concerning all people

nobody is in charge? thats a good one.
tell that to your boss monday morning-
Well I could say, that you are probably more intelligent than you come across here, so why don't you use it, to make good points.
Yeah, good attempt at not answering the question at all.

nobody is in charge? thats a good one.
tell that to your boss monday morning-

Did you completely miss the point? Who's your bosses boss, and his boss, and so on and so forth? Eventually the line loops back, hence no ultimate boss.
Yeah, good attempt at not answering the question at all.

If it was attempt at not answering the question, then it must mean I answered the question. Tripped, eh?
Now, all you have to, is work out, what the answer means. It's quite obvious, really.

Did you completely miss the point? Who's your bosses boss, and his boss, and so on and so forth? Eventually the line loops back, hence no ultimate boss.

Redundant logic. To say no one is in charge, is like saying, there is no evil anywhere in the world, because it's all relative. Ultimately we draw a line somewhere, or the state would fall into anarachy.

So to say, someone is in charge, is not wrong at all. As per your viewpoint, someone is in charge of you, and who is in charge of them, is irrelavant to you.

Much like, someone is in charge of running our country, running our nuclear command and control facility, running our local take-away. You argue over the most trivial things, and ignore the bigger picture.
"nobody is in charge? thats a good one.
tell that to your boss monday morning-"
-I know him, he's not in charge...

This thing called reality is too slippery for anyone to maintain a conspiracy,they would be taking on an enormous burden.

Our government is certainly not in control of s*it, they like to think they are, but look, for example, at the economy. Not even the best experts in the world have a handle on what is going to happen the next week, never mind the next year. The economy is out of control, and always was. We perform "corrections" and try to steer things in a certain direction, that is all. I'm suggesting that it is rediculous to think that the same administrators in charge of balancing the budget are keeping an alien invasion under wraps.

Look, I'm not discounting that there are aliens, I just think that the phenomenon goes so far beyond our puny government pencil pushers keeping a shaceship someplace in Nevada.

Look here, and be amazed.

You see, you are still assuming aliens to be just another kind of creature only with slightly more sophisticated hardware than us, how silly. excerpt:

"...I think the thing that has been overlooked in almost all discussions of extraterrestrial contact is how strange the extraterrestrial is likely to be. It isn't going to be a friendly, elfin little feller with a beating heart of gold. It isn't even going to be some of the more extravagantly grotesque creations out of Hollywood. Conditions and time spans in the universe are long enough and varied enough that I would bet that the real task with extraterrestrial intelligence will be to recognize it, you see. We have no conception of how species-bound our images of life and biology are. This is a place where we have never been asked to confront to what degree the monkey within us has channeled our expectations and perceptions. "
Terence Mckenna
interesting read.

let me try to take another route in explaining:

lets take 2 animals for my example, the ant, and the dolphin.
anyone who knows anything will know that these two species are very advanced. the main thing i want to point out is their forms of communication.
both species have very advanced forms of communication, i would say far better than our communication (disregarding the internet, cell-phones, etc- only natural communication)
ants are known to use chemicals to communicate, leaving traces behind them as they march onward, and antenae able to pick up these chemical traces.
dolphins have a very advanced form of sonar, and some even suspect they have a form of telepathic communication. dolphins are known as one of the smartest creatures, and they are very smart in regards to communicating with each other etc.

now, if you realize that some animals have the natural ability for advanced forms of communicating and sending signals to and fro- then you can maybe see what i am trying to point out- some humans are trying to build technology that can interfere with our communication systems, more specifically by throwing specific frequency waves out that interfere with our own magnetic or electromagnetic fields... also by using chemistry (LSD trials etc).

there are alot of different techniques for this and they are all being researched and some are already being used.

i guess what im trying to get at is the fact that waves are used for communicating and many other things. television channels, radio stations, and even our own voices produce waves that travel. this is the basis of life, and how life communicates and works in a very complex network.
now, what most people have yet to realize is that there are MILLIONS of waves shooting around at any given location at any given time. i mean we are bombarded by them. some of these waves pass right through objects, thru your entire body, and keep going. our DNA is fairly strong, and most of the waves that cross past our DNA does not effect it much. the strands are tightly constructed and leave hardly any room for interference.

