contrails and chemtrails

Never mind them Blind Fools Ozarky, they're attempting to take a picture of a man with a wooden leg LoL ;)
Air Force Lies To America About Chemtrails!
(See Official Document jpg at the link!)

This letter authored by Michael K. Gibson, Lt. Col., USAF
This document received by email on September 11 2000
Posted by Clifford E Carnicom
September 11 2000

"hoax (n.)- An act intended to deceive or trick."
"lie (n) - 1. A false statement deliberately presented as true.
(v) 2. To convey a false image or impression."
The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Edition, 1994.


Dear Lt. Col. Michael Gibson...About Your Chemtrail "Response"...

From Diane Harvey

Michael K. Gibson, Lt.Col, USAF
Deputy Chief, Congressional Inquiry Division
Office of Legislative Liaison

Dear Col. Gibson:

This responds to your "response" to Representative Mark Green concerning chemtrails. I have of course removed your quotation marks from the word "chemtrails" and put them where they belong: around the word "response". Your ludicrous reply to sincere citizens demands for an explanation is receiving precisely the quality and quantity of outrage it so richly deserves. There are tens of thousands of us who have perforce been obliged to educate ourselves, in depth and at tedious length, in regard to this relatively new phenomenon overhead. We've done our homework, collected our research, and published our increasing encyclopedias of evidence. We are not amused with your infantile "ice crystals" taradiddle.

My father, like you, was a colonel in the USAF. He was physically courageous, deeply honorable and intellectually scrupulous. He never told lies, and neither do his children, who were patriotic little career Air Force brats. He thought of his service career, strange to say, as keeping the world safe for...well, what exactly was it he kept the world safe for, Col. Gibson? Oh yes: Democracy. Does this word ring any bells? I'm sure you've heard of it- the old "of the people, by the people, and for the people" kind of thing? Are you quite comfortable, morally speaking then, with your present function in our threadbare but still supposedly democratic society? Are you proud of yourself, sitting around churning out insultingly childish, barefaced lies to the American public? Who do you imagine is soothed by your serving up such an abysmally unintelligent piece of droning fluff? We are concerned, Colonel, and we are correct: your patronizingly meaningless letter is just one bit of proof that something is terribly wrong. And we can only be disgusted that the USAF, having done it's duty to help destroy Communism, seems now to be doing its part to destroy democracy as well.

Furthermore, Colonel Gibson, if you are "only following orders" and feel you absolutely must tell outrageous lies to the public, then at least let them be reasonably scientifically sophisticated and intellectually edible. Since you lack the courage and honor required of honesty and a decent response, at least give us worthier puffs of smoke and a bit of razzle-dazzle mirror-work. Don't bother your pretty little head trying to palm off pathetic imitations of Contrails 101 on a segment of the population which is highly informed. The purple dinosaur level of your letter to Mr. Green entirely fails to entertain us. You will need to command a far higher order of drivel altogether for that.

You may choose to treat us as imbeciles, but this merely degrades you personally, and your department, and the USAF, and this government. I am not a liar, Colonel Gibson, and neither am I subject to inane delusional states. The countless other perfectly sane citizens of this country who are observing and reporting the factual proliferation of chemtrails are also not going to be content to be spoken to in such a shamefully dismissive manner. We know precisely who is hoaxing who, and we are hardly going to be quelled by such a fatuous and pathetic attempt at a reply. You have not heard the last from us, Colonel Gibson. If I were you, I'd give the matter of chemtrails some serious thought. As long as they are present in our daily lives, we are going to be present in yours, and in the offices of our elected officals.


Diane Harvey
cc: The Honorable Mark Green United States House of Representatives Washington DC 20515
ETs And Chemtrails -
The Cover-up Converges
From Will Thomas <>

Dear Jeff,

What do UFOs and Chemtrails have in common?

Too much denial.

Anyone who has taken their chemtrail sightings to skeptics in the media, their own household or neighborhood has experienced the rejection and ridicule reserved for messengers of imminent alien invasion.

In both cases, continuing closed corporate media access stems from the same assumptions about a "reality" so limited, at least 90 percent of the human experience of their audience goes unreported and acknowledged. If a story doesn't fit the dominator paradigm, it doesn't exist.

But chemtrails are as real as a KC-135. Unlike UFOs reported in distant regions, chances are you can go outside and watch the big jets laying down patterns of long-lasting plumes right over your house and neighborhood.

It is a powerful advertisement that we are being daily deceived and endangered by the very people who are pledged and paid to protect us. Chemtrails are not contrails. And they are not going away. As more and more Americans learn to look up, the clouds of confusion and complicity woven by media's mass mesmerizers are seen to be as wispy and obscuring as continuing official reassurances that everything is "normal" - a condition that has not existed for quite some time.

Whether it's alleged beings from Betelgeuse, or toxins falling from Greenhouse skies, "National Security" is just another name for lying. Ironically, the more desperate and absurd the denials of aerial phenomenon taking place over millions of startled heads, the more anxiety, hype, hysteria and mistrust of authority results. Cynicism this deep is the death of democracy. Real security comes when everyone is informed of what's going on - and has a choice in a country's collective response.

William Thomas _____

ETs And Chemtrails - The Cover-up Converges

Excerpted from Whitley Strieber's Hidden Agendas UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT by Don Berliner Dell Publishing June 2000

Introduction By Editor William Thomas

A 15th century painting depicting a clearly discernible flying saucer over the shoulder of the Madonna, and a Bubonic Plague-era woodblock print showing a dirigible-like craft spraying germs on the populace below provide disturbing pictorial documentation that UFOs and aerial biowarfare have been factors in human civilizations for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.

Possible convergence of completely disparate UFO and CT activities has come from reports and photographs of small silver spheres the size and metallic reflectance of drone-like WWII "foo fighters" observed pacing chemtrails in recent months.

Cobweb-like artificial filaments up to 40-feet long draped in recent years over oil rigs, highways, porches, powerlines and police cruisers have also been reported since at least 1948. Causing severe illness after landing on the backs of cows, horses and human observers, this "angel hair" material has, on at least two occasions in 1999 and 2000, been linked by eye-witnesses to passing jet aircraft.

The latest incident - which created a press sensation in Karoo, South Africa in July, 2000 - followed reports of intensive UFO activity in the same area. Carried by national television, these South African UFO sightings preceded "cobwebs" dropped from the sky onto a farmer,s cows one week later. This latest "coincidence" mirrors many similar reports over previous decades in which UFO sightings were later followed by the sudden appearance of unusual, possibly pathogenic filaments that often dissolved soon after falling from the sky to the ground.

Though the CT phenomenon is relatively recent, with widespread public notice of unusual jet aircraft plumes beginning around November, 1998, the reaction of authorities and media "content providers" is similar to sightings of other unusual flying activities documented since "foo fighters" shadowed bomber formations during the Second World War.

A major difference in assessing the validity of UFOs and CTs is that, unlike UFOs, radar corroboration of visual sightings of CTs is entirely lacking. Or suppressed.

