Controling Dreams

darkred I wake up from my sleep only to have my dream interfear with my daily activity. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Also when I'm about to go to bed, I see what will be joining me in my sleep. I know I sound crazy, I think I am. Let me explain. I see, feel, comunicate, etc. with someone I know or someone I am clueless about. Clueless if it is a she/he, its age, if its good or evil etc.
When I'm awake I can feel someone(s) company. I can also see them, even talk to "IT" telepathicly. My Spelling Really Sucks - I know...
I have had a sleep study done to see if I had narcolepsy. Results shows I don't, but I did have a nightmare that was captured in thier thinga-ma-jig. It was bad enough I woke up and had to think if it was real or not. I will be seeing an expert in sleep studies Jan. 9, 05. To find out why I reguire so much sleep and to answers a few of my questions I have. Mean while is there anyone out there who can give me your 2 cents? :confused:
you can talk to this person? sounds like multiple personalities. luckily most of mine get along, just got to keep them under control or theyll drive you crazy
yea i can control my dreams ... thats what a dream was i thought ... o yes i realize i am in a dream 2 ... isnt that what happens when you dream?
I am new to this but i am curious if anyone has any feedback on this:

I used to dream very well. But here in the past 5 years or so I haven't been able to dream. I miss it very much and wonder if anyone has any ideas on how I may be able to bring them back.
sometimes i have semi-lucid dreams where i figure out that its a dream while sleeping and i get to control it but after a day or so, i forget that i could control the dream. now that im reading this post, i realize that i have controlled my dreams but not a lot.
Oxygen said:
Wow, how did I learn to recognize dreams? Eek, that's a tough one. I think it started when I was introduced to a meditation technique. Instead of trying to fill your mind with nothingness, you actually let thoughts, ideas, and images flow through your mind like a stream. The tricky part is not to hold on to any image, just to let it go. If a fiery red Corvette goes streaking across your mind's eye, you don't go "Whoa! That was a neat car!" You just accept the Corvette and move on, literally not giving it another moment's thought. You have to learn that the images existed only in that moment, and recalling them is essentially forcing them on yourself. Sure, later on you can recall seeing particualr images, but for the moment you have to learn how to forget them. It's very hard to do at first. I practiced for months at it before I started to get the hang of it. My biggest roadblock was my tendency to analyze images. ("A circus tent? Why did I see a circus tent, and why was there a large circle hovering over it? What does the circle represent?")

Once I learned to stop analyzing everything, then I had to overcome my own internal censors. Images that I found disgusting or disturbing I made the mistake of trying to block. All that did was to create a mental logjam. I became agitated and couldn't continue. Finally, I just learned to accept all the images and move on. I can always go over them later.

I think this is where the dream recognition thing kicked in. Certain images would repeat themselves during different sessions, although not necessarily all of them and not always in the same order. I learned how to recognize them without holding onto them. There was no "Wow! There's the beheaded guy underneath the carpet! This must mean I'm in a deep state!" Recognizing subconcious signposts without disturbing the meditative state is, I feel, the key to dream recognition.

I'm still not sure what I see or sense in a dream that tips me off. But something somewhere in the dream causes me to go "Wait a minute. This isn't real. It's just a dream." At first I thought it was when things stopped making sense. ("Hmmm, I live in California. What am I doing in a small church in Tennessee?") That isn't always the case. I was dreaming of a normal workday once. It was boring. At some point I realized it was a dream so I took off flying like a superhero just because I thought it would be neat. It was.

Practice the meditation thing first. I'll try to find my original source material, where I learned what, etcetera. Don't expect to catch on at first. Like I said, it took me months just to get the hang of it, and I was living in a pretty quiet, meditation-friendly environment at the time. Post me if you have any questions, because this can be pretty tricky stuff.

hey oxygen can you give me a bit more clearer advice and wat do u do wen u DO get the hang of it?