contrails and chemtrails


Registered Member
Have any of you witnessed these? I have and it is not a hoax something bad is going on and no-one seems to know who is doing this or why.
Uhh, sorry if I sound kinda stupid about this, but what exactly are these?

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Well, a contrail is simply the condensation trail left behind by jets. There has been some scuttlebutt about some of these contrails having chemicals mixed in with them, hence the term chemtrail. At one point in time, the military tried different approaches to hide or reduce the telltale contrails left behind by jet aircraft for the sake of stealth. Chemical suppression techniques were used with some success, but not enough to warrant continued use. Still, some people believe that some contrails are still being laced with some type of chemical resulting in illness to those downwind of it. Personally, I think if someone wished to spread chemicals about to cause illness amongst the populace, they'd be better equipped to do it with cropdusters or other low-flying, low-speed aircraft not with high-flying, high-speed jet aircraft.
Well, that sure puts me in a cheery mood! Invisible poisonous chemicals floating down on us from jets miles above :). But anyway, I digress. I think it's the military, and they probably still are perfecting this in facilites. They might have come up with a good one for concealment, but forgot about the nasty affects on the populace below. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if safer chemtrails were developed in the future.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Shadowflame just found out what chemtrails are, but is convinced that the government is behind it and conducting secret tests?

Thats the way to think on your own!

Kind of sad if Shadowflame is representative of most americans :(
Contrails are formed by naturally occurring condensation on the tips of the wings. Occassionally, when a jet is coming in for a landing, it will jettison some of it's fuel load. The fuel evaporates so quickly and into such minute particles that it would take a few fleets of jumbo jets all landing at the same time in one area to have any impact on the environment at all.

At the altitudes that the biggest and longest contrails form, the winds are so gusty and pretty unpredictable, so that it would be a highly ineffective way to drop a chemical on people. All they'd have to do if they wanted to test an airborne chemical is to put something in the gasoline that would spit itself out of a car's exhaust. No, I'm not thinking MTBE. I'm just illustrating an easier way to dispense chemicals.
Has it occured to anyone that in spite of popular belief of the conspiracy theory (which might be all more true, that what we want to believe in.) Since the effects of global warming have started to take it's toll upon our good earth, more & more gamma radiation is seeping through not one, but "Several" holes in our upper atmosphere (OZone Layer) and perhaps "The Good Guys" that want to save some of what might be considered "salvagable" are exploring different techniques to seed the clouds, or even create them as some sort of sophisticated global Arieal "Sky-Web" to filter out the harmful effects of gamma radiation & patch up some of them there holes we made form our stupidity?

As far as those nasty covert alphabet soup agencey folks in the CIA, perhaps this is a splendid cover to mask such a dastardley mission in respect to our continued overpopulation.

Anyone remember the Sci-Fi Movie from the sixties "0-PG"??? it came out around the same time as "Soilent Green" it stands for "Zero Population Growth"
Sorry! Its just a thought! I just was voicing what i thought it might be. I didn't know that that automatically meant I was jumping to conclusions.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
oi, everyone, hey corp, you nevert replied to me in sight feedback..... but now to the topic, i dont think contrails are anything but vapors from teh eingien, and humans arnt affected too much by toxic chems, our bodys have adapted.... i mena, weve grown up in it! and shadowflame is younger than me,....hehehe

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!


OI to the punx!, OI to the skins!, and OI to the world and everybody in!!!

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited September 05, 2000).]

Sure, although many of us have become accustomed to seeing these unusual "Chemtrails" by now, it is rather a question of "Why" we are not being told the truth about them, and why were we not at least given some formal public announcement "Beforehand"??????

Here's the scoop........
[Contrail Connection Message Board]

CONTRTAIL CAMS (We're Watchin' "You" Big Brother!!!

Contrail or Chemtrail ?
This is command post central for Contrail cams. We encourage all to point their web cams toward the skies to provide up to the minute information and visual proof of the widespread existence of what is now being called Chemtrails. The questions of who, what, why, when, where, and how are not all answered yet. But as the saying goes - The Truth is Out There. You could be instrumental in providing some of those answers.


CONTRAIL CONNECTION ---(Over 1,000 reports and hundreds of photos)

HAPPY SPRAYDAY ---(Contrails)


STRANGE HAZE (The Contrail Controvercy over the skies of America)

Chemtrails over Bunch (Oklahoma)
Dec 20, 1999
Special Contrail Report (04/01/99)
HOTT Headline News

Table of Contents

Copyright © 1997 Harvest Trust. All rights reserved.

Revised: March 23, 1999.

Below is a communication from Jay Reynolds to myself. I downloaded his entire article "debunking" (in his opinion) the phenomenon of jet fuel anomalies. I have sent this both to Mr. Reynolds, as well as my list. I suggest you all sincerely read what he has written and prayerfully consider it, and then apply my own (Bill Brumbaugh/Host of the ProactiveNewsHour) emboldened red print comments for further discernment. I am trying to get to the bottom line here, and if indeed I am a mere rumormonger, I will publically apologize on the air, and work hard to spread the truth.


And to conclude an answer for those who remain skeptical about our U.S. GVT. having a force of "Spraying Readiness" in operation,
take a look here.

Air Force Aerial Spray... (Have a nice Day!)


All of this brings new definition to the cliche' "Better Living Through Chemicals"

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited September 08, 2000).]
Why should we get a public announcement for something that occurs naturally as a jet is streaking across the sky? It would be like issuing a public announcement before you allow your breath to fog up a window.
Oxygen; Your last remark implies that you must be oblivious to the facts as demonstrated in the information I provided "before" your last comment.

What we are discussing here is NOT your average "Contrails" (as you so oblatentley commented on), but rather what we ARE discussing here are the facts & evidence potrayed here as indicative of "CHEMTRAILS" which is entirely another isssue alltogether!
Thanks Ozarky!

Posts: 90
Registered: Mar 2000
posted September 06, 2000 08:46 PM
On websites, message boards and via email particularly in the US and Canada, many people are claiming that growing numbers of contrails, normally composed of condensation, left in the sky by high flying jets, rather than dissapating, float intact, and are then crossed by a perpendicular flying jets contrail. The 'X' patternformed by the two trails is repeated by other jets, turning the once clear sky into a patchwork.
The accusation has been made that high altitude spraying of toxic substances over various areas of North America is routinely being carried out and that these contrails aren't just made up of water crystals. Maybe it's an inoculation program, US Air Force weather modification projects, or an open attack on the world's citizens.

Click on this URL and see pictures along with more information.
Then I respectfully bow out of this thread. The photos I saw are easily explained or else graphically created. I have nothing of value to add here and leave the floor so you can discuss without me getting in the way. (That doesn't mean I won't read, though!)
Amen to Oxygen. Seeing as I am an Oxygen-Groupie, I am also not going to post on this topic any more. This topic is about beliefs-something which is pointless to argue (but have fun doing it :))
You do not want to look at the forest because the trees are in the way ?
