Confession of sin/wrong doing

Such as?
And you didn't answer my question.

i bet jesus had ears. i can't speculate on anything more than that.

How do you know? You have ears, don't you?

yeah, but that's not how i hear god, unless the spirit is speaking through someone else, another human. that's happened before. but sometimes if the spirit speaks to me directly, i hear it in my head, not with my ears.
Also one time I was driving to work and this porsche comes up behind me and tailgates. I hate that so I do a brake check. He gets pissed and tries to pass me. I speed up as well as my little focus can manage but it is a porsche after all. Eventually he pulls into the same parking garage as me, turns out he works at the same place! Everytime I see him it's a little awkward.

(most of my wrongdoing is done behind the wheel)
i bet jesus had ears. i can't speculate on anything more than that.
What does Jesus have to do with anything?
You said God can hear without ears. How do you know that?

yeah, but that's not how i hear god..
i hear it in my head, not with my ears.
I'm sorry, but how do you know?

unless the spirit is speaking through someone else, another human. that's happened before.
When that happens, how do you know it is God?
What does Jesus have to do with anything?

because he's the human part of the trinity. the only part that we can be reasonably sure has ears.

You said God can hear without ears. How do you know that?

because i've spoken to his spirit with my mind, and the spirit answered me in my mind.

I'm sorry, but how do you know?

because i was there. :shrug:

When that happens, how do you know it is God?

there have been times when someone is just making conversation, but what they say means something to me in a spiritual context that they're unaware of. kind of like a weird coincidence. have you ever had that happen to you? when someone says something randomly or in regards to something else, but it's really poignant to you for a reason they are unaware of. it can be kind of creepy. i actually asked this guy i worked with once if he could read my mind after he had done that same thing to me a couple of times. he said no, but explained that he was an empath.

one of my great uncle's on the other hand has knowingly verbalized a message to me from the spirit before. he didn't know what the message meant, but i did.
Also one time I was driving to work and this porsche comes up behind me and tailgates. I hate that so I do a brake check. He gets pissed and tries to pass me. I speed up as well as my little focus can manage but it is a porsche after all. Eventually he pulls into the same parking garage as me, turns out he works at the same place! Everytime I see him it's a little awkward.

(most of my wrongdoing is done behind the wheel)

theoretically, you can be reasonably sure that you have a much bigger penis than he does. perhaps then you should be the man and apologize first. :)
Also one time I was driving to work and this porsche comes up behind me and tailgates. I hate that so I do a brake check. He gets pissed and tries to pass me. I speed up as well as my little focus can manage but it is a porsche after all. Eventually he pulls into the same parking garage as me, turns out he works at the same place! Everytime I see him it's a little awkward.
Kill him, hide the body, burn the car.
Problem solved.
because i've spoken to his spirit with my mind, and the spirit answered me in my mind.

What if that was only your conscience? You do realize that we all listen to our inner self at times.
theoretically, you can be reasonably sure that you have a much bigger penis than he does. perhaps then you should be the man and apologize first. :)

If I had the money, I would be driving one too, so...? :shrug:
Revenge might have to wait for my new WRX.
i bet jesus had ears. i can't speculate on anything more than that.

yeah, but that's not how i hear god, unless the spirit is speaking through someone else, another human. that's happened before. but sometimes if the spirit speaks to me directly, i hear it in my head, not with my ears.

I have ears . I have Eyes . Funny you bring up other people speaking . You all are possessed . Yeah Way . You all got know Idea the things you say in the name of creation or how it impacts every movement in the form of human activity. I blows my friggen mind . Animals . Humans are friggen animals
To hear? I would say so..
You tell me. You know him.

