Planet, I might decide it's safer not to tell people. Lots of people would freak, that's for sure.
Originally posted by river-wind
Given the number of stars in the universe, it isvery likely that we are not the only ones alive.

Given the amount of time available to create faster-than-light travel, it's possible that aliens could trvel to earth.

What the??? We don't even know if it's possible... how the hell are we supposed to know how long it would take to develop and use?

Given the number of things the US government has been cuaght hding for the populace, it may be that they know about these aliens, and are hiding the truth form people.

Most things they 'admitted' after time... and none were as large, or long going, as this.

Given the hugeness of the "truth", the number of people who would be involved, the difficulties of keeping such a secret, and the difficulties of keeping such a secret when you have international spies in high levels of government, I'd say it's doubtfull.


But If I was the Pres of the US, and I found out that the world won a prize for the Best Designed Planet, I might decide it's safer not to tell people. Lots of people would freak, that's for sure.

Lot's of people freak for other reasons... we might as well give them a reason that matters.
Originally posted by river-wind ------------------------------------------------------------

Given the amount of time available to create faster-than-light travel, it's possible that aliens could trvel to earth.
Yes,man is totally possible.
There are a lot of life in this planet that born and die fast-than light travel.

Originally posted by river-wind-------------------------------------------------------------

Given the number of things the US government has been cuaght hding for the populace, it may be that they know about these aliens, and are hiding the truth form people
They still hide information what can refer to human beigns.If the humans know from where they came it is clear that it would not happen what happens.
Yes it is possible ZeRo X that the govt is hiding stuff, but somethings are better left alone. If it was meant to be that the world would find out about this, then it will happen...a big revolution in the religious community. But for those who have faith bigger than this entire world, it doesn't matter:)
Originally posted by IRDÍN
They still hide information what can refer to human beigns.If the humans know from where they came it is clear that it would not happen what happens.
Ask you're parents where you came from... they'll have an odd little tale about birds and bees for you.
Ask you're parents where you came from... they'll have an odd little tale about birds and bees for you.
Yes man,i´m sorry for you,my parents told me before the die so beautiful story about my origens,cos my blood is coming from Wichi indian and for sure you never heard about this nation.So sad for you that you find your origenes in the coca-cola and mac donalds.So pull down your ego because c.i.a. will close doors in a few years and you will loose your job.
Okay, lets not get personal here...I believe the original issue was whether or not the government was hiding 'something huge'.

Originally posted by ZeRo X
Maybe they found out Earth was created by another lifeform, proving religon false.

Just in reference to that, I can't agree, because almost all religions believe that Earth was created by another lifeform. Though you're right, (coming up with concrete evidence that aliens had visited earth would drastically shake religious foundation) fundamental believers in any religion would find a way to explain and make holy whatever alien encounter occurred. If you take a look back in the history of the Catholic religion, in particular, so many things are justified as venerable that are pretty blatanly not of God...the sale of indulgences, the acquiration of land by the Pope, wealthy aristocrats paying for their sons to become Bishops.
Originally posted by IRDÍN
Yes man,i´m sorry for you,my parents told me before the die so beautiful story about my origens,cos my blood is coming from Wichi indian and for sure you never heard about this nation.
Perhaps you don't realize that the wichi indians are in a good deal of books... mainly dealing with religious conversion.

So sad for you that you find your origenes in the coca-cola and mac donalds.

Actually I don't eat/drink either. I personally like to be in good shape.

So pull down your ego because c.i.a. will close doors in a few years and you will loose your job.

And I have what to do with the cia? Damn nutcase.
Just a thought

Here's one:

The government creates the mood that there is indeed a cover-up and that aliens really do exist (I believe aliens exist but not in the context of anything being discussed above). Then when they need an outside threat (like boogey men osama and saddam) they can say "ooh look, the aliens are invading, give up all your rights and let us have a one world government with a cashless society where everyone has personal identification chips. If you don't take the microchip, you might be an alien / terrorist and we can't have that now, can we?
Mine, along with many others theories, would be a somewhat fesible explination for a coverup. Hell, if you found out something you believed in for years on end was false, what would you do?