
In the last 10 years, have you changed religious beliefs?

  • Yes. Converted from Christianity to Islam.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Converted from Islam to Christianity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Converted from being religious to atheism.

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • Yes. Converted from being atheist to Christianity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Converted from being atheist to Islam.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Converted from Christianity to another religion (specify below).

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Yes. Converted from another religion to Christianity (specify below).

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • No. I have followed the same religious beliefs for the last 10 years.

    Votes: 17 47.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
I hear that the United States, in particular, is becoming a more and more religious nation in many ways.

I am wondering whether this is simply due to who is in power right now, or are people in general turning more to religion in the "age of terrorism" etc. etc.?

So, a quick poll of sciforums users. Who has converted to a different religious belief in the last ten years?
The current administration has extended lots of tax and federal relief to evangelical institution in this country which has seen a proliferation of these "evangelical companies" like the dotcoms in 90s.

They justify the right wing agenda and the war in Iraq by reading verses from the bible ..that is why when Tsunami struck unannounced these evangelist were kinda confused as to how to explain it to the general population. There is a guy I can get you his name he goes on the TV with Saddam in back ground and explains it - that it was prophesized in bible that it will happen.

But all in all the red neck southern culture is picking up faster than you can say NASCAR. I would not call it turning to religion in times of terrorism - religion is being used to justify acts of terrorism just like Islamic fundamentalist do in rest of the world.
The United States is moving towards a totalitarian police state. Religion is one of the tools being used to indoctrinate the masses.
james it should be converted from agnostic to xianity or islam. for an atheist to convert is impossible, people do not go from rational to the irrational, unless they become "crazy".
no, atheists can and do convert. they are invariably -weak- atheists, but it happens. usually it is an emotionally-based conversion rather than a rationally-based one.
The majority of Christian conversions I have met were Atheist converting to Christian.
dr cello : thats what I said, they have to become irrational.
and one raven I'm sorry that is without doubt impossible, non-believers, agnostics, but never in a billion years woulds a real atheist convert, it would be like plucking his own eyes out.
think about what your saying first, think about what it is to be a real atheist, and then tell me rationally how it could be possible, it just is'nt, without first becoming irrational/crazy.
nobody in their right mind would suddenly believe fantasy over reality.
So, you don't think there exists any intelligent, sane Theists in the world? :bugeye:
I see.
I have probably always been agnostic for as long as I can remember. I have memories of gingerly stating to friends around the age of 10 that there wasn't a God and all the things they teach us in religious class is fake. The fact I was scared to admit this in a secular country, highlights the problems faced in America, especially in a fanatically religious family.

But well, even in secular countries kids are taught the existence of God because it is something they can understand... rather like the toothfairy. Luckily though, most people in this country grow out of religion if they are unfortunate enough to be born into it or taught it at school.
one_raven said:
So, you don't think there exists any intelligent, sane Theists in the world? :bugeye:
I see.
religious people can be intelligent, literally thousands or millions are more intelligent then me and you, all bar that one dividing thing. rationality. they could be an einstein, but if they lack rationality, they cant be taken seriously.
there lies the problem.( the world she isa flat, the sun and stars go rounda de earth, I D)
not possible malkavpunk you sure you dont mean non-believer, to be atheist means you just dont convert, you could not have been sure orginally, you must have been an agnostic all the time.
I was born into a free thinking family, so I've known nothing other than common sense.
my maternal grandfather was brought up a catholic but never really spoke of it. we only ever talked of gods, in there true sense fictional.
so I was free of indoctrination, from any believe system, or atheism, until I was old enough to chose a path for myself.

and malkavpunk, I can only agree with geeser, on that point you could not have been sure originaly, as it's would be a hell of a leap backwards.
geeser, stop telling people what is and is not impossible for them. i've had christians tell me it's impossible for true christians to convert to atheism--this is highly offensive.

a 'weak' atheist merely withholds belief in god, yes? he does not actively -disbelieve-. this does not necessitate rationality. there are some -stupid- atheists out there. nor does religion total irrationality. i've met some very intelligent christians.
dr cello said:
this is highly offensive
and them constantly preaching everywhere I look and them killing innocents is not offensive.
dr cello do you believe that a religious person is deluding himself or do you believe they are right.
and do you think of yourself as rational, or are you irrational, are you deluded for not having a belief in a god. is'nt your possition stronger, or do you believe the theists possition stronger.
as this is all I 'm saying.

and no a weak atheist, just wont commit to saying there absolutely sure theres no god. because it would be irrational to say definitely, as he can not travel the cosmos to prove it, but he is 99.9% certain.
geeser said:
and no a weak atheist, just wont commit to saying there absolutely sure theres no god. because it would be irrational to say definitely, as he can not travel the cosmos to prove it, but he is 99.9% certain.

Right, I think that scientific thought even falls under this category - we are never 100% sure of anything - just damn close. It all works on provisional agreement based mostly on empiric evidence which has been tested again and again and again 'till we get widely accepted theories like gravity or fluid dynamics or evolution or the like. On this system God is on pretty equal footing with unicorns, and the tooth fairy or anything else for which there is no evidence - so it is rather safe to say "There is no God" because as of yet there's no evidence to the contrary (and of course it doesn't work the other way because we don't assume positives).

I used to consider myself a Christian at one point as a child, though I was too young then to even really consider which particular faction I belonged too - my dad was catholic, mother Baptist (neither practiced), and I studied the bible with some local Jehovah’s witnesses. After some time I just sort of grew out of religion just like I did with fearing bogymen under my bed or wondering at the nature of this strange egg laying Easter bunny.

I accept that faith isn't really a useles thing - I mean a lot of people seem to draw streingth from it, but I'm also rational to see that it's not as big a deal and certanly not as concrete or serious as so many people like to pretend - it's a little silly and if you're going to hold it at least have the honesty to admit that you're fooling yourself. Of course, I realize that in the case of many the issue is also that they're being fooled by others as well so I guess it's slightly more complicated.
geeser said:
and them constantly preaching everywhere I look and them killing innocents is not offensive.
dr cello do you believe that a religious person is deluding himself or do you believe they are right.
and do you think of yourself as rational, or are you irrational, are you deluded for not having a belief in a god. is'nt your possition stronger, or do you believe the theists possition stronger.
as this is all I 'm saying.

and no a weak atheist, just wont commit to saying there absolutely sure theres no god. because it would be irrational to say definitely, as he can not travel the cosmos to prove it, but he is 99.9% certain.

yes, preaching is offensive. so is informing people that they didn't really believe in a way that they know they did.

you can't speak for everyone. i believe the religious man is deluded. but here's the kicker: they do not. they believe it can be justified rationally, and they have tried to do so. they are misled and ignorant, perhaps, but not necessarily irrational or illogical. and a majority of people who believe something, atheist or not, don't have rational reasons for it.
dr cello said:
you can't speak for everyone. i believe the religious man is deluded. but here's the kicker: they do not. they believe it can be justified rationally, and they have tried to do so. they are misled and ignorant, perhaps, but not necessarily irrational or illogical. and a majority of people who believe something, atheist or not, don't have rational reasons for it.
but as I gather, from reading the posts.
the arguement, is whether an atheist can become religious, well basically no. for an atheist to go from a logic based rationale, to what he knows, is an illogical rationale, is impossible, you are asking him to go from reality to imaginary, where as the reverse is totally possible.
so in conclusion regardless of theists believing their rational, you cant be atheist and then convert to irrationality, this is usually a statement a theist makes to try justify his theism is more logical then atheism, which usually falls on deaf ears.

oh and could you post up a reference to how an atheist does'nt have a rational reason.