Yeah she does . Shh----- don't tell her it is Me. She hasn't quite figured it out yet. She is still contemplating the monkey on the cross. I gave her a hint about how I live in the Big Sky of Montana . Like Jesus is going to swoop down on the world from the big sky. My name is not F---cking Jesus though. I wish people would stop saying that . Jesus is dead . I should know I buried him. I put a wooden stake through his heart , killed him and buried him. Maybe because I didn't tell her about the Mountain of the lord she didn't get it. That name of the mountain in code would be Ra-Pharaoh and it is a mountain in a mountain . The first mountain has a border and that makes the encompassing mountain. The other mountain inside the mountain is an ancient sea. The top of the mountain is an ancient sea . Geologist take there students there to study fossils. Yeah way! they do . I have a couple my self. Don't tell anybody. It is illegal to take the fossils . Shit I just admitted doing something wrong
Yeah she does . Shh----- don't tell her it is Me. She hasn't quite figured it out yet. She is still contemplating the monkey on the cross. I gave her a hint about how I live in the Big Sky of Montana . Like Jesus is going to swoop down on the world from the big sky. My name is not F---cking Jesus though. I wish people would stop saying that . Jesus is dead . I should know I buried him. I put a wooden stake through his heart , killed him and buried him. Maybe because I didn't tell her about the Mountain of the lord she didn't get it. That name of the mountain in code would be Ra-Pharaoh and it is a mountain in a mountain . The first mountain has a border and that makes the encompassing mountain. The other mountain inside the mountain is an ancient sea. The top of the mountain is an ancient sea . Geologist take there students there to study fossils. Yeah way! they do . I have a couple my self. Don't tell anybody. It is illegal to take the fossils . Shit I just admitted doing something wrong

what in the hell are you talking about?
what in the hell are you talking about?

I am Lori. I figured fertility bunny week would be a good time to tell you . The new name is Mikel the Great house of God . Got Milk and I am spraying it all over the world as we speak . Yeah Way
Geologist take there students there to study fossils. Yeah way! they do . I have a couple my self. Don't tell anybody. It is illegal to take the fossils . Shit I just admitted doing something wrong

It is illegal to take the fossils.
That doesn't mean than it is bad though.
Who made that rule?
Why did they make that rule?
Is it a good rule?
Are there some creatures which live a blink of an eye claiming that they own the impressions of other creatures millions of years dead?

A quote from a book of the ancient Jewish people.

But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
Ephesians 5.13

I think that means that if you keep things hidden within yourself, they have power over you. If you expose them to light, they lose that power because they are seen as they are.

With most sins that means stupid, selfish, squalid, and commonplace.
The hardest thing about confession is that it is a blow to the ego.

I wonder if that was the reason it was so important to Freudian analysis.
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It is illegal to take the fossils.
That doesn't mean than it is bad though.
Who made that rule?
Why did they make that rule?
Is it a good rule?
Are there some creatures which live a blink of an eye claiming that they own the impressions of other creatures millions of years dead?

A quote from a book of the ancient Jewish people.

But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
Ephesians 5.13

I think that means that if you keep things hidden within yourself, they have power over you. If you expose them to light, they lose that power because they are seen as they are.

I totally agree Captain . The truth shall set you free and I interpret that to mean you can root your guilt out by coming clean . Admitting ones own short comings and moving away from ones own denials is hard. Shinning a light on it helps to see it. Things bottled up building pressure tend to explode. We seem to see a lot of that these days . People making statements by violent acts of lone wolfdom. Anything 5/3 captain makes Me happy.
It is a good law. Not to take fossils . If everybody did the mountain MiGht become a hill. Oh did I mention the Mountain has a bottomless pit too. Yeah way ! Well it probably has a bottom . You can trow a rock in the pit and listen for it to hit the bottom as long as you want . Never going to hear it with human ears . At least no one who ever climbed the mountain with Me has heard it hit the bottom . Maybe it is the well the 12 Imam crawled out of . It MiGht be deeper than "Virgil the turtles Great house" is. I don't think it is on the register of deep caves yet. Maybe no one knows about it except us that found the hole in the ground
If you see a dinosaur leg poked out of the hill, probably best not to take it.
But something common. You wouldn't do any harm at all.

We used to have a law in the UK banning metal detectors, but there was so much stuff uncovered using them that they had to bring them inside the law.
More great treasures are being discovered with them legal, than would ever have been made by Archaeologists scraping away.

Re confession.
I think it's a good thing.
You need to discuss things with people you trust.

I believe that women are best at that.
Or are they?
Confession doesn't help me much.
Atonement works a little better.
Not doing it in the first place is the best of all.
I am Lori. I figured fertility bunny week would be a good time to tell you . The new name is Mikel the Great house of God . Got Milk and I am spraying it all over the world as we speak . Yeah Way

Its fertility bunny week? Good! Got milk reminds me of a music video from a band I like. I'll find it later, I'm on my phone.
Confession doesn't help me much.
Atonement works a little better.
Not doing it in the first place is the best of all.

Confession is the basis of atonement just like with repentance; its implicit.