BUT- this is my main point. our DNA is not BULLET PROOF, not al all. although it is very carefuly crafted, it can still be altered. this is why we look different from one another, this is why the ancient monkey was able to evolve into a man. with all the waves hitting our DNA double helix, sometimes a particle will corrupt, dislodge, or change one of the molecules in the DNA. my case in point are the artificial waves that we are transmitting and the newer technology (microwave etc) - some of these waves can be hazardous to your health, and maybe even more.

THEREFORE- with the new technologies that are being tested, such as ELF, VLF, GWEN, and MicroWaves, the risk of damaging or altering or corrupting our DNA becomes higher.

FURTHERMORE- if we are able to understand in detail how these waves work, how they interact and communicate with our own selves and the objects in our world, then perhaps technology could be created that manually alters natural things by using artificial waves that are similar.

this is the basis for my discussion of mind control and devices that may be related to it. this also spans out to the discussion of weather-altering technology that is also under way. but ill post up on that later.

plus you must wonder what else these low frequency waves (and others) are capable of doing. dont you think the gov't should disclose the information about these new technologies; the good, the bad, and the ugly?
the earth belongs to all of us and i think we should know what our gov'ts are doing to it.

ANOTHER POINT i would like to state is on magnetism
most of what i have spoken about here is about low frequency waves and micro waves-
but there is another completely different dilemna regarding the health of the earth and us as well; and this is the magnetic fields.
as you should know the earth has a magnetic field, hence the north and south pole. this creates a magnetic field that stretches out beyond our earth's surface and makes a polar field. now, what some of you may not be aware of is that each and every human being also has a magnetic field inside of them. what researchers are finding out is that our magnetic field is closely tied in with the earth's magnetic field~ and this is only logical. so with the damage our earth's magnetic field (or shield if you want to call it) is receiving, you can expect our own selves may be in danger. it has already been found that children born recently (last 10 years) are being born magnetically lighter than usual. what does this mean? are these newborns somehow adapting to the changing magnetic field, or is this a negative side effect from the damage already done to our magnetic field?

In the new observations, the Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite revealed an area almost the size of California in the arctic upper atmosphere where a 75-megawatt "proton aurora" flared for hours. A proton aurora is a form of Northern Lights caused by heavy solar ions striking Earth's upper atmosphere, causing it to emit ultraviolet light--invisible to the human eye but detectable by the Far Ultraviolet Imager on IMAGE. While this aurora was being recorded by IMAGE, the 4-satellite Cluster constellation flew far above IMAGE, directly through the crack, and detected solar wind ions streaming through it.

i hope this helps you guys to see a little better what im trying to say

While that is reasonable, I still think, we can extrapolate from our understanding, and form a reasonable image of an alien.

1: The alien maybe Humanoid, as in, it too, has descended from mammals
2: The alien maybe Cetacean, as in, it has descended from dolphins or whales
3: The alien maybe Reptile, as in it has descended, from reptiles
4: The alien maybe Bird, as in it has descended from birds
5: The alien maybe oceanic, as in marine based life form
6: The alien maybe AI, or silicon based.
7: The alien maybe a super advanced microorganism
8: The alien may be crystalized energy(no physical form)
9: The alien maybe an ecosystem, like a planet.
10: The alien maybe a completely difference form of intelligence - like dolphins