Reading through Berliner,s UFO Briefing Document, comparisons between UFO and Chemtrail (CT) sightings and cover-ups by the press, military and government officials are striking. By simply substituting the acronym "CT" for "UFO" in Strieber,s introduction and subsequent statements quoted in Berliner,s book, I have found reports and official reaction of two completely different aerial activities - one involving unidentified flying objects and the other clearly identifiable U.S. Air Force tanker planes - virtually interchangeable.

In terms of government secrecy and duplicity, we have been here before. Ironically, attempts to maintain a cover-up over widely observed aerial anomalies in hopes of maintaining public security and confidence in their elected officials is having precisely the opposite effect. Whether contemplating the implications of ETs or CTs, a public that is increasingly convinced of both realities is growing increasingly cynical and suspicious of official denials.

The time for truth is now.

What do UFOs and Chemtrails have in common? Decide for yourself:

Quotes and [paraphrases] from Don Berliner's 'UFO Briefing Document' with "CT" (Chemtrails) substituted for "UFO"

In The Beginning "thousands of cases had been accumulated."

"It was the beginning of a sighting wave so massive that is was attributed by an uneasy press to hysteria."

"Sightings became more numerous and detailed."

"[Authorities] concluded that the CT mystery was not worth scientific investigation."


"Why is nothing being done? The reason is that even well-informed scientists disbelieve the CT information so completely that they do not consider it worth pursuing. [CT] briefing documents present damning evidence of government secrecy."

"Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the [unusual sky plumes and patterns] are nonsense."

"Officials have exerted great effort to convince the public that CTs have no validity and that they are no more than mistaken observations of [normal flight patterns]"

"Behind the shield of secrecy, it is possible for an agency or service to avoid scrutiny and essentially to operate outside the law. Accountability to the taxpayers and to the Congress can be conveniently avoided."

"Even those with secret and top-secret clearances will not have access to all highly classified information. Furthermore, it is doubtful whether any member of Congress can have access to all such information. Such information, allowing access only a need to know, basis, is not necessarily given to senior elected officials who come and go and can therefore be regarded as temporary, political and unreliable."

Chemtrail Cults?

"Secrecy has corroded the intellectual content of the culture in general and opened the popular imagination to a level of superstition that gives every evidence of forming itself, in time, into a new cult or religion."

Media Bias

"Because of the official denials and the lack of scientific study, there has developed a bias against the subject within the intellectual community and the media. CT-related stories, no matter how extraordinary, do not generally achieve coverage beyond the level of local newscasts, if at all. The bias against CT reporting is stronger in the print than in broadcast media, to the point that it is highly unusual that anything related to CTs gets coverage in newspapers and magazines, except to be rejected and debunked."

Scientific Bias

"Scientists outside [CT investigating panels] expressed surprise that a topic with such a high giggle factor, might be reincarnated for serious study."

Marginalizing A Major Story

"Because of government secrecy, scientific indifference and press debunking, the whole CT question has been marginalized."

Who Is Reporting CTs?

"If chemtrails are so different from [normal contrails], what are they?"

[There are over 6,000 reported sightings, many by pilots, police officers, active and former military personnel, and other qualified witnesses.]

"Most of what is "known" about CTs comes from individual descriptions of what they say they saw. If the individuals are reliable and knowledgeable about the sky, the information stands a good chance of being useful. [Credibility and strangeness are the two criteria of usefulness.]"

"Many of the reports...come from intelligent and technically well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted."

[Every time I get skeptical, I think of all the reports by pilots, police officers, Air Force and Navy personnel who know what they are looking at. These people have told me: "I wouldn,t have believed it either, if I hadn,t seen it myself."]

"Why should these men of law enforcement and defense lie?"

"There are thousands of documents, photos, sighting reports [and seeming miles of videotape] demonstrating their existence."

"Webs and networks...unmistakably suggest systematic [aerial intent] and cannot be the result of chance."

"Though private groups and individuals have invested a great amount of time to investigating CTs, yet there is no consensus about their nature, origins or purpose. In the absence of any specific knowledge...there are no constraints on theorizing about the nature, technology and behavior of CTs."

Air Farce

"The United States Air Force has not acted in a reasonable manner."

Why The CT Cover-up?

"If it is a cover-up, then what is being protected, and by whom? The answers to these questions generally focus on the issue of national security and fear of the public reaction to an official disclosure of CT activity."

"It is the great mass of baffling reports from expert witnesses, past and present, that form the basis of the CT mystery. When studied as a group, these case histories exhibit clear patterns that strongly suggest that they belong to a distinct new class of phenomenon rather than being a formless collection of disparate observational errors."

"The US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. The purpose of the international conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the world and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their respective populations...Such extreme conclusions...probably reflect the fears of the "ruling classes" of the major nations, whose leaders (particularly those in the intelligence business) always advocated excessive government secrecy to preserve national security,".

"People are not stupid and they know very well when they have seen something out of the ordinary."

"The general coherence of sighting reports worldwide should not leave researchers indifferent."



Brief influential leaders and shapers of public opinion.

"It was determined that a good approach might be to create a compendium of the best cases in history and send them to everyone who might make a difference. Publication was to be restricted to a small group of highly placed officials and scientists only. It was funded by Laurance Rockefeller. It was sent to prominent politicians, world leaders and scientists. The document offers powerful evidence that CTs are real. Indeed the evidence presented here is overwhelming. The document does not ask the reader to "believe" in CTs. What it asks for is official recognition of the fact that the phenomenon is not understood and an appropriate scientific effort to explain it. Some of the cases are truly startling."

File FOIAs, but don,t hold your breath.

"Once these reports are classified, they can be declassified only by the originator or by a special procedure that moves along at a glacial pace. Nor does the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) help very much. It does not apply to most classified material."

Inform European organizations and agencies more open to CT reports.

"Written by the most distinguished group of officials and scientists to ever write such a report, a 1999 French government report is the closest any government has come to officially acknowledging that UFOs represent a real mystery and a serious issues. The group is called the Committee For In-Depth Studies (COMETA)."

Demand Congressional hearings.

"It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings."

"Target the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, which has held "Hearings On Unidentified Flying Objects". Also insist on a publicly-accessible investigation of FAA tower and radar logs by the Congressional oversight committee on transportation charged with overseeing commercial aviation."

William Thomas Sept. 2000

Video documentaries: "Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky", "Eco War"

Author: Probing The Chemtrails Conundrum Chemtrails Over America Bringing The War Home Scorched Earth


Dear Jeff,

In response to Will Thomas on ET and Chemtrails.

Certainly there is secrecy surrounding both UFOs and "Chemtrails" and similarities in the means used to implement such a vast coverup(s). I find that the convergence of these two fields of study (UFO and "Chemtrail") a natural progression in the search for answers to mysterious activities in our skies. From my own research and investigations, these two areas are merging in a most intriguing way.

As stated in Will Thomas introduction to Whitley Strieber's Hidden Agendas UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT by Don Berliner Dell Publishing June 2000--connections between mysterious contrails, anamolous objects and strange substances falling from the atmosphere are being made by observers of the sky (and perhaps have for some time):

"Possible convergence of completely disparate UFO and CT activities has come from reports and photographs of small silver spheres the size and metallic reflectance of drone-like WWII "foo fighters" observed pacing chemtrails in recent months.

