
Consciousness can be defined many ways of course and that's part of the problem I realize. I use it and think of it along the lines of wakefulness or being aware and present in the moment (what animals seem to experience) and then that added step where language is involved. It's more than language but language describes it pretty well. That added "language" step is what I'm calling "consciousness".

Spoken and written language is useful because it slows the brain down enough for ego consciousness to appear. Spoken and written language is processed in the left side of the brain, with the left sided of the brain processing data in a differential way. The uniqueness of the ego stems from the differential left brain. Like in calculus, differentiation finds the slope of a curve at a given point; unique.

Say we placed a cat with a hat. on a table, and then assembled people from all over the world, who spoke all the different languages on earth; about 7000 languages. Each language may have slightly different sounds or words to represent the cat with the hat. Each of these language sound sequences are differential and subjective. There is no universal set of words common to all languages.

On the other hand, at the level of visual input (see the cat with the hat) all 7000 people will see the exact same thing. This is what allows them to say their cultural sounds as a representation. This visual language of reflected light waves is universally objective, while the spoken language based on sound waves is subjective to each culture.

The spoken language is needed by the ego, but not by the inner self. The inner self is more right brained, which is integral or spatial and uses the 3-D visual language common to all. The inner self also uses other 3-D languages attached to the feelings and sensations common to human nature that defines us as a species. We do not need a word of love to feel love. The word came second with each of the 7000 languages having their own sound association.

The visual language, used by the inner self is a much faster language than the spoken or written language. One can see a complex event in a second, which may take many pages of text to describe. This higher speed is not easy to transfer to others, unless we slow visual language with a spoken language representation. If we don't need to transfer the visual language to another, we can use it full speed.

For example, the batter hitting the baseball, makes use of hand eye coordination. There is not enough time to break down a fraction of a second with language and still hit the ball. Rather the ego will by-pass audio language in favor of pure visual. It may slow it down after the ball is hit to coach the child. Subliminal programming picks up very dense data, with the density making it below the threshold of audio language unless you ponder it long enough to slow it down.

Spoken language is more designed for social interaction via the ego. The super ego of culture (cultural rules and knowledge) takes the place of the inner self; outer self of culture. Self awareness makes use of the audio language to translate the visual and sensation languages of the inner self; symbols. One will slow these fast spatial signals, fluffing these with spoken language, like popcorn, so it is easier to digest. This is often too hard so people assume it not there and only hear the outer voice.
In sports, when one is "in the zone" I think that's probably when consciousness has little to do with the outcome.

I guess one could argue that we spend much of our life not exhibiting "free will" or "consciousness". Maybe we are all just one step away from zombiedom :)

I disagree. I find this state to be intensely self-aware and conscious. What has stopped is the inner dialogue; the debate and analysis that is often running through our mind in the form of language. But I don't find that dialogue to be consciousness itself, in fact I would say it tends to impede a true state of self awareness.
The in the zone effect comes from the inner self or the conscious center of the unconscious mind. This activity is centered on natural instinct. Ego consciousness is not the only center since this is not subject to will. Self awareness implies awareness of the inner self that can process in the zone data.

In terms of a map of the human psyche, above the ego center is the persona or the mask of the ego. This is subject to will and like a mask, is the superficial impression that the ego will show strangers. This might include clothing, makeup, tattoos , slang, and attitude. Below the mask or persona is the ego proper. This contains our personal conscious memories including those things we might share with family and close friends. It is not part of the mask but more private. Below that is the personal unconscious, which contains memories that we may have forgotten but were once conscious. Most of what you learn is school is forgotten but is still imprinted in the personal unconscious.

Below the personal unconscious, we begin to enter the threshold of the collective unconscious. The entrance or doorway to the collective unconscious begins with the shadow. The shadow follows us around like a shadow and is a combination of instinct and personal memory. It often contains things that others can see, but which the ego is unconscious of. For example, some people may have an unconscious urge to knit pick but may deny they do this. This is a shadow affect. It is sort of like a habit but is more consciously dynamic tailoring to even new situations.

Below the shadow is the collective unconscious. These are the personality firmware common to all humans which define us as species; collective human propensity. The lowest level, closest to the shadow are firmware of natural instinct. This would be what humans were before civilization and is connected to the conservative DNA from evolution. This layer is natural but also has a shadow side due to culture. Humans rarely use natural instinct but tend to use sublimated instincts defined by cultural logic. This forms a shadow side that acts similar to instinct and is often mistaken for it. Humans are not innate prone to killing. This is shadow instinct.

As we go even deeper, men and women differ. This second level firmware defines the female side of a male and the male side of a woman. The nagging women and the moody male come from this level. The female wants to instinctively lead because her firmware is masculine in nature. The male is more receptive to this because this is his female side. The nagging and moodiness of a dysfunctional marriage is actually connect to the shadow side of this firmware; cultural expectations over natural.

Below this is the deepest level firmware connected to wisdom. This also has a shadow side due to law and traditions. It is what gives females the wisdom of her maternal instincts and males the wisdom of masculine common sense. The shadow side can also cause females to distort maternal instinct in a destructive way and men to create deceptive wisdom. Most religions are connected to exercising this deepest level firmware, with the shadow side personified as the darker characters like Satan.

Below this level of firmware is the inner self. The inner self uses all the personality firmware as its own type of persona or mask, shifting between the firmware as the occasion necessitates. Falling in love is from the inner self. The ego cannot do this with will and choice, but needs to wait for fate or the inner self to generate the dynamics; lower and middle level firmware. The shadow of each can disrupt it.

The inner self is not normally conscious to the ego unless is seeks it out. Culture prefers one remain on the surface at the level of the mask, since this is where collective herd animals are formed. The ego has to work through a wide range of layers before it can become self aware; inner self aware.

In my own experience, self aware is only the beginning. The beginning involved gaining direct data of all the layers, shadows and the inner self. The next step was working through the firmware to remove the shadows which represent programming from the beginning of civilization. The shadow to the firmware appear to be connected to the continuity of cultural knowledge;original sin.

Original sin is where knowledge of good and evil creates a fixed counter point that impacts the natural flux of the inner self; tree of life. The result was fluid adaptation was replaced by procedure. If in the zone was replaced by a fixed procedure, it begins to mess up natural fluidity; shadow appears. This require more any more laws to approximate until natural is not longer natural but ego-centric.