Could CuttleFish Ink Be Used As A Sourse Of Radium (Radioactive)?

Genius's replace people's previous models, they don't deny reality. You have repeatedly denied reality. You have had to ignore experiment after experiment because they have demonstrated your claims and your assumption wrong. Simply claiming reality is at fault because it doesn't conform to your guesses doesn't make you a genius. It makes you mentally ill. People who deny reality for the voices or notions in their head are having delusions and require medication and therapy. Your delusions of grandeur and your denial of reality are not exactly good signs. Everyone has trouble accepting they are wrong but when it turns to flat out denial of facts its something else.

You have still not given me a single phenomenon you can actually model with your theory of everything. It's not even a theory of anything, it's a theory of nothing. And to claim otherwise without evidence is yet another denial of reality.
Genius's replace people's previous models, they don't deny reality. You have repeatedly denied reality. You have had to ignore experiment after experiment because they have demonstrated your claims and your assumption wrong. Simply claiming reality is at fault because it doesn't conform to your guesses doesn't make you a genius. It makes you mentally ill. People who deny reality for the voices or notions in their head are having delusions and require medication and therapy. Your delusions of grandeur and your denial of reality are not exactly good signs. Everyone has trouble accepting they are wrong but when it turns to flat out denial of facts its something else.

You have still not given me a single phenomenon you can actually model with your theory of everything. It's not even a theory of anything, it's a theory of nothing. And to claim otherwise without evidence is yet another denial of reality.

No, I have accepted the experiments, and explained how they worked in a different way to which people think they worked. Your experiments are part of my theory.
No, I have accepted the experiments, and explained how they worked in a different way to which people think they worked.
You claimed squeezing Radium makes it glow. That's false and to claim otherwise is to deny reality.

Your experiments are part of my theory.
Still waiting for one phenomenon your 'theory' can actually model. The fact you keep avoiding the question shows you can't model anything.
You claimed squeezing Radium makes it glow. That's false and to claim otherwise is to deny reality.

Still waiting for one phenomenon your 'theory' can actually model. The fact you keep avoiding the question shows you can't model anything.

I don't know what you mean by model anything. I don't know what a model is. Science uses strange words to me.
I'm starting to think Pincho is one of those software bots that uses technobabble to create meaningless sentences. Plus...isn't it against board rules to have two woo woo's in one thread?
Plus...isn't it against board rules to have two woo woo's in one thread?
It's part of the secret plan: lure all the woo woos into one thread to argue about who's really right. And then we lock the thread so they can't get out...
The only problem is, is that we have to leave someone fairly rational to keep them arguing and he may not be fast enough to get out before we lock it. So we're looking for a volunteer.
Mac? Mac? Where'd you go?
Dude...I'd take one for the team.

Just make sure you leave me a spare I can go out like Bruce Willis in Armageddon. With a single press of the button, I'd single-handedly raise the average IQ of the board by 12%
Wasn't this thread about cuttlefish?

What I wish is that we could discover and replicate the process that controls the changing colors of the cuttlefish's skin.
The Old Guy said:
With a single press of the button, I'd single-handedly raise the average IQ of the board by 12%
Mac you could leave and do that! :p
Dude...I'd take one for the team.

Just make sure you leave me a spare I can go out like Bruce Willis in Armageddon. With a single press of the button, I'd single-handedly raise the average IQ of the board by 12%

Actually no.. I passed as Mastermind 1% of the population in my last test. And I've passed 2 Mensa tests, and failed a 3rd by 2 questions.
Actually no.. I passed as Mastermind 1% of the population in my last test. And I've passed 2 Mensa tests, and failed a 3rd by 2 questions.

Well...good for still don't know shit about physics. :)

Dude...I'm better known on this board for drinking and telling jokes....and even my pickled brain can see that you are a narcissist with delusions of grandeur who knows two things about science...Jack and squat. :)
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Well...good for still don't know shit about physics. :)

One of us doesn't, but which one?

Dude...I'm better known on this board for drinking and telling jokes....and even my pickled brain can see that you are a narcissist with delusions of grandeur who knows two things about science...Jack and squat.

Oh, you already answered my question.
One of us doesn't, but which one?

Oh, you already answered my question.

I have a layman's knowledge of physics...I defer to real physicists like AN or Ben the man.

The point I was trying to make...if the board drunk sees problems in your theory...then brother....your fucked. :)
I have a layman's knowledge of physics...I defer to real physicists like AN or Ben the man.

The point I was trying to make...if the board drunk sees problems in your theory...then brother....your fucked. :)

Everybody sees my ideas through current models. My ideas only work with different interpretations of current models. Like the sun should have a solid core with so much G, but the G works with a Black hole too, so I use the same G, but I apply to Black Hole to correct the physics of the star. Why does the Sun need a Black Hole? It needs a Black Hole to emulate what would happen for the Universe to begin.. which is pressure, which is reversed Gravity, which creates Black Holes that are not so dangerous. All of my theories are linked together, that's why it would be hard to make it all up. You could lie, but you have to make your lie work with all of your other lies, that would be very difficult to do. Take my Acid example, it works with all of my other examples from a year ago, that's not just something you can make up.