Cobweb-like artificial filaments up to 40-feet long draped in recent years over oil rigs, highways, porches, powerlines and police cruisers have also been reported since at least 1948. Causing severe illness after landing on the backs of cows, horses and human observers, this "angel hair" material has, on at least two occasions in 1999 and 2000, been linked by eye-witnesses to passing jet aircraft."

Based upon numerous sighting reports and photos/videos I have received, it certainly would appear that some kind of unidentified aerial objects are either originating from or attracted to persistent contrails (or both). An emerging pattern of interaction between persistent contrails, associated anomalous objects and nearby "clouds" suggests a intelligent coordinated planned activity and research to date on this activity will be covered in an upcoming article.

Whether these objects are human-made robotic devices or ET probes utilized for some mysterious project needs serious investigation. Whether this be environmental clean-up, sunscreening/UV protection, ozone 'zipping', "atmos-forming" for robotic or life-form replication, mass communication/psychops, camouflaging for covert operations or mass innoculations / BW / bioengineering project(s)--discovering the purpose of this massive global project should be a primary goal of all those searching for answers.

It does appear that the "mystery objects" hold a key and I would encourage researchers to focus on the behavior and activities of these devices. The more researchers and cooperation between them in obtaining information from ground observation with binoculars/photos/videos and air/ground samples-- the more information and evidence that can be available to present at public hearings.

For more information on making "connections" between seemingly disparate observations, I refer Will and other researchers and ufologists to Tracers ( and two articles previously posted on Sightings that describe research into the connection between UFOs and persistent contrails:

The UFO-Chemtrail Connection (

Mystery Objects in Chemtrails: Aerial Robotic Vehicles? (

We owe it to ourselves to take very seriously any clandestine activity (regardless of the source) that potentially involves dissolution of human and constitutional rights and diminishing of human health and our environment.

Brenda Livingston Living=Tracer Enterprises
As Oxygen so elequently stated earlier, in his last remark in reguards to the chemtrail issue..."The photos I saw, can be easily explained, or graphicly created" to you I say "Ya Right!" you must be attempting to take a phot of a man with a wooden leg, no doubt! O.K. then Mr. Bright one, read the following, and answer the question pertaining!

Where Have All The NATURAL
Clouds Gone?
From Purple Crow <>

For the last TWO years now, I've been watching the whole chem-trail issue unfold in the sky and on the web. I've been on the radio with people like William Thomas talking about these lines in the sky and taking pictures, etc... There is one thing that I have observed very closely and I hear little about it. I have watched the skies for hours at a time and have noticed the complete LOSS OF NATURAL CLOUDS! You may be familiar with the pattern of chem-trail development where the jets dump a long whitish plume from the WINGS of the plane which slowly stretch out and become long spidery strands at a very high altitude. This same webbing drifts down slowly and hits a specific altitude and PUFFS UP into more 'natural' looking clouds. However, when the sun comes through these 'clouds' they have OILY SICKLY COLOURED RAINBOWS all through them. Meaning that they are NOT clouds at all, but something OIL based. (If you need help to see this effect, just darken your vision with a simple pair of dark UV safe sunglasses, cover up the sun with your thumb or hand and look around the edges) Then these clouds may become rain clouds, or they may just vaporize soon after formation. Either way this pattern is always the SAME! I have drawn up a general breakdown of all my information and observations of this below:

1. 30,000 feet: Chem-jets dump their load on the population. There are TWO types of dumping going on, one vaporizes quickly, but the other can be SWITCHED ON AND OFF and this second type lingers to become a whitish streamer-like material. They often spray this around already formed plumes to hide what they are doing from casual observers. They have changed their tactics due to people such as William Thomas and others making this a public forum. (If you ask the regular media they will hang up on you or call you paranoid. Now what does that tell you about media control? Hmmm...)

2. 30,000 - 20,000 feet: Spider webs form and occasionally block the sun's full spectrum creating 'false sun dogs' at about 15 degrees to the right and to the left of the sun. Also often you will find a HUGE RING AROUND THE SUN on heavy spray days. I can tell you that ICE particles DO NOT come from military jets or any other jets for that matter!

3. These chem-webs occasionally make it all the way down to the surface of the planet before disintegrating. (Bend down low to the ground in your own front yard or a local park looking towards the sun and you will see these chem-webs laid out in parallel formation, or look on your apartment window towards the sun, you will find them if you look for them, but only the observant have noticed this already)

4. 15,000 feet: Using SCALLAR wave RF (HAARP) impulses this webbing is broken down into another oily component which has the appearance of natural clouds. (If you have a SW radio you can compare observations with the gov't HAARP site and you will see that their 'tests' happen at the same time often) The recognizable effect you have seen is where the clouds form in LONG PUFFY BANDS that span the entire horizon. These 'clouds' will ALL be aligned perfectly with each other, something that looks like it's from a Surrealistic science-fiction painting. You may also see another effect of SCALLAR wave RF technology if you look directly overhead, noticing the 'upside-down' look of the clouds. These clouds have an unrealistic look to them. They have many tiny repetitive and symmetrical aspects unlike natural clouds do. It's hard to describe here in text mode, but you can go to a chem-trail web site and see for yourself perhaps. I have pictures of this myself, but they may not be posted anywhere currently.

5. 10,000 feet to the surface: Tiny oil like droplets fall intermittently to the ground along with the water which has collected on them, almost like natural rain formation. (Rain happens when tiny dust particles catch moisture in the air and become heavy) You will also note that there is a heavy DARK effect to the clouds lately, making them seem rather ominous and discolored. You will also often notice the air has a heavy pinkish-brown mist to it even if you live FAR away from any polluting sources like city smog. This heavy PARTICULATE MATTER can be seen when the sun is obscured by a cloud and the rays of the sun cast themselves from behind the cloud, making rays of light and dark very visible. (These clouds seem to BLOCK much of the light from the sun, which makes me think that maybe they are trying to block the sun's light for UV-type-3 protection) If it were not for this particulate matter in the air we would not be able to see this effect at all since the light from the sun would have nothing to bounce off of. (Like a flash-light around a campfire at night or in the fog, lighting the particulate matter in the light beam)

What does this mean? I'm still looking into it, but I think that it's a multi-leveled compartmentalized project where total secrecy is utmost at all times, possibly due to public outcry and panic! "Where have all the natural clouds gone?" That would be the question, indeed! After observing months of MAGNETIC FLUCTUATIONS of up to 10 whole degrees in one hour, I have to wonder what affect this is having on the Earth's weather system. Could it be out of balance? I think so, all the signs are here of exactly that. What are they doing? Perhaps trying to cover up the fact that our weather has become completely unstable and chaotic, maybe even completely absent in many areas of the world. Is this a natural occurrence, or did someone f*ck up the worlds weather? Did we really play a part in all these weather problems, or is there something going on in secret that is beyond our control? There is also the population control aspect of these chem-trails and a strange FLU LIKE PANDEMIC that is being witnessed by doctors and nurses all over the globe. There seems to be a direct correlation between FLU-like illness and heavy spray days. Three great sights about the MANY COMPARTMENTALIZED ASPECTS of chem-trails can be found here, including some of my own writings and pictures:

If indeed the sun has lost it's magnetic polarity, then we are like a tiny ship afloat within the sun's magnetic shiftings, to which we will also be severely affected on a GLOBAL LEVEL. Like a grain of sand on an ocean beach, the tide will move us back and forth at will since the power of water as an 'atmosphere' will push the hard (yet tiny) rocks around with great ease. "Suncruisers" have been spotted by SOHO and other devices for many months now, and we don't know what or WHO is there orbiting the sun. Indeed there are anomalous object there, and are occasionally censored from view, yet there seems to be the occasional 'leak' whether orchestrated or not. Are they ships? Rocks that can steer themselves? Who's ships are they, if they are ships at all? Why are they there right now?

