Cops in Louisiana no longer need warrants!


Registered Senior Member
:eek: I got a shiver down my spine when I read this and it should scare the crap out of you too! In Louisana, police can now search your home and arrest you without a warrant, but they claim that they will not abuse that power!!! Where is that puking smilie when you need it?!?!

Court Opens Door To Searches Without Warrants
NEW ORLEANS -- It's a groundbreaking court decision that legal experts say will affect everyone: Police officers in Louisiana no longer need a search or arrest warrant to conduct a brief search of your home or business.

Leaders in law enforcement say it will provide safety to officers, but others argue it's a privilege that could be abused.

The decision was made by the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Two dissenting judges called it the "road to Hell."

The ruiling stems from a lawsuit filed in Denham Springs in 2000.

New Orleans Police Department spokesman Capt. Marlon Defillo said the new power will go into effect immediately and won't be abused.

"We have to have a legitimate problem to be there in the first place, and if we don't, we can't conduct the search," Defillo said.

But former U.S. Attorney Julian Murray has big problems with the ruling.

"I think it goes way too far," Murray said, noting that the searches can be performed if an officer fears for his safety -- a subjective condition.

Defillo said he doesn't envision any problems in New Orleans, but if there are, they will be handled.

"There are checks and balances to make sure the criminal justce system works in an effective manor," Defillo said.
I thought that the Patriot Act already permitted law enforcement to enter private premises without a search warrant, or at least made it much easier for them to do so.

You know, it'll just get to a point when people will have had too much. And then it'll be too late :(
That is a lie. The cops will think they have some type of power and they can and probably arrest anybody at anytime. I can't belive that this shit was passed there. :mad:
Uh, cp, this was not a law passed, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, a Federal court decided this. The only recourse is the US Supreme Court. It does not matter if you are a Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, this should scare the crap out of everyone of us. This is supposed to be America, where this exact kind of thing is not suppose to happen. Another reason for the 2nd Amendment!
i can definitely see this getting appealed further to the supreme court. this is a slap in the face to individual rights and privacy. itll never fly, hopefully
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
got nothing to hide, got nothing to worry about.
So you wouldn't mind if I, being a cop, were able to come into your house and routinely search it ... right? Say, every Saturday at 3pm? Does that work out for you? No? Too bad.
There is this thingy called the 4th amendment. This shit will never fly. If it does, we are probably on a collision course with another revolution. Sooner than expected.

Nebuchadnezzaar, I hope you are just kidding. If not, thank God(or whomever) that you don’t live here. We already have too many of your type. BTW, how’s the crime rate “down under” lately?
pragmathen said:
So you wouldn't mind if I, being a cop, were able to come into your house and routinely search it ... right? Say, every Saturday at 3pm? Does that work out for you? No? Too bad.

No worries, knock yourself out. I might not be home every time though.
immane1 said:
Nebuchadnezzaar, I hope you are just kidding. If not, thank God(or whomever) that you don’t live here. We already have too many of your type. BTW, how’s the crime rate “down under” lately?

too many of my type? please explain.

crime rate's good down under, nothing to worry about, we still leave our door unlocked and mostly open when we're home.
too many of my type? please explain.
Not even going to waste my time.

crime rate's good down under, nothing to worry about, we still leave our door unlocked and mostly open when we're home.

Specifically, the violent crime rate is higher in your country than just about all other countries in the world including the US. ;) :p
daGUY said:
I thought that the Patriot Act already permitted law enforcement to enter private premises without a search warrant, or at least made it much easier for them to do so.

I think with the patriot act they still have to make a case to a judge before starting that type of behavior.

I sure hope this is overruled quickly and those judges removed from their positions as incompetents. Federal judges ruling against the constitution cannot be tolerated.
immane1 said:
too many of my type? please explain.
Not even going to waste my time.

crime rate's good down under, nothing to worry about, we still leave our door unlocked and mostly open when we're home.

Specifically, the violent crime rate is higher in your country than just about all other countries in the world including the US. ;) :p

What a load of lies,where did you get that info from?

including the US??? of the 275 million provately owned guns in the world US citizens own 250 million of those, that's over ten times our population with guns and you reckon there is more violent crime?

why don't you crawl back under your rock, eat shit and die.

You people think that you have found something........shit!

Take a look (a damn good look):
<u><font color="red"></u><font color>


Look~Godamnit~ just look at what I have been trying to show all of you silly asssholes at sciforums!!!!!!!!

