Could CuttleFish Ink Be Used As A Sourse Of Radium (Radioactive)?


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
The cuttlefish is an amazing creature which among its many talents uses the radioactive element radium in its black ink which it ejects when threatened. Could this be a readily available source of the rare and very useful element? (Radium emits light similiar to bioluminescence)
Radium doesn't emit light, it emits alpha particles. It only glows when you put it in something which converts the energy of the alpha particles into visible light.

How much Radium does a Cuttlefish actually hold? It'd have to obtain it from the water its in and it'd be very difficult to get it out of the fish, you'd still have to filter it from the ink. We have processes which filter it from water or can be obtained directly from Pitchblend (a Uranium ore) or other radioactive materials so why have all the hassle of having to farm huge quantities of cuttlefish inside radioactive water and then have the problem of getting it out of the ink.

But good job on both PP and CSS showing they don't even grasp basic physics or bother to do any research before shooting their mouths off.
It only glows when you put it in something which converts the energy of the alpha particles into visible light.

I suggest by squeezing the spin of the electrons, so that you get a faster spin. I did say probably. I even used the word electrons for you, but I don't believe in them. Squeezing the Aether is my version.
I suggest by squeezing the spin of the electrons, so that you get a faster spin. I did say probably.
So squeezing something makes its electrons spin faster? Firstly, electron spin is not physical spin, it is only called 'spin' because it transforms under the same su(2) Lie algebra as classical angular momentum does. Secondly, squeezing something doesn't make its electrons spin faster because you aren't altering any electromagnetic fields by squeezing something and due to the quantised nature of electron spin (my first point) they can't 'spin faster'. Thirdly, if you were right then surely squeezing any radioactive object would make it glow, which is obviously false.

So you've demonstrated you utterly fail to understand basic physics or even use any modicum of rationality or common sense.

I even used the word electrons for you, but I don't believe in them
Then you deny reality since we can detect and even 'see' single electrons.

In one 2 line post you managed to display your ignorance of reality in about half a dozen different ways. And you are deluded enough to think you've got a 'theory of everything'?
I'd like to see Megan Fox naked.
I'll mention that to her next time she tries chatting me up.
It's so annoying when I'm trying to have a quiet pint and she's there at the bar going "Please... please. Why won't you go out with me?"
I would like to see an electron.
I'd like to see you read a book. Or show any common sense. Or rationality. Or a shred of intelligence.

The picture shows the interference pattern made by a beam of electrons. Individual electrons can make individual dots. I know you're not up to speed on the latest physics but this did win a Nobel Prize in the 1930s. :rolleyes:
Firing Aether is what is happening here.

And you still cannot grasp the fact that your 'aether' was long ago proved to not exist. You might as well claim that physical process are brought about by the actions of little green men from Mars - since they don't exist either.
They didn't give the results he wanted.

Well, in a way they didn't give the results that work yes. I do have that problem with them, I'll admit it. But in another way, there were experiments performed that worked, and nobody even noticed that they had found the Aether. Like in the photos of electrons.. oh wavy lines.. I wonder what they are?

The main problem with the old logic was that the Aether was being treated as a whole plane of liquid, like the sea. But it is in my theory it is a gauss of grain working like a liquid, through a larger gauss, between, and through atoms. The wavy lines are where it passes through the larger gauss. The gauss somewhat restricts the flow through channels, and it is harder to detect the motion of the Earth through a restricted gauss of channels, especially when a photon is passing through the gauss towards a black hole. the other problem with the spin of the Earth is that it is not using the same channels that the photon is using. the photon goes around the channels of the atoms, until it is caught by an empty channel.
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