There are so many possibilities. Human, is only one branch of evolution. Yet to say, we will not recognise it, is not accurate, if the alien is 1-6, we would notice it, if it is 7-10, then it would be difficult to identify it. The point is, there would be a tremendous variation of ETI, so we may recognize some, and not recognize others. Thus the aliens we have encountered now, are perhaps the ones that are recognizable, but there maybe some, we can't recognize yet.
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what i woud like to say regarding crazymikeys post, a good one indeed, is this:

i agree totally that it will be hard to reconize alien lifeforms if they do not follow a biological system that we are familiar with (carbon-based)
BUT- with the help of information and movies, we can look past our blindness and see possiblities of other kinds of life. the latter (movies) gives us good glimpses of possible alien life. information, on the other hand, gives us SOLID facts of things that we have observed, documented, and know to be true. (therefore information is far more convincing than movies, duh)
THEREFORE- information is what we need. now, the REAL PICKLE here is that I believe, and quite a few other people agree with me~ that the government has some information regarding extra-terrestrial life, alien life forms, and advanced technology.
IN THE END- i see valuable information being held back that could REALLY HELP US UNDERSTAND ALIEN LIFE FORMS, and THE UNIVERSE IN GENERAL.
you see guys, gov't's (ours especially) want to have a heads-up on everything, its obvious. so they want to know the secrets of life before anyone else, then maybe perhaps let the public know, if they want to (or the public demands it)

*a note
on your 1-8 listing mikey, you may have jumbled a few things up:
1: The alien maybe Humanoid, as in, it too, has descended from mammals
humanoid does not necesarily mean it is descended from mammals.
2: The alien maybe Cetacean, as in, it has descended from dolphins or whales
-perhaps its actuall the Cetaceans that are descendants of Aliens (dolphins in particular)
-also, it should be considered that you can mix and match any of your 1-8 options. in other words, there can be an AI humanoid.
-You also left out the insects.

now, if information was released on UFO's, crashes, and any possible alien life form autopsy's, pictures, descriptions, classifications(it is said the US Gov't has over 57 documented species of aliens) - then maybe we could shed more light on this subject. some scientists have came forward (and risked their own lives) to try and bring you some pieces of knowledge they have acquired. it is a shame that most of this info is ridiculed by debunkers and skeptics, the former sometimes actually working for the gov't and the latter only helping them keep things under wraps.

im glad someone brings up aliens in this discussion, because it has ALOT of relevance to the topic of my posts.
Thanks Zonabi,

Did you read the post in my topic, "Proof for ETI" about why the government would want to cover this up. I would also like you to share your ideas and arguments in that topic.

Yes, my mistakes, humanoid is not necessarily mammal. I also agree, that life, can be a combination of them all. However, it does not necessarily imply, that all forms are naturally occurring. For instance, energy life forms, may result after a certain stage in technological evolution, or perhaps in a higher dimension. AI, as the name suggests, are manifestations of technological evolution.

Super advanced microorganisms, could possibly naturally occurr, it could be said, AIDS virus, is a super intelligent microorganism. However, as evolution has a bias to form more complex organisms, I would expect the microorganism, to take visible form at one stage. As we know, they did, and complex life arose. I do believe however, that extremely intelligent micro organisms, or nano organisms, can be manufactured by a technological species.

With regards to insects, I somehow find it hard to accept, that an insect would evolve into an intelligent life-size species. Insects, are like, cells on a wire, and they don't have any apparant intelligence. We know, when cells aggregate, more complex organisms emerge, and our origin can be traced to single-celled organism - we don't look like insects now, do we?

You say it maybe possible, dolphins are descended from aliens. Why do you think so?
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-You also left out the insects.

You also left out plants and fungi, which may already be here unrecognized. Spores can withstand space, and, if you were not too concerned about the limitations of time, they can scatter among the stars through brownian motion. I think, with regard to communication, specifically chemical communication, messages from wherever could be encoded into psychoactive molecules. These are also the molecules that our government (U.S.) is repressing. The government is actively involved in outlawing the use of conciousness expanding substances at a time when the need for expansion of conciousness is at an all-time high. We often miss what is right in front of our face, communication from the Other (I prefer that term to alien), could take the form of a shift in conciousness. Space travel might never take the form of physical ships, but could involve the mind traveling to other dimensions. In fact, this is exactly what shamans have been doing for ages. A truly intelligent species would not be stupid enough to risk their lives in order to communicate directly with us, after all, communication is inherently indirect. Paradoxically, the experience of ingesting psychoactive plants and fungi is probably the most direct perception imaginable. Their effect is to dissolve cultural programming, to make us question common presumptions, the very things that might be inhibiting our development as a space or dimensional-faring species.

