could jesus be locked in a mental institution?.

apparently, ya'll haven't heard...

in puerto rico, about 2 years ago or so a man claimed he was the son of god, jesus reincarnated...

got about 7 million and then puerto rico kicked him out of the country, so he came over here... now he makes bullshit working at taco bell still trying to be the son of god

and i just realized that i said reincarnated.... that brings up another question, if jesus did come back and it wasn't in his supposed body, would it be considered reincarnated? or reborn? then if it was reincarnated, wouldn't it go against the beliefs? im not sure im not gonna say i know so much about religion.. but i know one of you do

i think, i don't know
M*W: Yeah, I heard of this lunatic. Wasn't he living in Houston, TX (my hometown)? There was a docu on national TV about this dude. Makes me wanna puke.
But it's an action a "true" Christian, which Jesus would undoubtedly have been, would have taken. Turn the other cheek and all that. Although, I don't think it applies for chess.

so then he would end up in a mental institution. He would let them take him due to his peaceful nature. Right?
so then he would end up in a mental institution. He would let them take him due to his peaceful nature. Right?

Depends on what he wants. If he were really what people believe Jesus is, then if Jesus wanted to he could easily not end up in a mental institution.
what? If Jesus is like what he is in the Bible, then yes, but if he isn't like he is in the Bible, then no?
That's why I said WHAT? I didn't understand.
So there may be peaceful Jesus or kick ass Jesus. Him going to a mental hospital depends on which one you get, right?

I can tell ya right now, even peaceful Jesus is gonna get taken in.
That's why I said WHAT? I didn't understand.
So there may be peaceful Jesus or kick ass Jesus. Him going to a mental hospital depends on which one you get, right?

I can tell ya right now, even peaceful Jesus is gonna get taken in.

If peaceful Jesus doesn't want to get taken in, all he has to do is pull some miracle to avoid it.
I've actually heard a caught drug ring leader say jesus was a drug dealer with spiritual conviction as he was being taken away. It wasn't an intentional insult but meant that god or jesus would understand or accept his excuses and that others don't have a right to morally judge whatever they do, predating, using, stomping or screwing others, because they are meant to rule and god thinks they are superior like a king david and everyone else should take it in the ass or serve them. It's called a degenerate, bullyish, bull in a china shop thug from the bottom to the top of any organization. People like that are dangerous because their simple lust for power and singularity of self-centeredness to them equates to god's okay and their god-given right. Meaning spirituality or emotions and desires are the only truth(all about self-satisfaction, power, and self aggrandizement), primitivism. It goes back to the vague cowtowing to the so-called self-identified oppressed (religious people), the bible insinuating the religious is more worthy and deserve to rule and others used or worthless, and moral ambiguity and hypocrisy and amoral assured salvation based on belief not true character and most crucial, forgiveness that religion appeals to. All the perfect food to proliferate roaches and monsters. The power-hungry, dishonest, decay-nurturing, vice-promoting, immoral(forgiveness from god) cruel controlling scum.
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say jesus did come back to earth over th last few decades or something. and he kept saying he was the son of god and he was jesus, is it likely that he would be put into a crazy house? the saviour could be in a straight jacket.

because thats the most likely place he would be sent to right? you hear of people claiming to be reborn figures in the recent past, and they are seen as having mental delusions and put in institutions,

so maybe thats where jesus is?

No, it is based on a misunderstaning. It may be soundfully nice, but at another glance pretty harsch if you look at the teachings that is truthful.

When Jesus comes, and mistake not, He will be seen by everyone.