Magnetic fields have played a distinct role in our emotional lives in ways we are just beginning to open up to in science. Humanity has been affected very easily by the weak magnetic fluctuations within the Earth herself, and we are still learning about this. It's also a known fact that all the WARS and major events that transpire amongst us on the Earth directly synchronize with SUNSPOTS and major solar upheavals. These events can all be verified scientifically. (Read about the Navy's research into this with the HAARP and other strong super-blasting RF devices. We are all under the blanket of a natural magnetic life force, and this life force is being tampered with. )

Still asking, "Where have all the natural clouds gone?"

(Ask this question for yourself as you observe with the rest of us what is happening over head today and every day. Then ask your friends and family the same question. Then ask the media, but don't expect a SANE logical reply...)
<font face=Tachoma bold font color=purple>
Here's the latest scoop on the "Chemtrail" issues, I will provide some brief highlights, a link to "William Thomas's" website, also a recent "Audio" archive link, to listen to a pre-recorded interview from the "Coast to coast AM Radio broadcast dated Oct.16 (Click here, to "Listen")</font>

<font face=Tachoma bold font size=4.0 colorblue>
10/16/00 - Mon/Tue
Guest: William Thomas

Wil Thomas is an independent journalist, author, and videographer. He reported for the Environmental News Service while serving as a member of a three-man Gulf environmental emergency response team during and immediately following the Gulf War. His thirty-minute Gulf War documentary, "Echo War" won the 1991 US Environmental Film Festival award for the best documentary short.</font>

<font face=Tachoma bold font color=red>Book: "Bringing the War Home"

<font face=Tachoma bold font color=navy>
by William Thomas
Over the past two years - and possibly longer - one of the biggest covert operations ever undertaken by a military in peacetime has caused illness and consternation across America as positively identified U.S. Air Force aerial tankers continue to spread broad white plumes in patterns that defy civil air regulations, public health and air pollution laws - and the physics of normal contrail formation.
As hundreds of thousands of North Americans jam hospital emergency rooms in a nearly year-round epidemic of sometimes fatal “flu-like” illness, it has been difficult not to believe that some kind of population cull is underway.

Indeed, more than 80 years of calls by pioneering American eugenicists, some of the most powerful families in the U.S., and their Nazi allies to eliminate unproductive “useless eaters” and the “human weeds” of non-white races, the infirm and elderly - are thoroughly documented. With the pressures of an aging population increasingly squeezing government and corporate bottom lines, such influential statesmen as Henry Kissinger, Robert McNamara, Jaques Cousteau and Ted Turner have called for immediate and drastic population reductions.

The dictionary definition of decimation of a population is a one-in-10 death toll. Despite a CDC-confirmed few-percentage increase in annual deaths among the elderly from pneumonia, Influenza-Like Illness and related cardiac arrest - there is no statistical proof that such a chemtrail cull is currently taking place.

If genocide is truly intended, such an aerial spray program need not be repeated relentlessly over cities and remote rural communities for at least 28 months. Current U.S. biowarfare capabilities could see one or two aerial applications of a rapidly replicating contagion infecting, sickening and killing target populations virtually overnight.

But who would fly the genocide planes? Since there are not nearly enough foreign pilots qualified to fly the 700 KC-135 and KC-10 tankers in the U.S. inventory, how could American air crews be persuaded to carry out such missions against their own families?

The “inoculation” explanation would not play well among tanker crews already leaving the armed forces in droves rather than line up for anthrax vaccinations known to contain illegal adjuvants and the mycoplasma responsible for Gulf War Illness. Military personnel conversant with germ warfare also know that besides posing grave risks, no inoculation can possibly protect against terrorist “cocktails” of multiple disease agents whose genetic composition can be altered literally overnight.

If the choice is air-sprayed genocide, what would be the point of any government inflicting massive and indiscriminate casualties on its own people? With so many sick and dying workers, managers and consumers, entire economies would face catastrophic curtailment. Not to mention armed revolt by the survivors.

A far more effective and selective pathway for pathogens is through vaccination. In 1969, House Appropriations bill 15090 approved an additional $10 million for U.S. biowarfare researchers to produce a synthetic biological agent “that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.” Three years later, the misnamed World Health Organization suggested that their new human immuno-deficiency virus could best be tested in a vaccination program aimed at infecting siblings. In 1977, after warning of a non-existent epidemic, the WHO began injecting HIV-laced smallpox vaccine into over 100 million Africans in the remote jungles of Sierre Leone.

The following year an experimental hepatitis B vaccine administered to gay men in seven U.S. cities was followed by an outbreak of AIDS in those seven - and only those seven - locations. Five years after receiving the WHO’s contaminated vaccinations, 60% of recipients became infected with HIV. Today, half of New York City’s gay population has died from AIDS, and 30 million African people are infected with this lab-concocted disease. Within 15 years, the population of Africa could be cut in half, and the spread of AIDS in Asia will account for more infections than in sub-Saharan Africa.

Merck pharmaceutical, Litton Bionetics and other profiteering vaccines-makers have a long history of biowarfare research - as well as close connections with Henry Kissinger and other influential Americans who have called for a cull. In October, 1999, a special congressional investigation examined contractual links between vaccine makers and the biological weapons industry after the National Cancer Institute tied millions of cases of cancer and auto-immune illness to contaminated vaccines and possible bioweapons experiments. Experimental vaccines known to cause systemic illness continue to target minority groups in the USA, where the inoculation of infants is now mandatory.

A campaign as vast, blatant and expensive as chemtrails is not needed to facilitate a cull continued under the guise of “mercy killing” in hospitals across North America. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that at least 1 in 5 critical care nurses admit to having hastened the death of the elderly in their care - even killing patients who are not terminally ill. Pope John Paul II has railed against this “Culture of Death”, which he warned in a recent encyclical “is advancing above all in prosperous societies, marked by an attitude of excessive preoccupation with efficiency and which sees the growing number of elderly and disabled as intolerable and too burdensome.”

People sickened by chemtrails are easier to control. But mass media brainwashing, orchestrated fears of unemployment, a cornucopia of legal and illicit drugs - and the further mind-muddle caused by incessant din, experimental electromagnetic weaponry and rapidly rising microwave smog - have already created a befuddled and docile public too frightened, apathetic or mesmerized even to look up at the outrageous aerial patterns being woven right over their heads.