It might interest you to know about recent developments in the science of DNA. I have just read that DNA is structured in such a way as to encourage mutation in some parts of the code, while protecting other parts from mutation through the clever mechanism of redundancy.

Also, the CIA's LSD trials backfired on them, it could not be harnessed to support their dominator paradigm.

Also, the government has no need of mind controlling waves, we allow our minds to be controlled voluntarily, and gladly pay for it through the medium of TV.
That's interesting Spidergoat, can you provide a source to that information.

A truly intelligent species would not be stupid enough to risk their lives in order to communicate directly with us, after all, communication is inherently indirect.

I do not agree. There are different methods of doing things, and perhaps travelling here, has some other motivations. You also have to understand, that there exists a multitude of different types of ETI of varying intellectual and technological prowess. So while one ETI species may choose to view us from afar, another may, wants to physically visit us, and perform whatever procedures they desire.

We, can think of it like this: This is a very crude example, so don't get tied up in the particulars:

To travel a distance of 1000 light years:

Type 0(us): They deploy a probe on an unmanned spaceship, travelling at 1% of speed of light, on a fusion engine, equipped with a powerfull anti gravitational force field, to survive impact from space debris. The trip is completed in 100,000 years. It's economic costs are impossible. (That is why we won't)

Type 1: They use a generation ship, but, can send manned flight, and are capable of 50% of the speed of light, they use a combination engine of anti-matter, solar sails, and fusion, equipped with a powerfull anti-gravitational field to survive impact from space debris. They also have life support, and can manufacture their home gravity on the ship. The trip is completed in 5000 years. The costs of mission are astronomical.

Type 2: They use a generation ship, using an exotic form of propulsion, using a non linear field, and can travel at the speed light. They have managed to counteract the effects of relativity, and have equipped their space ship with a super powerful antigravitational field to survive space debris. The trip is completed in 1000 years. The cost of missions are very high.

Type 3: They have learned how to open dimensions, and transit through short cuts, at 10%C through the short cut, they can complete the trip in 100 year. Cost of missions are High.

Type 4: They are capable of energy production in the order of Planks constant. They travel through space by creating wormholes and warping space. They can complete a trip in 10 year. The cost of missions are moderate.

Type 5: They are capable of quantum teleportation, and can send probes, or nanobots, perhaps even themselves across the universe, by quantumly converting themselves into particle tachyons or pulses, and can travel 1000 times the speed of light. They can complete the trip in 1 year. The cost of missions are cheap.

Type 6: They have discovered how to force a linear response from the non linearity of the universe, and has managed to decode the quantum code that is the fabric of the universe. They can from their location, navigate through space/time, through multiple universes, and can encode the universe at any point in space/time to respond causing real physical changes. Such a civilization, could travel anywhere in the universe instantaneously, by modifying the code of the universe (This is my theory, and I think such technology will be attainable in the very far future)

Type 7: This life form has advanced their consciousness to such an unimaginable level, that they can traverse space/time instantaneously, and exist in many places at once, and do absolutely anything they will, they can alter space/time, destroy universes, and create universe, and take on any physical and non physical form. They do not require any artificial means of technology, nor exist as physical beings. In other words, they are Gods.

Type 8: This is God.
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Don't you think that any species advanced enough to visit earth could avoid the stupid mistake of crashing? That is the most unbelievable part of these UFO coverup conspiricy theories.
How often do they crash, though? If you compare the attrition of all our aircraft, from 50's to 2000, you would find, we've lost thousands of them due to attrition.

