could jesus be locked in a mental institution?.


say jesus did come back to earth over th last few decades or something. and he kept saying he was the son of god and he was jesus, is it likely that he would be put into a crazy house? the saviour could be in a straight jacket.

because thats the most likely place he would be sent to right? you hear of people claiming to be reborn figures in the recent past, and they are seen as having mental delusions and put in institutions,

so maybe thats where jesus is?

I don't think we put people in the loony bin for just saying that they're Jesus, the son of god. It usually takes a little more violence and harmful acts to get into the loony bin ...and Jesus wouldn't be violent or hateful.

Baron Max
no for stating you've been resurrected and are the son of god, especially if they saw scars in your hands and feet, they would think they were self inflicted, you would be looked upon as a possible danger to yourself and to others and locked up in an asylum.
say jesus did come back to earth over th last few decades or something. and he kept saying he was the son of god and he was jesus, is it likely that he would be put into a crazy house? the saviour could be in a straight jacket.

because thats the most likely place he would be sent to right? you hear of people claiming to be reborn figures in the recent past, and they are seen as having mental delusions and put in institutions,

so maybe thats where jesus is?


I have to go along with BM here. No loony bin for Jesus unless he was committed of some crime and THEN sent to a mental inst. instead of jail once the court found out he thought he was the son of God. Back in the 50s 60s he would have stood a better chance. But generally as long as you are not a threat physically and are able to feed yourself, etc. a belief is not enough to get you in there. Behavior can. I mean think of the number of people who belief they are eating the body of Christ or have been abducted etc. (not to judge either of these possibilites, but they are not accepted by most psychiatrists are realities). These people are nto put away.

But someone would probably kill jesus and the odds are it would be a Christian saying he was the anti-christ or some other monotheist calling him a false profit. He wuold no doubt make many powerful enemies, again, if he acted the same way.

But we always assume God is unchanging. maybe God learned from his mistakes.
Not if he could actually demonstrate magical powers like raising the dead, making food appear from nothing, turning water into wine, etc.
People that work in an inferior level cannot "catch" a person who is in a superior level.
Like the pharisees that brought that woman that was caught in adultery, they were trying to get Jesus for blasphemy. They asked Jesus what should they do to this woman caught in adultery. Jesus looked down to the floor, and started writting, as if they were not talking to him.
Jesus knew that if he would say to not throw stones at her, then he would be breaking Moses´s law, and inmediately condemned for heresy. So he looked at them, and just said: "Let he who is without sin, throw the first stone". And he looked back at the floor again. If he would have stared at the people, the priests would have been the first ones to throw the stones, because they wouldn´t accept they are sinner in front of Jesus. But Jesus looked down at the floor, never stared at nobody, not judging anybody, as if they were no talking to him. That took all the people attention out of Jesus, and made them look at themselves, knowing they were the ones who wanted this woman. Knowing they don´t have the authority to judge noone.
With one sentence, and he made lots of people think about what they are, and forget their intentions.

This is an enlightened man, people that work in an inferior level, like the stupid people that brought that woman to Jesus, can NEVER catch a superior being.
People that work in an inferior level cannot "catch" a person who is in a superior level.
Like the pharisees that brought that woman that was caught in adultery, they were trying to get Jesus for blasphemy. They asked Jesus what should they do to this woman caught in adultery. Jesus looked down to the floor, and started writting, as if they were not talking to him.
Jesus knew that if he would say to not throw stones at her, then he would be breaking Moses´s law, and inmediately condemned for heresy. So he looked at them, and just said: "Let he who is without sin, throw the first stone". And he looked back at the floor again. If he would have stared at the people, the priests would have been the first ones to throw the stones, because they wouldn´t accept they are sinner in front of Jesus. But Jesus looked down at the floor, never stared at nobody, not judging anybody, as if they were no talking to him. That took all the people attention out of Jesus, and made them look at themselves, knowing they were the ones who wanted this woman. Knowing they don´t have the authority to judge noone.
With one sentence, and he made lots of people think about what they are, and forget their intentions.

This is an enlightened man, people that work in an inferior level, like the stupid people that brought that woman to Jesus, can NEVER catch a superior being.

