Contemporary Science Matter.

I found out that contemporary science hiding unexplained phenomena. If there is no scientist could explain the unusual phenomena in scientific terms, then they would likely to dismiss the case or simply said that the case is stir-up by psychotic people. This is totally unfair situation to some true witnesses and will inflict unwanted harrassment to them. Current science is not up to the advanced stage and could not explain the existence of ghosts, soul, UFO aliens, God and many others. They simply deny all the facts because they have no scientific explaination to it or simply don't understand it. There is too much room for improvement in science.
I found out that contemporary science hiding unexplained phenomena. If there is no scientist could explain the unusual phenomena in scientific terms, then they would likely to dismiss the case or simply said that the case is stir-up by psychotic people. This is totally unfair situation to some true witnesses and will inflict unwanted harrassment to them. Current science is not up to the advanced stage and could not explain the existence of ghosts, soul, UFO aliens, God and many others. They simply deny all the facts because they have no scientific explaination to it or simply don't understand it. There is too much room for improvement in science.


feel you pain, don't give in to the pessimism. Trust yourself and remain honest.

don't worry, it is coming and many more are going through what you are

the problem in the industry is that money runs the show, not the integrity of science

for example; most every person of science enjoys the progression noted by darwin called evolution. It's old news and to most, uncontestable.

But the math combined with the chemistry and comprehension is not available to prove it.

And for me to even say that often ruffles the feathers of people within the fields themselves.

The divide between 'integrity' and 'the sciences' is almost as wide as the divide of science and religion. Both have benchmark (beliefs) that most are too complacent to cross.

Focus on life, and what you can do to support life (all actions).

And you should be fine.

Smile......... it's coming have a little faith that existence will birth someone with enough moxy to finish the job, with or without the so called 'scientific community' ..........

the loaners are who usually get the most done....

See Newton, Darwin, Galilleo............... no matter which scientist or per se prophet............. they all did what was right, because of that same pain you are feeling now.

You are in the correct generation, use the net, ask your questions, dig as if your life depended on it. Just to be humbled to 'reality' you are well ahead of the majority.

Don't give up!
I just amaze of how science can reject the ghost existence so fiercely...
I just amaze of how science can reject God so fiercely...
Very poor science affair...
I just amaze of how science can reject the ghost existence so fiercely...
the ghost could be like the aura of your life. Such as the total collective mass alive of your body combines as a 'presence' ......... such as your mind is not 'more' alive than your toe.

but that 'spirit' is not a separate part of your existence. it did not come from or go to 'another' place when your body sleeps or the heart stops beating.

although a person walking down a hall way, does affect the environment that associates even if the scale is extremely low, that 'presense' or existence is still upon any environment affected. Think in the lines of a women wearing a heavy perfume, she may not have been there for an hour but you may still detect her 'presense,' by what was left in passing.

That may be what you/others detect of 'ghosts.' There is another layer of detecting, almost like a sixth sense, but the blinders imposed by old logic and science has limited the understanding; yet we are associated to all mass in existence. (there is NEVER a separation)

I just amaze of how science can reject God so fiercely...
It is not that God can be rejected, such a nature, the environment, existence itself is God and none can escape, hide, separate or walk away.

Some just 'think they can.'

It is the definitions that separates or even attracks folk to the term 'God'

It is a word, not the reality of what God is. It is like trying to suggest God, did not 'create' life. Well if each understood that existence itself is God, then 'creation' is simply the process, rather than the magic.

We all are born without 'understanding'........... what we learn is how we define what we experience. And as of yet, the majority of the globe is unaware of the combination of God, nature, existence and life.

That is what the contributers do; they share what is learned to cross them divides. The process known as evolution applies herein where the environment affects the progression. Over time the pinnacle will be reached, in which purely stated:

mass comprehends itself; God understands itself within the minds of mankind.

Nothing magical about it.

The sciences are not the fault of the bottle neck, it is the people.

some give for the truth to exist, other want what science will do for them

Often the religions are bound to the interpretations of magic, omnipotence and miracles, to explain what is unknown and as time has progressed, the magical rendition are explained; takes nothing from God, it means the 'creations' are understanding/evolving. That is what we (mankind) do. We seek and even within the old text, we were 'promised' the truth (revealing).

key is HONESTY! It is a choice that none can take from you unless falling to complacency; as you can see what has occurred to mankind.

Don't worry so much about the negativity............the firework show will occur and the rest will be of the next chapter.
Do you all think that human is the most brilliant animal on earth? Think again...

Millions of human commit suicide every year. Do you think other animal will do the same?

Before imminent earthquake and tsunami strike, other animals such as frog, elephant, fish will get the early warning and moved to safer ground. But what happened to human? Many human dead in the disaster zone.

Do you think your powerful human mind have good short-term memory as compare to monkey? The answer is NO.
Trouble is not science. Its the people who practice science. Since no one can ever learn everything about this nature within a single life span, people go on about specializing on various fields. And back in schools, they are not educated on the complexities or any philosophy of nature which would have taught them some essential ideas about nature in general. So usually they all end up specializing and invent things we don't need in the first place. And they are proud to have invented something which they think would make life easier without realizing the long term consequences of each invention. Then we have money minded pricks who call themselves businessmen and politicians who are only their to convince people that their life is important and taken care of. These two parties spoil it by mass production and unhealthy economic competition between nations. Usually inventors wish to see their products in market, scientists wish to see their works used for the betterment of humanity but no one care to think about the consequences.
even today's science and advance economy studies also hard to revive the slump economy that persist for many years. This century may see world's economy and general human well-being hard to retain the prosperity that we enjoyed since 80's and 90's era. All these factors are caused by unhealthy competition, every one wants a share of a cake, but we have only a cake to share with so many people around, so everyone just be able to get a small piece of cake that doesn't enough to fill the stomach, so we all are slowly dying away and the population explosion may cause world's economy drop to the bottom. From my analysis, the world economy will have more downturn time than properity time in the future. Those born in 90's and onward will have a very difficult time to survive in the future. In other word, many will be annihilated in order to survive in the future.

I already stated this thread in 2008, but until now the economy is still getting worst. Perhaps until my last breathe the economy is still not prospering well.
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Now it is time to heed the advise of Steven Hawking that we need the attention to leave the earth for our sake of future generation. If you all listen to me at the first place, then you no need to wait for another 2 year for Steven Hawking to announce this bad news of mankind on earth. It is a dangerous place to live on earth now because of technology advancement on earth and human population overgrown. Build your own planet now!!

If you don't agree with me,then you go to insult Steven Hawking's believe in aliens also..
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