Compare that, to the alleged UFO's, that have been visiting us for centuries, and only 2 have crashed or so - and it doesn't sound that bad at all. And why do you call crashing a stupid mistake? Have you not heard the word, "accident"

When we have accidents? Are we making stupid mistakes? Sheesh.
Yes, they are often stupid mistakes. And if there is a race that travels space, you have no idea how many vehicles they have lost; to say it is only two or so is presumptuous on your part. And if you have a race that travels space, and two or so crash on the earth, scaling things down from the intergalactic, it would seem to me that it be the equivalent of two or so of our planes crashing at the same street intersection in a single town.

:m: Peace.
i have thought about why UFOs advanced enough to travel space end up crashing. i do not think this discredits the reality of UFOs, but it does spark some questions.
-there can always be some kind of malfunction
-there could have been some conflict, perhaps gov't spotted it and gunned it down
-maybe the atmospheric conditions effected the ship (or magnetosphere)
-maybe all the godamned frequency waves i am complaining about caused electromagnetic interference/problems
-perhaps the aliens miscalculated some things, such as the velocity once entering our atmosphere, the distance of the actual ground, the gravitational force of earth

there are a ton of things that could have happened, and truth be told that our government probably knows what happened.

i personally think something went wrong once they entered our planet.


about the dolphins. (warning: this may sound crazy)
reason for the comment of dolphins being descendants of aliens is because of a few main reasons. first you have to realize which aliens i am talking about.
i am refering to the most commonly sighted alien, the one we see the most of, hear the most of, and seems to visit earth occasionally (since they are moderately close to us): the Grey.
if you dont know who the Greys are then skip this part of my post~

We must take a look at the Greys and then the Dolphins.
Firstly, lets take their skin and skin texture.
Greys are called Greys because of their grey skin color. their skin texture is said to be mesh-like.
Dolphins strangely enough have very similar skin, both the color (they are grey) and texture.
Now, obviously they arent exactly alike, please cut me some slack b4 u claim this gibberish. You must realize some other things first.
moving on- we can look at their eyes, both very Black. So what, this is just a small similarity.
Now the good stuff.
Dolphins have one of the most advanced forms of communication. It is like sonar in some ways, but far beyond what sonar is capable of. Dolphins communication almost Telepathically, meaning they can warn others far away that danger is coming, or let them know where they are, where to go- and even more. I saw a Dolphin on TV who was able to Speak by using a Computer system that allowed him to choose words from big buttons in front of him. Simply Amazing!
Now, compare this to what u know about the Greys. they are seen to have a small slit-like mouth, almost no mouth at all. this is because they dont need a mouth, they dont use voice much. they communicate telepathically, very much like the dolphins.

it should also be noted that it has been found that Dolphins are actually more of a genetic DNA match to Humans than any other animal (yes any land mammal too)

the rest of this is a bit controversial, but if really interested gimme a PM crazymikey. i dont want to scare ppl out of here


crazymikeys 8 levels of space traveling civilizations:
very nice thinking and analyzing plus speculation.
there are a few things i want to say about your new list.
firstly i believe in all of the types you listed here, except some of them i believe to not apply to aliens (or any physical life form) and you realize this also.
- i have podered this probably the most: warps (black hole, folding time, shortcuts) and my ideas bounce around but currently heres my view:
--the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a black hole. except, i have a hard time believing that any physical life form in some kind of physical ship would be able to travel thru a black hole. I used to believe its possible, i guess it was more of a Hope; but now, after gaining sufficient knowledge and etc- i dont see it happening.
---what i do see using black holes to get around are what most call the "Gods" - and this includes all spirits, angels, and all the workers/creators of the universe. the way i figure it, once you leave your physical body, it should then be possible to float into a black hole or time warp and have your energy sucked in and spit out at point B. see, the only stipulation for a physical life form to go in a black hole would be the fact that his/her body would be stretched almost infintely- pulling apart his/her body essentially killing it. (well, maybe your body dies and you would pop out the other end as a spirit? <-- just thought of that while typing) so, a spirit energy could be stretched infinitely, it matters not.
=now, another possibility are smaller time warps that arent as intense and powerful as the almighty black holes. these could be wormholes from smaller exploded stars, or other things in space (we dont know much yet) and maybe if there are smaller time warps perhaps physical lifeforms can use them as shortcuts.

