Contemporary Science Matter.


The truth is out there
Registered Senior Member
Contemporary Science Matter.

Today's Science and Technology do more harm than helping us. One million people suicide every year because of urbanization and modernisation. Work place accident, transportation and instrument accident millions died or injured of it per year, tremendous workload related problem and death, too materialistic, Obesity and less exercise related desease, mental health problem, uncertain economy cycle era eventhough measurement is undertaken, industry chemical and smoke pullution induce cancer, radiation waste , processed food health related problem , contemporary weapon of mass destruction etc. All these factors KILL more the CURE. All these problem didn't exist 100 years ago.

This is the sign that we are heading towards disaster because of modern science.
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And yet there's over 6 billion people in the world today and that number is growing daily.

People commit suicide for various reasons but many times they are mentally depressed and need professional help with their troubles. That depression is caused by a chemical imbalance many times and can be helped with medication and advice.

It seems we are getting to live much longer today than ever before because of science and technology as well as better medical help and foods.

So your idea that we are heading the wrong way seems out of touch with reality somewhat. I do however believe that pollution will be a very big problem in the next 50 years to overcome. I also think that solutions will be made to eliminate the pollution problems if enough money and help is given to help find ways to solve this dilemma.
cosmic, you see Japanese used to live long-life 100 years ago, with many over 100 years old granny and nanny is not uncommon. But nowadays you can hardly find any youngster can barely live beyond 85 years old. you see? we are in trouble with current state of science. We need a big revamp on science and economy matter!! Because of contemporary science and materialistic world we are getting more and more depress as compare to previous times. people living in jungle don't get mental problem as they all live together in harmony. DO YOU GET IT?
one way to solve the problem is back to square, that is back to the lifestyle that we accustomed centuries ago, that is go back and live in small village planting food and rear livestock. Big city don't suit many people. My advise to those depressed people living in big city, you can try living in smaller town and in plantation village, it can prolong your lifespan, live more meaningful life, less depression and less rush., more friendly and harmony
You are confusing science with technology and how people use it. Japan has a long tradition of honorable suicide, it didn't start in modern times. It didn't start with urbanization, there's nothing wrong with urbanization, it is more sustainable than most alternatives. The entire society cannot move to the country and take up farming, get real.
Today's Science and Technology do more harm than helping us. One million people suicide every year because of urbanization and modernisation. Work place accident, transportation and instrument accident millions died or injured of it per year, tremendous workload related problem and death, too materialistic, Obesity and less exercise related desease, mental health problem, uncertain economy cycle era eventhough measurement is undertaken, industry chemical and smoke pullution induce cancer, radiation waste , processed food health related problem , contemporary weapon of mass destruction etc. All these factors KILL more the CURE. All these problem didn't exist 100 years ago.
This is the sign that we are heading towards disaster because of modern science.
Congratulations, one more post from you full of unadulterated crap.
Prove that those (or fewer) people would not have died if "urbanisation and modernisation" had not taken place.
100 years ago we had diptheria, rickets, smallpox, highly lethal flu... etc etc

one way to solve the problem is back to square, that is back to the lifestyle that we accustomed centuries ago, that is go back and live in small village planting food and rear livestock. Big city don't suit many people.
And how are you going to kill off sufficient of the world population to make such a life style sustainable?
Ok, I Ask You All How You Feel About Living At City Nowadays? Happiest Or Sadly Because Of Daily Life Pressure? Many Choose The Pressure And Sad. Thats Why Some Choose To Move Back To Remote Area Away From Big City, Off Grid And Planting For Themselves. They Choose The Right Decision.

