Could a 'poltergeisting' passenger ruin airplane's motors?


Registered Senior Member
:eek:Im wondering if an angry teenager affected with Poltergeist could cause airplane crash.
How airport controls could detect 'poltergeisting' people?

another question: there are knowed drugs/medicines/toxics/x substances... capable to increase telekinetic faculty?

I'm not a believer in anything supernatural, However I would suggest from all the bogus crap(pseudoscience) that floats around on the subject that "Poltergeists" are supposedly limited to manifestations within the environment they haunt and don't go elsewhere. So an Angry teenager would only cause a plane to crash if they overpowered the flight crew, the passengers and any law enforcement on board and set it into a nose dive.

As for "how can poltergeists be detected", Dining Chairs. Again from a pseudoscientific source (Poltergeist the film), they can never get enough dining chairs, especially precariously stacked dining chairs.

"Drugs etc for increasing Telekinetic powers?!?", I'd probably go with some decent energy drinks since the human brain consumes glucose when attempting to do high work loads. Of course I'm referencing this in regards to using BCI (Brain Computer Interfacing) to manipulate operations of robotic arms etc in the real world, not some flight of fantasy of levitating people of the grounds or throwing objects around the house. That isn't something you can do with your brain or body alone.
In 1979, the chairman of McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft awarded a $500,000 grant to ... of two years and covered a large range of ESP and psychokinesis experiments...
Also, experiments relating to micro Psychokinesis were conducted in the basement of Varian Physics Building at Stanford University. At that time, the subjects of the experiment is a well-known psychic named Ingo Swann.
I'm not a believer in anything supernatural
Why you are discussing in: On the Fringe: Parapsychology Forum?

As for "how can poltergeists be detected", Dining Chairs. Again from a pseudoscientific source (Poltergeist the film), they can never get enough dining chairs, especially precariously stacked dining chairs.
You're making fun of me?

"Drugs etc for increasing Telekinetic powers?!?", I'd probably go with some decent energy drinks since the human brain consumes glucose when attempting to do high work loads. Of course I'm referencing this in regards to using BCI (Brain Computer Interfacing) to manipulate operations of robotic arms etc in the real world
You're making fun of me? You feel you are saying useful things?

What have to do BCI with PK?

Was you read Mgr Corrado Balducci's (an eminent demonologist and parapsychologyst) book The Diabolic Posession? He studied in deep the psi phenomena. It is real.
And this relates to the shoe-size of a lesser-hyrax how?

Seriously, I discuss because apparently you asked a question, a question that can only be answered with pseudoscience/fiction or the harsh reality that it was ludicrous to begin with.

Currently day Parapsychologists tend to be Psychologists, that for the most part, look from an anthropological viewpoint how entire cultures create mysticism, spiritualism and of course their reasoning in the paranormal. As opposed to the older variety that were "Out on a witch hunt".

Your "beliefs" which is what we are really talking about here, aren't scientific, there is likely no actual evidence other than a chain of third-party extracts written by/from non-credible sources.

(BCI is about interfacing through a medium between a Computer and the Brain, this means a thought can manipulate an action "Telekinesis", however it's only possible within the environment and apparatus applied)

Also please note just because someone calls themselves a "Demonologist" doesn't mean they necessarily know about "Demons" since they are fictional. It's a bit like calling yourself a "Hobbitologist" if you read "Lord of the Rings" and knew all about "Hobbits".
:eek:Im wondering if an angry teenager affected with Poltergeist could cause airplane crash.
How airport controls could detect 'poltergeisting' people?

They can't.

We've obviously been really lucky that no one has exhibited ESP abilities thus far, in planes, trains, or automobiles.
:eek:Im wondering if an angry teenager affected with Poltergeist could cause airplane crash.

Nope. Poltergeists don't exist.

How airport controls could detect 'poltergeisting' people?

Things that don't exist cannot be detected.

another question: there are knowed drugs/medicines/toxics/x substances... capable to increase telekinetic faculty?


Increase? There are no known drugs/medicines/toxins/etc. capable of even bestowing telekensis let alone increasing it's effectiveness.
You are fun guys, i love you.

If parapychologycal phenomena dosnt exist, what you are disccussin in this subforum? Hobbitomancy? ha ha ha! thanks guys.
Telepathy, Remote View, are proto-science, is not equal to pseudo-science. If the few on PK that can be speculated arent of your interst, just say it.
Hobbitology ha ha ha! what a great day!:bawl:
Ah but the subjects "Parapsychology" which itself should really be in the Fringe section since it's more Psychology and Anthropology. The problem is that for centuries many people have cashed in on various tricks or questions with no answers to generate all the pseudo-scientific responses that still to this day are in need of being weeded out. Until such a time Parapsychology is obviously never going to be seen as a science (albeit a soft-science) but a wasteful joke.
You are fun guys, i love you.

