Cops in Louisiana no longer need warrants!

Neb, since the severe firearms restrictions were put in place, crime has gone up, in fact Australia is now banning swords.
There is a news article on this in the forum, in the first post.

Australian Gun Ban Proved Disastrous
Be that as it may, at a cost of $500 million, out of an estimated 7 million firearms (of which 2.8 million were prohibited), only 640,000 guns were surrendered to police. What has been the result? Same as in England. Like in Great Britain, crime Down Under has escalated.

Twelve months after the law was implemented in 1997, there has been a 44 percent increase in armed robberies, an 8.6 percent increase in aggravated assaults, and a 3.2 percent increase in homicides. That same year in the state of Victoria, there was a 300 percent increase in homicides committed with firearms. The following year, robberies increased almost 60 percent in South Australia. By 1999, assaults had increased in New South Wales by almost 20 percent.

Two years after the ban, there have been further increases in crime: armed robberies by 73 percent; unarmed robberies by 28 percent; kidnappings by 38 percent; assaults by 17 percent; manslaughter by 29 percent, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

And consider the fact that over the previous 25-year period, Australia had shown a steady decrease both in homicide with firearms and armed robbery – until the ban.
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
got nothing to hide, got nothing to worry about.

First off, it does not matter the, government has no right nor business in your home. Second, it is not uncommon for governmental bearucrats who get into your home to create problems where none ever existed. Third, some things the government says you cannot have or should, the government has no business telling you anyway.

As this relates to the ruling, the ruling immediately allows for law enforcement in Mississippi, Lousiana, and Texas to now arrest and search homes without a warrant, which specifically violates the 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights:

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A warrant is required, now a check against abuse of power is gone. I can promise you, it will be abused.
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
got nothing to hide, got nothing to worry about.

Well you may think that you've got nothing to hide, or to be ashamed of, but then you're not the one to be making that decision when cops are allowed to barge into your home and give it a good search through, at their leisure.

I’m going to have to uncharacteristically take the side of my good friends “truth” and immane1 on this issue, it’s entirely unacceptable.
There is already an exception to the warrant requirement (well, many exceptions, but I'm focusing on one for the moment) that enables officers to enter a home or business without a warrent in "exigent circumstances" -- when there is an actual physical threat to the officers or civilians, when there is a danger that evidence will be destroyed (like pot flushed down the toilet), etc. I don't get *at all* why this is necessary.

Add to the mix that New Orleans has one of the, if not *the*, most corrupt police department in the nation.

Despite my longstanding goal to be flagged as a seditionist by the Department of Fatherland, er, Homeland Security, I would have nothing to hide from a police stop and search. (That doesn't mean they can't plant something on me or physically harm me in some way during their visit, because without a paper trial how would I prove they were ever in my home?) It outrages me nonetheless, and I would resent any intrusion (including the ones I've already suffered) simply because THE POLICE SHOULD NOT BE ENTITLED TO SIMPLY ENTER MY HOUSE WHENEVER THEY CHOOSE WITHOUT A WARRANT. The Fourth Amendment is unique in being pretty easy to understand and unambiguous, and yet it keeps getting pushed aside.

If you aren't utterly disgusted by this, you aren't paying enough attention.
truth said:
First off, it does not matter the, government has no right nor business in your home. Second, it is not uncommon for governmental bearucrats who get into your home to create problems where none ever existed. Third, some things the government says you cannot have or should, the government has no business telling you anyway.

As this relates to the ruling, the ruling immediately allows for law enforcement in Mississippi, Lousiana, and Texas to now arrest and search homes without a warrant, which specifically violates the 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights:

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A warrant is required, now a check against abuse of power is gone. I can promise you, it will be abused.

You and are bloody lucky to live in countries where we can say governments have no right to come into our homes. In some countries we couldn't even have this argument without being put in jail. It's not like anything terrible will happen to you if such a law is passed, if it were, it would already have happened.

Stop your whinging, i can't stand all these citizens rights people, your helping crime and crazies and pedophiles and rapists and internet criminals to hide.

How many pedophiles do you think there would be if the police could come into your house at any time? A shitload less it would have to be said.
Mystech said:
Well you may think that you've got nothing to hide, or to be ashamed of, but then you're not the one to be making that decision when cops are allowed to barge into your home and give it a good search through, at their leisure.

I’m going to have to uncharacteristically take the side of my good friends “truth” and immane1 on this issue, it’s entirely unacceptable.

Give me your reasons? why would it upset you?
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
Give me your reasons? why would it upset you?

Because there are laws in this nation that are utterly absurd. It's illegal to own dildos in some states and I'd hate to be fined on such a stupid thing.

The point is that the principal of this issue is that by doing this the government of Louisiana is saying that it's citizens are not entitled to a private life. The government is literally allowed to barge into their homes and tell them what they can and can't do. It sends the message that people haven't got a right to a private individual life, and that everything they do, no mater where they do it is subject to government scrutiny and must be ceased if it doesn't receive their approval. You're living your life by the approval of others who have no inherent claim on any interest in what you're doing, and that's just a bad place to be in. We don't need the police to have the power to breath down the neck of any citizens not already suspected of being involved in criminal activity.

Your whole argument here seems to be that you'd be ok with everything because you're a good little citizen marching exactly in beat with the government's drum. Well good for you, maybe next you'll start agreeing with compulsory public strip-searches and thanking God almighty that the police are their to reach their fingers up your but to make sure you aren't smuggling anything in there that they might disapprove of. The rest of us have more sense than that.
i dont see what anyone has got agaisnt this law, if a policeman comes to search your house too often
hide in a dark room, with one of those aluminum baseball bats you americans are so proud of, and hit the cop in the face, or kneecap, say you thought he was a crook
dont you have a rule in your country that says if someone is in your house uninvited, basically anything you do is legal?