But not everyone is asleep. In the face of deepening distrust in shadowy federal agencies unresponsive to their electorate employers, chemtrail confusion and paranoia is spreading with every repetition of unverified rumor and garbled reports.

Let’s look at the facts as they are known today:
1. Steadily intensifying high-level “chemtrail” spraying at altitudes between approximately 20,000 and 35,000 feet are being reported over at least 14 allied nations.

2. Widespread illness and unusual, non-forecast weather events often follow heavy spraying - which usually takes place on “blue sky days”, clear nights just before dawn, and/or along the edge of advancing storm fronts.

3. To date, no disease-causing organisms have been found in chemtrail plumes.

4. To date, no chemtrail plumes have been successfully sampled.

5. There are at least two aerial spray programs underway. Though much less extensive than high-altitude chemtrail spraying, over the past two years C-130 propeller aircraft have dropped gel-like material at rooftop-level over at least 40 neighborhood and wilderness locations in the USA. The biggest cluster of suburban spatterings has taken place in Utah near Dugway Proving Grounds. (This military test center for bioweapons became notorious for killing sheep around its boundaries after the spray valve on a jet fighter failed to close.)

Intentional treetop-level drops of a sick-making red powder also took place over Espanola, Ontario last summer. Just as in high-level chemtrail spraying, in all documented cases of extremely low-level drops over populated areas, serious upper respiratory and/or gastrointestinal illness followed within 24 - 48 hours among people and pets exposed on the ground.

6. Our only laboratory tests of air-dropped gel and red powder come from rooftop-level releases. The disease-causing bacteria, molds and fungi found so far have not come from chemtrails.

7. While decades of “open air” biowarfare tests on population centers in Canada, England and the U.S. provide plenty of precedent for experimenting on uninformed and non-consenting “human test subjects” - the current chemtrail program is far too pervasive and persistent to coincide with previous biowarfare tests conducted at specific locations over a few days.

Nor are supposedly harmless biowar “simulants” being used today. “Bio-hazard” materials found in low-level gel and red powder drops by startled laboratory technicians include corroborative “cocktails” of disease-causing bacteria, molds and fungi. (The televised 1994 gel drops over Oakville, Washington were also found by the state health department to contain human blood cells.)

8. Cobweb-type material has also fallen across the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Australia and South Africa. Eye-witnesses report fine filaments - sometimes referred to as “angel hair” - being dropped over Salisaw, Oklahoma and Karoo, South Africa from high-flying jet aircraft. So far, microscopic examinations revealing the possible presence of inert blood cells have not been corroborated by actual lab tests.

9. A call by Edward Teller for an aerial “sunscreen” to be sprayed above the Earth, a practical patent for the reduction of greenhouse warming by spraying reflective aluminum particles from jets, and a study by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory confirming that this billion-dollar-a-year aerial spray program would prevent further warming despite a projected doubling in CO2 emissions came in 1998 as the world’s insurers pressed governments to turn down the heat on rapidly rising temperatures. Reeling from catastrophic storm losses up 1,500% over the past decade, the insurance lobby is a voice - and money market investor - bigger than Big Oil and the international trade in arms.

10. The only actual laboratory test carried out on rainwater falling through heavy chemtrails over Espanola, Ontario found aluminum particles at seven-times maximum permissible “safe” levels.

11. Aluminum is a potent neurotoxin capable of producing all symptoms of Chemtrail-Related Illness (CRI). Unlike viral-derived illness, the absence of contagion between exposed and non-exposed family members - along with asthma attacks and other severe allergic reactions - points to a non-viral cause of chemtrail sickness.

12. Jet fuel ingredients found to cause severe allergic reactions include benzene byproducts and Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). Tests on commercial jet fuel (not chemtrails) carried out by Aqua-Tech labs in 1997 found in lab sample #MEL 97-1140, 51 toxic substances - including benzenes, various methanes, carbon tetrachloride, styrene, toluene, and 1,2 dibromethane (EDB).

The EDB measured by Aqua Tech was found at such minute levels as to be almost undetectable. But the Registered Microbiologist who submitted this California JP-8 jet fuel sample disputes the official lab report, insisting that the actual levels of this potent carcinogen (banned by emergency EPA order in 1984) were much higher. Recently reported NASA lab tests of JP-8 do not substantiate his claim.

13. Despite laboratory evidence of potent chemtrail allergens, the weeks-long dry hacking cough and other extreme and persistent symptoms often experienced in the wake of chemtrail spraying - coupled with reoccurring illness in the absence of re-exposure - argue strongly for a pathogenic component. With the CDC now reporting that an unknown disease-causing parasite is responsible for epidemics that most often test negative for influenza, this reporter believes that parasitic fungal infection is the primary agent of systemic sickness in the North American population today.

Since no actual chemtrail plumes have been tested, it is not yet possible to say whether fungal spores growing inside jet fuel tanks or deliberately introduced into the spray “mix” are part of the chemtrail program. But immune-weakening reactions to aluminum dust fine as talcum powder could leave susceptible persons vulnerable to extremely toxic fungal mycotoxins already proliferating in the environment.

The escape of germ warfare-modified mycoplasma fungi into the general population following the Gulf War, and the sudden appearance of other “stealth” pathogens such as viral-bacterial-fungal hybrids called viteria are further cause to suspect inadvertent and intentional releases of experimental bio-agents from secretive biowarfare labs. Adding chemtrail contamination to this unholy brew is extremely hazardous.

14. Though aluminum carries a relatively low electrical conductivity, the possible presence of other chemicals and/or metals in chemtrail sprays could interact unpredictably with electromagnetic energy already saturating urban environments. The possibility of deliberately introduced pulsed microwaves or low frequency waves to cause confusion and illness cannot be ruled out. On several occasions, aircraft displaying unusual antenna have been sighted during chemtrail activity and simultaneous television interference on the ground. At least two observers report electromagnetic alarms sounding during chemtrail flyovers.

15. So far, those persons with strong immune systems appear to be either unaffected by chemtrails, or recover relatively quickly from heavy exposure. Reported effective treatments and preventative “cellular shielding” include homemade colloidal silver, liquid oxygen supplementation, and high-quality vitamin and herbal supplements. Laboratory-confirmed mycoplasma infection can almost always be cured by repeated courses of specific antibiotics such as doxycycline administered under a physician’s direct supervision.

16. While the best available print and photographic documentation confirms what USAF “Weather Force Specialists” refer to as chemical spraying for the purposes of “aerial obscuration” - the bottom line of the chemtrails conundrum remains: We still cannot say for certain what is being sprayed on us, and why.

17. Any government that continues to spray toxic substances on its own people for any reason - knowing that an epidemic of fatalities is taking place at the same time - is committing murder.

18. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, it is illegal to carry out an illegal order. Even if undertaken as an “operational necessity” for reasons of unannounced and unsubstantiated national security, any member of the military who deliberately sickens and kills her or his own people is committing treason against the populace they are pledged to protect.

Our investigation continues.

