Confession of sin/wrong doing


Valued Senior Member
Had you done any thing wrong before that you felt very sorry about it?
Could you confess it and share with us your guilty feeling? What had actually happened?
I once laughed at this picture and i felt real bad about it afterwards:

Had you done any thing wrong before that you felt very sorry about it?
Could you confess it and share with us your guilty feeling? What had actually happened?

As a teenager and young lad, I used to pick on my overweight sister. I was particularly nasty right around the time when my mom died until I was about 14 (three years). Even when talking to my boyfriend about the time, I can't bring myself to repeat the things I said, which is a clue to how shitty an older brother I was. We get along well now, but she confessed to my father when they went to therapy that most of her childhood angst was caused by me. This is a lot, considering that a family friend molested her as a teenager. In all, she considers the humiliation suffered because of me to be the greater pain.

That's not really a thing you live down easily and I'm especially happy that she's a forgiving individual who's grown beyond her past. On my part, it sickens me to think that I made my sister depressed and a compulsive eater for a good chunk of her life. As we've gotten older, she admits that now that we've come past our demons, I'm the one suffering more. She's let it go, whereas the whole thing keeps me up at night on many occasions.

Does confession make a person feel better?

Sometimes , sometimes not. If they suffer to much public scorn they might go so far as to kill them selves. It happens all the time in America . A guys school chums last year posted him having sex and he killed him self. I don't know if it went viral or what but what we all heard was he killed him self from the public scorn of the mob mentality. His peers did it to him . It was not right and now the mob wants to mob the mob . Bob on this Mobs . Come and get Me! You will never take Me alive !!! I have done some bad bad things . Super bad. I have had some night mare experiences perpetrated on Me too. I do not choose to divulge at this time.
i think that confession is the first step in repentance just as recognizing a problem is always the first step in finding a solution. an acknowledgement of guilt conditions some people to change.
The only person that you need to confess anything to is yourself. You are responsible for your actions and therefore its your own responsibility to see to it that you keep in touch with yourself as to what you are up to. That's morally as well. You do not ever have to confess to anyone else anything that you wouldn't want them to know because they will use that against you one day when they want to make you feel bad or try to manipulate you. Confessions were a church invention that lead to the confessional that is in use today for getting the goods on people then , in their own sick ways, using that information in ways that you'd never suspect. If you really feel the necessity to confess then confess to yourself and in a way that no one can hear you.
One time this white van allowed me to merge and I waved to him in thanks. About 5 miles later on, I didn't let someone merge into my lane, I kept speeding up. Only when they were right behind me did I notice it was that same van that let me in earlier. He was pissed and I felt really bad about it.
One time this white van allowed me to merge and I waved to him in thanks. About 5 miles later on, I didn't let someone merge into my lane, I kept speeding up. Only when they were right behind me did I notice it was that same van that let me in earlier. He was pissed and I felt really bad about it.
THAT was YOU !!! I 'm a get you for that
The only person that you need to confess anything to is yourself. You are responsible for your actions and therefore its your own responsibility to see to it that you keep in touch with yourself as to what you are up to. That's morally as well. You do not ever have to confess to anyone else anything that you wouldn't want them to know because they will use that against you one day when they want to make you feel bad or try to manipulate you. Confessions were a church invention that lead to the confessional that is in use today for getting the goods on people then , in their own sick ways, using that information in ways that you'd never suspect. If you really feel the necessity to confess then confess to yourself and in a way that no one can hear you.

god can hear you silly; that's the whole point. (sh...don't tell the catholics).
Had you done any thing wrong before that you felt very sorry about it?

If you feel sorry about something you have done, it naturally follows that you think you've done something wrong.. :shrug:
However, does that mean that you've actually done something wrong? Objectively wrong? By whoms (Fraggle?) definition?
Your question, if taken literally, is pretty much unanswerable.

Could you confess it and share with us your guilty feeling? What had actually happened?
I have no idea what you're talking about.. :rolleyes:
no, and i don't need ears to hear god. cool huh?

No what?
"No, God doesn't have ears" or "No, God doesn't need ears"?

–verb (used with object)
1. to perceive by the ear: Didn't you hear the doorbell?
–verb (used without object)
9. to be capable of perceiving sound by the ear; have the faculty of perceiving sound vibrations.
No what?
"No, God doesn't have ears" or "No, God doesn't need ears"?

–verb (used with object)
1. to perceive by the ear: Didn't you hear the doorbell?
–verb (used without object)
9. to be capable of perceiving sound by the ear; have the faculty of perceiving sound vibrations.

in my experience god has other means of communication.
The only person that you need to confess anything to is yourself. You are responsible for your actions and therefore its your own responsibility to see to it that you keep in touch with yourself as to what you are up to. That's morally as well. You do not ever have to confess to anyone else anything that you wouldn't want them to know because they will use that against you one day when they want to make you feel bad or try to manipulate you. Confessions were a church invention that lead to the confessional that is in use today for getting the goods on people then , in their own sick ways, using that information in ways that you'd never suspect. If you really feel the necessity to confess then confess to yourself and in a way that no one can hear you.

a confession is also implicit in an apology.

your suggestion here is really fear-based, almost paranoid, and certainly not loving or empowering; ultimately not beneficial to you or anyone else.