Could Christianity be a metaphor?

Could Christianity be a metaphor?
Metaphor is probably not the best word but probably close.

The essence of Christianity encapsulates many concepts and ideas that predated its inception. The reason it exists stems from two primary events. The first was the oppression of the Jews by the Romans and their desperate need to have a savior free them, and the decision by Constantine to have a new religion to replace the increasingly unpopular roman gods.

But throughout the creation process of this new religion there was always the archaic political perceptions and needs of authoritarianism, and reward and punishment. The myth makers knew these ideas well, they were ages old, and no one knew any better, and hence the Christ/Messiah/Savior character of Jesus evolved. It offered the ultimate in Utopian reward and punishment - believe in me and live for eternity or reject me and die. Note that the idea of hell was essentially a Christian concept, the OT does not reference a hell concept.

Once we cut through the 2 millenia of repeated myth, handed down throughout the generations, and realize that the savior concept is just that, a concept, then yes we could say that Christianity is a metaphor for an ages old authoritarian idea of ultimate reward and punishment.
But is it truth? Myth? Or neither, but rather with a lesson to teach?

I think it is obvious the concept of a Creator is plausible enough; the problem is, so many cultures have so many different ideas, who is right?

And likewise as just because I may call water by a different name, and measure it by my own standards, it does not change in form, a Creator is still the Creator no matter how different cultures view It/Him.
the bible was written centuries after the "Jesus" dies (if he even existed) so all of the bible is practically a bit complination of fable stories that sound the same to be put together to make one giant god fearing religion to keep behaviour at bay
although that is just my opinion
the reason why humans created "the creator" is because they didn't have the answers to a lot of things e.g rain, sun, food. It simply had to come from somewhere they were mystified and figured something greater than them made it and in order to keep it happy they should pray and what not even with technology and gajillions of discoveries they are still clinging to what they thought was right 2000 and more years ago. People need to adapt, I mean armadillos must sometimes think about where their food comes from (that is if they have/had the mental capability) do they belive in a god? Or is it just because of our excess brain capacity that led us to have frivulent imaginations?? I think we should be more wooried about global warming and other serious thing than is god (I dont beleive in him/it) going to send you to heaven/?
I'd say it is possible. For instance, when Christ says people will become angels, perhaps he means in a heaven on Earth? In a perfect world, with perfect people?
Hell could be the result of bad deeds, since bad deeds usually lead to bad things.
Heaven could symbolize the perfect society meant to be, and angels being the perfect people, and the wings symbolizing "freedom" or "purity"
Therefore, with good deeds comes a good world.

That, through good deeds, there shall be heaven on Earth; and through bad ones, hell.

Perhaps all language is a metaphor...perhaps.
the reason why humans created "the creator" is because they didn't have the answers to a lot of things e.g rain, sun, food. It simply had to come from somewhere they were mystified and figured something greater than them made it and in order to keep it happy they should pray and what not even with technology and gajillions of discoveries they are still clinging to what they thought was right 2000 and more years ago. People need to adapt, I mean armadillos must sometimes think about where their food comes from (that is if they have/had the mental capability) do they belive in a god? Or is it just because of our excess brain capacity that led us to have frivulent imaginations?? I think we should be more wooried about global warming and other serious thing than is god (I dont beleive in him/it) going to send you to heaven/?
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Christianity has been many things through history - a liberation movement, a means of control, a cause for war, a force for peace . . . a metaphor is just one more thing to add to the list ;-)