Simply said, not everybody suit big city lifestyle...
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Great.... what a big world news. Pardo ran into massacre and kill himself. you all see how insane this world is going into? everyone is under financial constraint, and many wife are running away to seek better financial security elsewhere. that is cool... 21st century is getting worst and worst in term of economy prospect.. i already foresee all this happening ago... beware, there is worst to come..
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simply said.... there is always pros and cons in every aspect... science is not always pros, there is cons also... that is my conclusion.. accept it as a fact
simply said.... there is always pros and cons in every aspect... science is not always pros, there is cons also... that is my conclusion.. accept it as a fact

And you are about as wrong as anyone could possibly be. You understand neither economics, science, technology nor the economy of scale. All you're doing here is posting daydreams. It would be TOTALLY impossible for even a small percentage of the world's population to move into rural areas - there's just not enough land to go around.

And incidentally, you're totally ignoring ALL the truly amazing benefits that science and technology has brought us - especially in the various medical fields.

You are obviously very young and inexperienced in how the world around you works.
And you are about as wrong as anyone could possibly be. You understand neither economics, science, technology nor the economy of scale. All you're doing here is posting daydreams. It would be TOTALLY impossible for even a small percentage of the world's population to move into rural areas - there's just not enough land to go around.

And incidentally, you're totally ignoring ALL the truly amazing benefits that science and technology has brought us - especially in the various medical fields.

You are obviously very young and inexperienced in how the world around you works.

you are wrong... we are all science beginner.. deal with it... we still don't understand many things...
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you are wrong... we are all science beginner.. deal with it... we still don't understand many things...

Of course we don't understand many things. But everything we do learn leads to something else.

But you're the one who is DEAD wrong with your very childish dreaming - it's just pure nonsense.
Ok, I Ask You All How You Feel About Living At City Nowadays? Happiest Or Sadly Because Of Daily Life Pressure? Many Choose The Pressure And Sad. Thats Why Some Choose To Move Back To Remote Area Away From Big City, Off Grid And Planting For Themselves. They Choose The Right Decision.

Simply said, not everybody suit big city lifestyle...

thats true. i lived in 'the country' for awhile but its not for me.
Cities aren't inherently depressing, what about Paris? The problem is the state of urban planning and the fact that everything is built not around people, but around the automobile.
Cities aren't inherently depressing, what about Paris?

What about it? It is very congested and has over 12 million inhabitants located in ans around it. Look at these pictures of the concrete jungle they live in just like any other major metropolis.

Now i am sick after hit by rain water. The acid rain has more devastating effect on non-living and living matter. Industry smoke and chemical release to the atmosphere, but eventually will come back to the ground carried by rain water. not only it is acidic rain, but it is chemical rain that consists of a combination of poisonous chemical that will harm our body. those chemical such as heavy element of mercury ash when diluted in rain water will readily seep into our bloodstream by capillary action in the hair follicle. The cumulative long term destruction to human body is cancer, respiratory problem and other sickness which is the by-product of our advanced society.
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Science hasn't caused problems, it's modern stupid ***** society and humanity these days. People have drifted very far away from science (Most), and all people care about these days is money. I can definitely say that's true over here, my class at college is full of idiots, they aren't even interested in the subjects they are studying, they just do it so that they can get into a good university and get a lot of money from a high paying job, and from there you can kinda see the root of the problems, people want money, more offices, people getting married too often, too many babies born always, people sooo happy about the baby and house and etc. and stuff like "OMG!!! WOW". As I said it's the atitude of society that has lead to urbanization. People don't stop and look at the world around, they just have a desire for material things. If we want to progress, we have put a stop to these traditions which no longer work.

Oh, and I'm living in india (Unfortunately)
Contemporary Science Matter.

Today's Science and Technology do more harm than helping us. One million people suicide every year because of urbanization and modernisation. Work place accident, transportation and instrument accident millions died or injured of it per year, tremendous workload related problem and death, too materialistic, Obesity and less exercise related desease, mental health problem, uncertain economy cycle era eventhough measurement is undertaken, industry chemical and smoke pullution induce cancer, radiation waste , processed food health related problem , contemporary weapon of mass destruction etc. All these factors KILL more the CURE. All these problem didn't exist 100 years ago.

This is the sign that we are heading towards disaster because of modern science.

Modern life expectancy in developed countries far outweighs that in from less developed nations, or our own before the development of modern science, so you are just plain wrong.