William Thomas
Investigative Journalist

While denying any involvement in spraying anything from KC-135 and C-130 aircraft witnessed by many Espanola residents (including a former Ontario Provincial Police officer), the U.S. Air Force has published a study describing their attempts to "Own The Weather" by spraying chemicals from jet tankers to create artificial overcasts.

The air force also admits to "routine fuel dumping" of highly toxic JP8, and to using carbon black for weather modification. According to a recent NASA cloud study, carbon black is a "very effective" nuclei around which water vapor can condense, forming artificially-induced cloud cover

The Ontario lab findings also reveal aluminum at levels seven-times higher than provincial safety standards. Aluminum assaults the immune system, leaching calcium from bones and leaving the body open to opportunistic infections. Often linked to Alzheimer’s, it also has a dulling effect on reasoning ability and can cause havoc in the brain:

by James & Phyllis Balch
(pg.122...aluminum toxicity)

"symptoms ...similar to...Alzheimer's (decline in intellectual function, dementia) and osteoporosis...can lead to gi disturbances , headaches, decreased liver & kidney function, forgetfulness, speech disturbances, memory loss, softening of the bones and weak,aching muscles.

...prevent nerve impulses from being carried to and from the brain in the proper manner...dizziness, impaired coordination and a loss of balance and energy.

...long term accumulation of aluminum in brain may contrubute to the development of alzheimer's disease

...accumulates in body tissues

The aluminum found in Espanola rainwater after widely observed aerial spraying is also the principal ingredient in a 1992 patent granted to aerospace giant Hughes Aircraft for "Welsbach" atmospheric seeding in order to "Reduce Global Warming."
Welsbach materials are very fine particles of aluminum oxide and other highly refractive metals that not only reflect sunlight, but also transform solar heat trapped in the greenhouse gas layer near Earth’s surface into longer wavelengths able to radiate into space.

While highly abrasive in larger sizes, a former Alcoa aluminum engineer states that aluminum oxide in the size range called for by the Hughes patent could easily withstand jet temperatures - and would only polish, not erode, jet turbine blades.

The engineer added that if sprayed from an aircraft, aluminum oxide would form brilliant white plumes.

To conduct such an unannounced and risky global experiment, the inventors of this aerial sunscreen technology suggest that aluminum oxide particles of 10 to 100 microns could beput into jet fuel for widespread dispersal by commercial jetliners cruising at stratospheric altitudes.
If tested on a trial basis, their bold proposal (which would be considered an act of war if carried out in the airspace of dissenting nations) could explain puzzling videotape showing what appear to be commercial jetliners and a Sabreliner similar to the executive jets used to ferry Air Force brass - leaving lingering chemtrail plumes in their wake.

The difficulties in securing permission to spray sick-making chemicals over "non-aligned" nations could also explain why chemtrails have only been reported over allied nations - including Italy, Spain, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and New Zealand.

A flurry of studies by NASA and NOAA in recent years have focused on natural as well as artificial clouds forming around nitrogen and sulfur nuclei spewed from jet exhausts. With the Christian Science Monitor reporting 65 million flights in U.S. airspace alone every year, scientists estimate that up to 2% of cloud cover in heavily-traversed air routes are caused by the water vapor and chemicals from jet engine exhaust.
A wild card in greenhouse warming, cloud cover is the single biggest determinant of regional temperatures. Thin clouds like hazy cirrus trap the heat of incoming sunlight, raising temperatures. But thick clouds - such as jet pollution-augmented cirrus - reflect sunlight, shading and cooling the landscape below.

Cloud cover also determines how much mutagenic and immune-destroying ultraviolet radiation reaches extremely susceptible organisms living on the sea and land below. Atmospheric scientists meeting at a 1994 international ozone conference in Canada conservatively calculated that the amount of UV striking exposed humans is double the rate of ozone loss.

This means that recent rents over Canada and the northern United States of at least 22% ozone loss have resulted in a corresponding 44% or more increase in cell-destroying UV radiation hitting life-giving plants, trees, plankton, and other critters including hominids here.

By the time an "International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies" convened in 1998, top atmospheric scientists were extremely concerned. Out of control global warming was melting the poles, warming the oceans and raising sealevels. Rapidly rising UV levels had prompted UCLA’s Jules Stern Institute to predict that as many as one in five Americans would suffer eye damage over the next 40 years - while the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had sharply revised its estimates of US. skin cancer deaths from 9,300 to 200,000 over the next five decades.

Even more immediate were the worsening droughts, floods and Superstorms sparked by rapidly warming temperatures. The resulting exponential escalation in "catastrophic loses" threatened to bankrupt an insurance industry whose investment capital is bigger and even more crucial to money markets than the world oil or arms colossus. As frightened scientists compared even more alarming notes, an anxious and powerful insurance lobby was pressing Washington to take strong action on global warming before bankrupt insurers brought down the banks that backed them.

For big governments, big oil, big banks, big insurers and other principal players in a multi-trillion dollar daily digital casino, the choice was stark: cut back fossil fuel burning to 1990 levels in a bid to slow global warming - and accept a $100 billion annual hit to the U.S. economy.

Or endorse Edward Teller’s 1998 conference call to spread a "sunscreen" of artificial clouds to block incoming sunlight.

Nobody mentioned the obvious benefits of cutting fossil fuel use and converting to a solar economy. Instead, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s computer models showed that spraying metallic particles to reflect 1% of incoming solar energy would be enough to "neutralize global warming" - and allow cars and corporations to continue polluting-as-usual.

The cost for such an ambitious aerial spray campaign? Just $1 billion a year.

There was no doubt it could be done. Awarded like all patents for its practical applications, the Hughes patent was in place. Freed from Cold War missions, the U.S. Air Force could launch up to 641 giant KC-135 and 57 KC-10 aerial refueling tankers to aggressively subdue blue skies under cloud-forming chemicals. Besides its normal fuel load, the re-engined KC-135R can dispense 200,000 pounds of fuel (or other liquids), while each KC-10A has a total capacity of more than 356,000 pounds.

Despite repeated protestations of innocence, on March 2, 2000 the U.S. Air Force was implicated in chemtrail spraying after grounding hundreds of KC-135 aerial tankers to fix problems in their tail sections.
The unscheduled flight cancellations were accompanied by a sharp drop in reports of aerial spraying coming over the worldwide web into the Houston chemtrails tracking center. From 24 cities the day before, aerial spray activity dropped to just two cities the day the big jets were grounded.

Spray reports resumed their previous intensity as the Boeing 707-derived "Stratotankers" were returned to service over the following week.

Further corroboration of atmospheric modification came on the morning of May 6th, when dangerously high UV meter readings taken in direct sunlight caused the display to start flashing an urgent warning. Later readings that same day under rows of connecting chemclouds showed a drop in solar radiation levels of two points on the meter’s seven-point scale.