I was once a democrat, but I got put off by their lies and accusations (a long time ago) that they were themselves were guilty of. Only recently however, during the Reign of George "Long Shanks" Bush (& his old style USSR KGB crotch sniffing internet agents), that I have realized what so many others have been telling me for years now~....that they are fucking us ! ! ! !

Just look through the glasses, that's all that I ask. This is no BullShit! Just take a look.</font color><font color="black">

They Live
An economic crisis brings unemployed Nada (Roddy Piper) to L.A. in search of work. What he finds instead is that the ruling elite of the world are aliens in disguise, their aim being to keep humans in a state of mindless consumerism. His discovery comes when he dons a pair of special sunglasses made by a resistance group and sees for the first time reality unadorned. Billboards, store signs, magazine covers--all bear subliminal messages to OBEY, to CONSUME, to have NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. Money itself says THIS IS YOUR GOD. But worst of all, with these glasses you see which of us are really hideous, bug-eyed aliens. And in case you haven't guessed yet, I'll let you in on a little secret: they're all Republicans! The conceptual breakthrough is hilarious while keeping its roots in darker matters. Although some fault the film for settling into its action plot, the ending has a great payoff. And the direction by John Carpenter is handled with superb workmanlike aplomb. One unforgettable set piece has Piper in a back-alley fistfight with a friend who won't put on the glasses that goes on and on, and just when you think it's over it goes another round. One of the most subversive films ever made in Hollywood, They Live was released on the eve of the 1988 elections. The first TV ads had two hideous alien politicians debating, then one accusing the other of being "No John Kennedy!"

Starring: Roddy Piper i'm here to chew bubble gum and kickm ass..."
</font color><font color="black">

<font color="red"><b>Please download "Peer Guardian."</b> It's completely free. I have absolutely nothing to do with these people at all~~I Swear to God that I don't!~~~.</b> <u>I was originally wondering why my computer became bogged down, & then I came across a post made by WET1.... AND IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I SURFED THIS SITE.</U> I am not putting you people on this time!

After you download "Peer Guardian", you will be able to see the various cocksuckers that are going to be scanning your computer,<i> with some that will be planting hidden software/viruses, that may be used against you, in the future.</i>

Peer Guardian is a community effort <b>(It's us)</b>, just like Sciforums has been ..when I first came here <i>(four years ago).</i> After a lot of BS & humor, I managed to get the old timers (at sciforums) to drop their attitudes and be open to the ideas of others. I hope that the present crop of bananas here will listen.

Peer Guardian is something that you need to have on your start menu, before you sign onto the net_use it, log all scans, and report back to your favorite forums.

<b>I know that many of you don't trust me anymore......please trust me now, people</b>. Once again, I am not "spamming" or profiting in any way. This post is about freedom, not money.</font>
The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by Leiden University in Holland, found that England and Wales ranked second overall in violent crime among industrialized nations.

that was dated in March 2001 what a load of bull...
SA still tops -- on Interpol's violent crime list
South Africa (52 485 murders and attempted murders; in pop: 43 million)
Australia (700, 19 million)
Romania (1 597, 22 million)
Germany (2 851, 82 million)
Tanzania (2 390, 31 million)
Venezuela (8 022, 24 million)
Ecuador (3 217, 12 million).

When these figures are converted to 100 000 people, the rate for South Africa is 121.9. None of the other countries mentioned even approaches this number.

The country with the second-highest rate is Venezuela with 33.2 per 100 000 people.

Martin Schonteich, senior researcher at the Institute for Security Studies, said all crime statistics were based on the number of reported crimes and the real number might be even higher.

"Since 1996, South Africa has been one of three countries with the highest rates for murder, sexual offences and serious assault from the 110 Interpol countries. This is very concerning, because such crimes create fear in communities and lead to people feeling unsafe."

This fear resulted in actions such as streets being blocked off with access control, vigilante attacks, psychiatric problems, higher medical costs, unproductive performance at work and dwind

that was dated in March 2001 what a load of bull...

Below is a post you just made in a thread that was supposed to be discussing what you ate that day.

(Article from the Economist, June 8, 1996)

You are not very good at this are you?

You still have not proven anything I stated wrong.

"Australia led the list with more than 30 percent of its population victimized."

That's my favorite quote from the link I posted. Read it and weep, roo boy.