Jenyar said:Where do we get new information from?
M*W: As I understand it, Jenyar, all the information humans will ever need during our existence on the physical Earth (and maybe beyond) is already stored in our minds and in every cell of our bodies (i.e. cellular memory). The problem is that this vast amount of information is "revealed" to us piece by piece. When I say "revealed," I mean as if the information has been "awakened" to us, kinda like a "light bulb" in a cartoon.
I suppose certain factors need to trigger this "light bulb" to turn on. Education, for one, lights up the inner dark recesses of our minds. Personal interests can trigger it. Work can trigger it. Just about anything in the universe can trigger this "light bulb." For example, wasn't it about 100 or so years ago that Jules Verne wrote about space travel? I don't know the actual dates of his writings, but things we humans "speculate" on or dream about can come true. Believing makes it so, so to speak.
Some people are more "enlightened" than others, regardless of their educational background. When I say "enlightened," I don't mean like the "New Age" phenomena but like the cartoon "light bulb." A light goes on in one's mind. Natural curiosity is another trigger, but where did that curiosity come from? It was already there programmed in the brain and every cell in the body.
The information is already there. We just need to be inspired to find it. There must be an instinctive desire, I would think. Like the Wright Brothers just 100 years ago; and like 35 years ago, we sat foot on the moon, and put explorers on Mars. Time seems to be "speeding up" as far as humanity's cumulative intellectual capacity.
All the information humanity will ever need is stored in those inner dark recesses of our mind until the light bulb goes on and we give birth to new ideas with the promises for humanity's survival in the distant future.
I don't know if this answered your question or not. That's just what I believe.