How can such a grandiose planetary engineering scheme possibly be kept secret? For a quick answer, look at how long the continuing horrors of Agent Orange among the Vietnamese people, the spread of Gulf War Illness, the genocide in Iraq, the deliberate release of radiation from Hanford’s "Green Run" experiment, or the 16,000 deaths at Chernobyl have been hidden from an increasingly drugged, distracted and disillusioned public. (See my book SCORCHED EARTH.)
It is easy to imagine military air crews volunteering for atmospheric modification missions they are told are vital to protect families and other loved ones. Sworn to secrecy, the fliers would not have to be reminded of harsh military penalties for engaging in any loose-lipped "leaks" that could spark public panic.

Or outrage.

Whoever commands chemtrails could safely bet that most people on the ground wouldn’t even notice. The few who bothered to glance up at passing jets would hardly look twice at the "contrails" streaming behind them.
If they did, they would b surprised to see that instead of quickly dissipating like normal condensation trails formed by high altitude ice-crystals momentarily condensing around hot engine exhausts, these broad white chemical plumes linger for hours in parallel furrows, X’s and grid patterns that gradually merge to occlude clear blue skies.

Unlike widely spaced, direct "A to B" airline flight routes, chemtrails are laid by aircraft flying for hours in dangerous crossing patterns and in illegal proximity to each other. When struck by certain angles of sunlight, chemtrails also display prismatic bars of color indicative of a chemical signature.

And normal contrails do not make people sick.

In the week leading up to last Christmas, "outbreak" alerts were issued in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Toronto and London, Ontario. According to the CBC, the Montreal General Hospital saw 34 of its emergency-room patients on stretchers in the hallway, while its sister hospital, the Royal Victoria, had 21 hallway patients. In Toronto at one point only two of 25 hospitals were accepting patients. At the Peterborough Regional Hospital, the emergency room received a record-breaking 307 patients two days in a row.
In towns and cities across the USA, similar situations were repeated as jammed hospital emergency rooms turned away ambulances laden with yet more acute upper respiratory cases. In England, the BBC reported refrigerator trucks being pressed into service to haul corpses away.

Just like the previous year.

No news sources mentioned the giant X’s seen in the sky over London (England), Toronto, Vancouver and dozens of U.S. cities. Or the sticky brown gel that had fallen on windshields in Birmingham, England. Or the cobweb-like strands drifting down over Toronto suburbs.

But it’s safe to say that over the past two years, just about everyone reading this article has either been sick, or knows relatives or close friends who have taken suddenly and extremely ill with repetitive "flu-like" symptoms far more persistent and severe than any influenza.

My own symptoms have included sharp pain in my left elbow that persisted for three months after a giant X was laid across the stars over my remote cabin the night after I finished giving my first Art Bell interview.

Several attacks of extreme vertigo and sudden immobilizing exhaustion have also followed heavy spraying of multiple chemtrails here. (Symptoms of dizziness and lethargy - as bloated sore stomachs and generally "feeling rotten" - are current complaints here following last weekend’s extremely heavy chemtrail "laydowns" over cities and communities along the east coast of Vancouver Island.)

A twitching left eyelid - another recent CRI (Chemtrail-Related Illness) complaint - nearly drove me nuts before finally abating.

The drastic double pneumonia and "cardiac arrest" reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to be the cause of so many fatalities are other strange symptoms of a "flu" that lingers for weeks or months - only to return again and again.

"I don’t think anyone knows what’s causing this sickness," LA nursing supervisor, Silvia Mieure told reporters.

While baffled doctors have been performing cursory exams on streams of patients clogging clinics and emergency rooms and calling their ailments, "flu", ABC News reported: "Drs. Seeing Influenza Where None Exists".

ABC had learned that when 168 blood tests were carried out on emergency room patients in a Burlington, Massachusetts hospital - only 39% actually had the flu

Commenting on how surprisingly sick people are getting and how quickly it happens, other doctors are echoing sentiments expressed by an overwhelmed MD in 1999: "We don’t know what it is, or where it came from."

One clue came in February, 2000 when the Associated Press quoted Dr. Andrew Winquist at the CDC National Center Infectious Diseases, saying: "Many people suffering flu-like symptoms have been infected with some nasty germ - but probably not one of four types of influenza."

After a Medical Director at one regional medical center told reporters that the mystery ailment "kills even healthy people in four to five days," the CDC reported deaths from upper respiratory illness at "epidemic" levels across the U.S. for 19 of 20 weeks this year - up from last year’s 12 straight weeks.

But when the misnamed World Health Organization and the National Respiratory & Enteric Virus Surveillance labs tested more than 18,500 sick patients since last October - they found nationwide fully 90% to be free of the flu.

Even in the hardest-hit hospitals, 61% of very sick patients tested "negative for influenza.

In a story that made back pages instead of headlines, the CDC told reporters that this year’s epidemic of deaths from pneumonia and Influenza-Like-Illness "could be due to some other pathogen."

Children and the elderly are being hit exceptionally hard-hit by severe illnesses springing up in the wake of chemtrail spraying. The CDC says that children under 6 comprise 80% of cases. Last December, Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children admitted 250 kids in a single day.

Most children recover. But according to nurses and other frightened medical personnel, many of the elderly stricken by CRI are dying.

It is doubtful that the departing elderly’s experience, compassion, wisdom and dangerous sense of history will be missed by the governments of Germany, Japan, the U.S. and other "top-dog" nations who met last January for largely unpublicized high-level meetings to discuss appropriate action to avert "The Impacts of Aging on Business".

Something else is going on besides bungled aerial attempts at atmospheric modification that sometimes leave wild temperature fluctuations, high winds, freakish winter tornadoes, and record-breaking rains in their wake. A typical chemtrail complaint reads like this:
"All of us around here have been afflicted with respiratory problems. I have had a cough since early January, my four year old daughter has had one since December. These coughs came on without the preclusion of an illness. I have also been suffering severe bouts of anxiety since early December. There are some days when I don’t function at all, and others that I get things done, but they take four and five-times the normal time required for accomplishment."

"Allergic reactions" to inhaled microfibers do not account for sudden outbreaks of life-threatening pneumonia, extreme migraines, stiff necks and other joint pain (usually on the left side of the body) - or the gushing nose bleeds, short-term memory loss, dizziness and disorientation, breathing difficulty, heart problems, meningitis, lupus, staph A, transverse myelitis, extreme fatigue, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints commonly reported in the wake of chemtrails spraying.

What if aluminum oxide and similar refractive material are being dropped from high-flying tanker planes in a desperate bid to slow global warming by reflecting a portion of incoming sunlight? And what if, to preclude analysis and investigation, this web-like matrix is being deliberately contaminated with disease-making organisms to infect anyone handling it?

This still does not explain the motive behind the low-level spraying of polymer-like "gel" material containing lab-tested pathogens over suburbs in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Or similar drops of gel over Birmingham, England and Salt Lake City neighborhoods- where an official emergency team wearing HAZMAT suits neglected to take any samples before rushing to sprayclean the evidence with strong bleach.

Extensive public records document the state-sanctioned sterilization movement in the United States, as well as nine decades of costly funding for "population control" by America and Britain’s wealthy elite.

Kissinger’s Memorandum 200 calling on President Nixon to depopulate 14 developing nations is also on file, along with the 1969 Senate appropriations bill which immediately awarded additional biowarfare funds for the creation of the world’s first Human Immune Virus at Fort Dietrich. (All 14 countries listed in Kissinger’s memorandum are currently suffering from the AIDS epidemic.)