Be careful how you define superior. There are really clever scum that are hard to catch but I wouldn't say they were superior. In reality, it can work in the reverse where it is harder to catch those who work on an inferior level because either if one doesn't think or operate that low or unscrupulous. The one who can stand the stink will never feel a need to clean it up or change. Also, if they were that inferior, they would have thrown the stones anyways and come up with some excuse or justification or ignored him saying he's breaking tradition. There are plenty of people who are dishonest enough to ignore what's right and could care less about being enlightened. If it was just the case of enlightenment or ignorance, there would be no willful evil in the world.

Superior beings are caught all the time and even crucified for it figuratively and literally. If you look at history, there are many accounts of saints that are overrridden, tortured or killed by the inferior, evil, greedy etc.
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could jesus be locked in a mental institution?.
*put hand in Empty's shoulder*

I have some bad news for you. Jesus....... is.... he's dead.....!

Very few people get locked in the loony bin these days for simply being crazy. You have to be a threat to yourself or others.
Very few people get locked in the loony bin these days for simply being crazy. You have to be a threat to yourself or others.

So you don't think jesus claims that he's going to rule the world and then destroy the entire universe is a threat?

If he just said; "I'm a jewish untanned hippy that has never popped my cherry", then nobody would care. It's the rest of his garbage that would lead to the 'loony bin'.
apparently, ya'll haven't heard...

in puerto rico, about 2 years ago or so a man claimed he was the son of god, jesus reincarnated...

got about 7 million and then puerto rico kicked him out of the country, so he came over here... now he makes bullshit working at taco bell still trying to be the son of god

and i just realized that i said reincarnated.... that brings up another question, if jesus did come back and it wasn't in his supposed body, would it be considered reincarnated? or reborn? then if it was reincarnated, wouldn't it go against the beliefs? im not sure im not gonna say i know so much about religion.. but i know one of you do

i think, i don't know
So you don't think jesus claims that he's going to rule the world and then destroy the entire universe is a threat?
Not really, no. If he said that he was going to shoot someone, blow up a building, etc. then they would probably lock him up. If he just made vague statements about causing the end of the world, probably not.
Be careful how you define superior. There are really clever scum that are hard to catch but I wouldn't say they were superior. In reality, it can work in the reverse where it is harder to catch those who work on an inferior level because either if one doesn't think or operate that low or unscrupulous. The one who can stand the stink will never feel a need to clean it up or change. Also, if they were that inferior, they would have thrown the stones anyways and come up with some excuse or justification or ignored him saying he's breaking tradition. There are plenty of people who are dishonest enough to ignore what's right and could care less about being enlightened. If it was just the case of enlightenment or ignorance, there would be no willful evil in the world.

Superior beings are caught all the time and even crucified for it figuratively and literally. If you look at history, there are many accounts of saints that are overrridden, tortured or killed by the inferior, evil, greedy etc.

One thing is to force them, the other is to "voluntarily catch them". Like you currently catch a crazy person, a psiquiatrist need to perform a test in order to determine if the person is crazy.
I don´t think if a psiquiatrist would ask Jesus a question, Jesus would make a poop in his hand an eat it. I mean, what was dangerous about jesus was his free spirit, not his crazyness.
What society would probably do is condemn him for the first thing that appears to be against their beliefs.
could jesus be locked in a mental institution?.
Nobody does these days. Even crazy people who are a VERY significant threat to our communities...... :bugeye:
That is unfortunately true. I had a schizophrenic friend who was excessively religious. Although he didn't think he was Jesus, he dressed in robes and had long dredlocks, and he generally acted like one of Jesus' apostles all the time. Most people tolerated it, but he almost got sent away a couple times. I once intervened before he got arrested one time, only to have him get arrested in another city shortly after.
That is unfortunately true. I had a schizophrenic friend who was excessively religious. Although he didn't think he was Jesus, he dressed in robes and had long dredlocks, and he generally acted like one of Jesus' apostles all the time. Most people tolerated it, but he almost got sent away a couple times. I once intervened before he got arrested one time, only to have him get arrested in another city shortly after.

What did they arrested him for?
If Jesus is our superior, and we would be unable to touch him, how the heck did the Romans take him?
That just sounds like my husband when I kick his ass at chess. "I let you win" :rolleyes:

But it's an action a "true" Christian, which Jesus would undoubtedly have been, would have taken. Turn the other cheek and all that. Although, I don't think it applies for chess.