Convert me


Have you tried converting to smarty pants or sugar cakes or peaches? It may work wonders ... :)
Look they converted this monster :confused:

Just so You all know I am agnostic/athiest, for all the people I have known to convert are at their lowest end and become weak in the mind so need to find some way to feel good, so all religion is created in the minds of men, nothing more and nothing less.

For all the evil that i've seen in the world it has been done in the name of religion, hitler with the jews, the crusades the World trade centre, the list is endless....

My uncle became born again christian after becoming a drunken lout, and losing his mind he tried to preach to me I that if i dont believe in god and go to church i'd go to hell, well guess were I told him where to go? ;)

I dont mind people living peacefull and believing in god thats fine by me for them but Its all the badness that comes from religion in general that pisses me off.

Thing I find funny about religious people is they read out of a book that has been rewritten countless times no doubt and use that as their own personal thought, that baffles me because MEN wrote the bloody thing, with their own personal thought does that mean its true?

I dont have the right to tell ppl not to believe just as much as others dont have the right to tell others how to think thats how I think, thats pretty much what i think of religion, lemme guess some christian or some other religions person will say I will go to hell, well explain that link above I gave u I aint a greedy person I havent hurt anyone and I am honest person, Then tell me i'd go to some figment of your imagination called hell.

Dug-T said:
Just so You all know I am agnostic/athiest, for all the people I have known to convert are at their lowest end and become weak in the mind so need to find some way to feel good, so all religion is created in the minds of men, nothing more and nothing less.
That is a very strange sentence hovering somewhere between semantically incoherent and intellectually vapid. Please try again.
You're converted.

LOL, well there you go!! you've been converted. Though to what it still remains to be seen.

ConsequentAtheist mabye I wasnt clear enough I meant the ppl I personally know, or ppl i've heard of who have converted to being a christian from catholic etc, or do you mean I wasnt clear about the athiest to agnostic thing? well since i dont know if god exists and neither does anyone really I dont really think much of a god, so I guess I am hovering inbetween being agnostic and athiest which is the most sensible way IMO.

Basically I only believe what my eyes see.

What I mean is I cant prove he doesnt exist just like religious types can't either, well appart from the holy babble.
You might wish to become more coherent in expressing your own world view before challenging others to convert you. What, for example, does it mean to "have converted to being a christian from catholic"? You might also take some time to consider the possible distinctions between agnosticism and ambivalence.

Finally, sentences such as "What I mean is I cant prove he doesnt exist just like religious types can't either, well appart from the holy babble." are hardly more intelligent than the "babble" being ridiculed. Have you ever read anything by a leading, scholarly theologian? Do you consider "Summa Theologica" babble?

Try again.
Hey dont tell me to try again boyo, I gave my thoughts accept its my thoughts and move on jeez.
And what do you mean by me expressing my own views before I challenge others to convert me, Holy shit after 2 posts on this forum you presume to know me from a that, dont like my views? I DONT CARE MR ;)

I didnt get good schooling so don't expect great grammar from me, so dont mock my words ok.

So dont try and be a smart guy and say "try again" I dont bite for shit like that.

p.s why is it when u get in a conversation with ppl on forums like this they quote books I havent heard let alone read Summa Theologica, all my thoughts on religious sit in my head not from books.
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People often convert out of personal existential fear, I think this is what Dug-T is trying to say.

I know a 26-year old Mormon missionary, who converted to Mormonism at age 22. In his youth, he was regularily physically abused by his grandfather. He moved out of his home in his early teens, did drugs and had what he called a really bad life. He came so far that he was about to kill himself -- and then two Mormon missionaries knocked on his door -- and he felt saved.

I say the man coverted out of fear and misery, not because he really believed in Jesus and all that. At that time in his life, when the two missionaries came, he was so low that he would have accepted any helping hand -- even if two terrorists would come and offer him a way out of his personal trouble by joining their cause. It just happens to be that Mormons go around houses a lot more than terrorists ...

And it is such religious faith that is not true: it works as a cover-up for his personal trouble. He didn't solve his problems: he only put a blanket on them in order to hide them from himself, as he probably feels that they are too hard to solve or live with.

I've spend some time with him, and that's how I reached this conclusion. He is still very negativistic, sarcastic, he even lies -- all the traits a Mormon should not have.

It is sad, and bizzare, to see how people try to trick themselves by converting, hoping that their deep personal trouble will somehow disappear at baptism.
Dreamwalker said:
Did I say anything about explaining? I just said converting.
Christians converted people for some hundred years without explaining.
They managed well enough with threats. :p

The end justifies the means smartypants! ;)