There is as yet no evidence that the chemtrail spraying of North America and other allied countries is a deliberate attempt at population reduction.

Nor has anyone brought forward any evidence to suggest that deliberately dropping disease-causing agents on the American public is not intended to make people sick.

As covert chemtrail spraying continues, more and more Americans are looking up and demanding answers to why sunny skies are being hijacked by planes spraying compounds that appears to be making many people very sick.
TV coverage is the key to exposing chemtrails and encouraging public demands for full chemtrails disclosure by the responsible parties, an immediate end to the spraying, and compensation to the injured.

Don’t forget lengthy jail terms for those responsible. Civil aviation regulations, EPA pollution laws, the U.N. "Enmod" treaty prohibiting environmental modification - as well as U.S. Code Title 50 Section 1520a and the Nuremberg Convention guaranteeing the right of informed consent by all human "test subjects" - are just some of the statutes violated daily (and nightly) by clandestine chemtrail spraying.

Reckless endangerment, treason, involuntary manslaughter and even murder also come to mind as possible charges against those in charge of sky "bandits" usually painted all-white, but sometimes banded by a red stripe denoting experimental aircraft. (Still other spray jets have been observed carrying a distinctive shamrock emblem on the tail.)

Some heavy hitters are interested - or implicated - the chemtrails program. Check out who's checking out the chemtrails sites...

Get the images out! Since television is the defining "reality" for many North Americans, the day chemtrails are broadcast as a major news story by the big networks is the day this story explodes. Even now, it’s becoming almost impossible to aim a camera in any direction without catching chemtrails. Experienced chemtrail watchers point and chuckle while watching network news anchors deliver "stand up" commentary with telltale X’s and parallel plumes clearly visible in the sky behind them.

As frustrated TV weather reporters consistently get it wrong when calling for clear blue skies, proliferating "weather-cam" video cameras are automatically broadcasting striking chemtrail patterns.

Things, as well as producers, are also looking up at the big networks. Less than three weeks after NBC affiliate KWMC in Memphis aired a sober look at the interwoven white plumes captured by its own camcorders, CBS affiliate KHOU has just aired an interview with a sick RN using their own vivid chemtrails footage in Houston.

Copies of both programs are available on a single VHS tape, which can be ordered for $8.00 (includes postage) from:

Lorie Kramer
PO Box 31073
Houston, TX 77231-1073


Become a guerrilla journalist! Don’t wait for the big networks to break this crucial story in your hometown. Take your chemtrail information and photos to your local cable TV station and urge them to produce a five to eight-minute chemtrails segment as a public service announcement. "Local content" regulations make cable stations especially eager to air fresh local stories. And cable’s grassroots reach is huge.

While a "one-time" chemtrails segment can catch public interest, the key to effective television is repetition. A low-cost approach to widespread TV coverage is provided by "menu" channels displaying one-minute ads for hotels, furniture and similar services and commodities next to their channel listings.

For several hundred dollars a week or less, interested individuals and organizations can purchase airtime on cable TV networks that ensures up to 20 or more repeat daily airings of a specially-produced one-minute chemtrails "spot".

Toward this end, I have just produced a one-minute chemtrails ad for television. Urging viewers to look up!, the 12 photos shown in this 60-second advertising "spot" graphically demonstrate the difference between normal contrails and outrageous chemtrail patterns captured over North American cities. The voice-over narration on this tape can be easily modified to mention your own city or town.

Please check this site for details on when this Super VHS broadcast tape will be available "at cost" to anyonme wishing to air it.


An immediate interim legal remedy would be for chemtrail activists in each state and province to find friendly lawyers willing to apply for a court order (or injunction) prohibiting further chemtrail spraying until full disclosure and public input have been attained.


Another option is to educate and encourage more commercial airline pilots to "go public" in challenging chemtrails. While "flying commercial", Ron has been checking in with flight attendants and pilots. His tips:

"Anyone with your [Probing The Chemtrails] book or bulletin updates can carry a copy with them when they travel on commercial flights. It is easy to strike up a conversation with flight attendants about the chem trails and ask them to show the info to the pilot and copilot if they have time to look at it.

"Usually works best on longer flights when they have lots of time on their hands. They will give it back to you before the flight is over if you note your seat number on the cover of the document. Usually you will see them at the end of the flight when you are exiting the plane and can ask them if they had time to review it and if they made note of the websites to go check it out further or order your book for themselves.

"Another alternative is to make up a single summary page with highlights of the chemtrail info and a list of websites that they can look up later and have extra copies of this single sheet on hand to give out to interested parties anywhere. Usually works like a charm once you’ve got their attention. Just plant the seed and maybe it will grow."

Once pilots denounce and stop flying chemtrail missions, we can all breathe easier.

For all the children -

William Thomas

July, 2000




Specializing in the environment, military affairs and alternative health, I am the author of Scorched Earth, Bringing The War Home, Alt. Health and Probing The Chemtrails Conundrum

An award-winning independent investigative journalist with 33 years’ reporting experience, my writing and photography have been published in more than 50 magazines in eight countries, with translations into French, Dutch and Japanese. As a documentary film-maker and member of a three-man Gulf Environmental Emergency Response Team, my 30-minute "Eco War" video won the 1991 U.S. Environmental Film Festival’s award for Best Documentary Short.

My one-minute "guerrilla" TV commercials in defense of black bears and Canadian rainforests have also been featured news stories by television and newspapers across Canada.

My original chemtrail story for the Environment News Service has recently been chosen by a peer-review panel of journalists for this year’s "Project Censored" listing of suppressed news stories.


Magazines or other publications wishing to reprint all or any part of this article please contact William Thomas

Copyright is otherwise waved for free non-commercial distribution of this special feature article. To further my investigations, please include my website - - in all Xeroxed and transmitted copies of this news story, along with information on how to order the newly revised and expanded PROBING THE CHEMTRAILS CONUNDRUM by sending a donation of $29.95 or more to:

William Thomas
S-27 C-52
Gabriola Island, BC

All donations will go toward printing and shipping costs - and my continuing chemtrails investigation.

Contributors - please send an email address to receive free chemtrail updates.

Thank you!

William Thomas</font>

<font face=Tachoma bold font color=red>

Question for Dr. Teller
Name: William Thomas
City & state/province: British Columbia

Student: No

Job: environmental journalist

Dear Dr. Teller,
In 1998 at an International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies you recommended placing a "sunscreen" above the Earth to reflect a small percentage of sunlight and reduce global warming. Were any experiments carried out to test this idea?

Thank you for your time and attention,
William Thomas

To my knowledge, the answer is negative. Indeed, my recommendation was a tentative one depending on further evidence whether expecting global warming is realistic.

As dictated by Dr. Teller

Reporter's note:
Actually, as documented in the video Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky, at the 1989 international seminar Dr. Teller pushed hard for an artificial sunscreen as a much better response to global warming than cutbacks in fossil fuel emissions.
-William Thomas</font>

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited October 17, 2000).]