If parapychologycal phenomena dosnt exist, what you are disccussin in this subforum? Hobbitomancy? ha ha ha! thanks guys.

We try to humor those who need it the most and anyone who believes this nonsense really needs it.
Actually, a situation similar to this actually occured, in which a demon of some sort was on the wing of an airplane and was trying to cause it to crash, I saw it on the Twilight Zone. Some what related, there is a documented case of a poltergeist I read about I believe it's name was Peeves.

This is real stuff for-crying-out-loud!
Actually, a situation similar to this actually occured, in which a demon of some sort was on the wing of an airplane and was trying to cause it to crash, I saw it on the Twilight Zone. Some what related, there is a documented case of a poltergeist I read about I believe it's name was Peeves.

This is real stuff for-crying-out-loud!

Ok, we have a documented case here. 'Something' happened. Nobody disscused the Stanford University experiment, neither the McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft psychokinetic experiment.

You are trying to understand what is Psi, and how it works. Wi-fi technology give us a clue; maybe telepathy are weaves (?) of electrostatic, capable of fine tuning of other mental weaves (?).
Remote view could work as some sort of super x rays or airport scanners, capable to penetrate dense materials and reach long distances.

In both cases, are emissions of weaves. Ergo, if the brain emits weaves; in exceptional cases the brain could emit high energy (psychokinesis)[E=mc2) if we consider energy and matter constitutes the same flux (general relativity) in a different state. Another possibility is brain emit weaves of very low energy [B]only[/B]. This seems an arbitrary restriction.
Ok, we have a documented case here. 'Something' happened. Nobody disscused the Stanford University experiment, neither the McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft psychokinetic experiment.

You are trying to understand what is Psi, and how it works. Wi-fi technology give us a clue; maybe telepathy are weaves (?) of electrostatic, capable of fine tuning of other mental weaves (?).
Remote view could work as some sort of super x rays or airport scanners, capable to penetrate dense materials and reach long distances.

In both cases, are emissions of weaves. Ergo, if the brain emits weaves; in exceptional cases the brain could emit high energy (psychokinesis)[E=mc2) if we consider energy and matter constitutes the same flux (general relativity) in a different state. Another possibility is brain emit weaves of very low energy [B]only[/B]. This seems an arbitrary restriction.

How can you have waves of energy that can affect matter, but are not detectable by any instruments?
Say . . . this thread reminds of that old 'Twilight Zone" episode where Wm. Shatner was the only passenger who could see the dude outside the plane . . . . ripping the wing panels off the plane. Perhaps the dude was a poltergeist.
If the aeroplanes control system was wireless and the teenager hacked it they could inserted a virus that could then race the motors and cause the plane to crash.
How can you have waves of energy that can affect matter, but are not detectable by any instruments?
It was an speculation of my autorship. However, my explanation is: because psychokinetic discharges could happen very rarely, in extremely exceptional cases [triggered by unknown quantum mechanisms] For this reason, no sensor could dtect it.. As in telepathy and remote view (psychic detectives), the faculty often scapes control.
In 1979, the chairman of McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft awarded a $500,000 grant to ... of two years and covered a large range of ESP and psychokinesis experiments...

Oh, you wanted responses to these. Here is the my response.

Also, experiments relating to micro Psychokinesis were conducted in the basement of Varian Physics Building at Stanford University. At that time, the subjects of the experiment is a well-known psychic named Ingo Swann.

The 'experimentation' was a joke. There is nothing but a bunch of he said - she said data. It is like the 'experiment' was run by high school kids. All experiments with decent protocol have shown that there is no such thing as remote viewing.
Oh, you wanted responses to these. Here is the my response.
The 'experimentation' was a joke. There is nothing but a bunch of he said - she said data. It is like the 'experiment' was run by high school kids. All experiments with decent protocol have shown that there is no such thing as remote viewing.

The experiment tried to test psychokinetic effect, not remote view.
Why professors used Stanford Laboratories to do jokes?

In 1972 a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) was installed in the basement of a laboratory at Stanford for a psychokinesis experiment. Source: Deepak Chopra. The Afterlife. Burden of Proof. Was it a swindle?

I'm confused, which parapsychologycal phenomena are considered more likely to exist? I saw a Discovery Channel program called Psychic Detectives, so i thought Remote View and Telepathy was considered real by science.