*BUT* consider this. if aliens were able to use black holes, dont you think we would be visited by TONS more aliens, especially different looking ones? this is a reason why i believe aliens arent traveling in black holes.

**logical thinking** most of our alien sightings concur with the similar descriptions of the aliens- the "Greys"
this means a couple of things
-the most obvious would be that they are in fact real, not made-up
-they are a species of life

now, lets consider a few other things.
my speculation is this= looking at the Greys (aliens) one sees many things in common with our own species, Human.
the most appearant similarity is our basic body structure. we can call this "humanoid" for now. what this means is- both Greys and Humans have a Head, which is on top of a Torso, which has 4 appendages. We even have the same appendages, which is 2 arms and 2 legs, both placed in the same areas.
We have similar Head and Facial make-up, meanign 2 eyes , a nose, and a mouth.
this is where the mirror gets blurry.
aliens have much larger eyes, and much smaller noses and mouthes. all this proves to me is that they have done away with vocal communication, and have decided that the sense of Smell isnt all that important. VISION is greatly enhanced, obviously by the large black eyes. perhaps they can see electromagnetic waves and other waves invisible to the human eye.

ok, we will stop the compositions there, and return to my point.

***taking the considerable similarities between us and the Greys, i come to a conclusion, and i also have someone else's opinion on the matter:

me- the reason we are alike in our body composition is because the Aliens must be from within our galaxy, known as the milky way. I have began to believe that life forms are very closely related to the galaxies in which they live. i also believe that each galaxy has its own Laws, not necesarily the same as the ones we have observed in the milky way. in other words, life forms from a spiral galaxy will look very different from lifeforms in a elliptical or lenticular galaxy- and irregular galaxies.... well i would bet theres some monster looking aliens there (if any). of course once again our current knowledge is very limited especially on this subject.

him- agree's with me on that they are from our same galaxy; but has a different theory; he believes the reason we are similar is because Aliens visited earth in primitive years and actually created (or helped) what became the human. he also goes further to add that Dolphins were also initialized by Aliens and theyre genetic engineering.

--- so backing up to where i lost myself, i meant to prove this point:
the aliens we see and the ones that have contacted earth are from within the milky way. besides my reasoning refering to our similar make-up, i can also prove they are from the milky way by using another logical conlcusion:

if they are in fact from our milky way galaxy, wouldnt it seem easier for them to find us?

it would seem logical to conclude that if most alien visitors are all the same kind (species)- they must be closeby.

now, to further these assumptions i could go into detail as to where the Greys are from, but i feel i have already said enough.

until next time forget you read any of this!
the thread is slipping away from its main topic but thats okay, i like to talk about these things anyhow.
That's quite literally rubbish, that accidents are stupid mistakes. I guess you can say that, because you've not been a victim of an accident. If your car's breaks fail, if you get a sudden spasm in your leg, if the road is slippery, or if your lights fail, and you meet with an accident - how the hell is that a stupid mistake?

I'm talking about the 1 documented case of Roswell, and 1 other possible case. I am being presumptious by saying there is one extra case, not by saying there are 2 cases.

Your logic is as weak as usuall. In fact this is more deserving of being called stupid than your stupid remark about accidents. The aliens are not invincible. The possibility for a failiure always exists. They can surely reduce the chances of it and make it extremely rare, but they probably cannot completely eliminate it, perhaps because of internal malfunctioning, or perhaps because of external factors. Even the starship enterprise, meets with it's problems :D

Despite which, for UFO traversing our skies for centuries, and no other reported cases, of attrition, just 1, or 2, mishaps, is nothing. Do you think the aliens are perfect or something? Take a look into yourself.
i would suggest taking goofy's replies with a grain of salt.

his replies are just lashes at our ideas, but no original thought will be found in it. he questions whatever is said, and thats fine- but:
it would seem to me that it be the equivalent of two or so of our planes crashing at the same street intersection in a single town.

thats about as much thought you will get from his posts. as nice as i want to be, i really cant see what he means, or even why he replies to these things.

he's one helluva a skeptic, ill give him that much.
and would probably make for one dandy debunker.

but hey, ill take anyone's two cents
we could all use a little 'change'
about the dolphins. (warning: this may sound crazy)
reason for the comment of dolphins being descendants of aliens is because of a few main reasons. first you have to realize which aliens i am talking about.
i am refering to the most commonly sighted alien, the one we see the most of, hear the most of, and seems to visit earth occasionally (since they are moderately close to us): the Grey.
if you dont know who the Greys are then skip this part of my post~

We must take a look at the Greys and then the Dolphins.
Firstly, lets take their skin and skin texture.
Greys are called Greys because of their grey skin color. their skin texture is said to be mesh-like.
Dolphins strangely enough have very similar skin, both the color (they are grey) and texture.
Now, obviously they arent exactly alike, please cut me some slack b4 u claim this gibberish. You must realize some other things first.
moving on- we can look at their eyes, both very Black. So what, this is just a small similarity.
Now the good stuff.
Dolphins have one of the most advanced forms of communication. It is like sonar in some ways, but far beyond what sonar is capable of. Dolphins communication almost Telepathically, meaning they can warn others far away that danger is coming, or let them know where they are, where to go- and even more. I saw a Dolphin on TV who was able to Speak by using a Computer system that allowed him to choose words from big buttons in front of him. Simply Amazing!
Now, compare this to what u know about the Greys. they are seen to have a small slit-like mouth, almost no mouth at all. this is because they dont need a mouth, they dont use voice much. they communicate telepathically, very much like the dolphins.

it should also be noted that it has been found that Dolphins are actually more of a genetic DNA match to Humans than any other animal (yes any land mammal too)

the rest of this is a bit controversial, but if really interested gimme a PM crazymikey. i dont want to scare ppl out of here

It's not crazy at all, in fact I've heard this theory before, and it does sound quite interesting, though only at a speculative level. However, if it's true, it perhaps the other way round, so rather than dolphins being the descendents of greys - greys are the descendents of dolphins. So, like we have branched from apes, greys have branched from Cetaceans. In fact, dolphins set foot on land, and it's often said, had they evolved into a technological species, they would have had double our intelligence. Unfortunately, they went back in. Somewhere else, they may not have, and thus the greys may have been born.

Out of the 8 levels I discussed, 6 of them, are physical based civilizations.

now, another possibility are smaller time warps that arent as intense and powerful as the almighty black holes. these could be wormholes from smaller exploded stars, or other things in space (we dont know much yet) and maybe if there are smaller time warps perhaps physical lifeforms can use them as shortcuts.

*BUT* consider this. if aliens were able to use black holes, dont you think we would be visited by TONS more aliens, especially different looking ones? this is a reason why i believe aliens arent traveling in black holes.

No, I don't think so, not because they are using black holes/wormholes. Honestly, we don't know how quick a short-cut would be. If you revert to the above example of civilization types - I have assumed, the wormhole would be 100 times faster than the speed of light. Now, our own galaxy is 100,000 light years across, from Earth, that 80,000 light years. Meaning, a civilization that is at the extreme end of our galaxy, using a wormhole, would take 1000 years to reach us.

If you consider our nearest galaxy is 2 million light years, using a wormhole, it would still take them 20,000 years to reach us.

Only a type 5 civilization, that can somehow quantumly teleport objects at speeds in excess of 1 million times the speed of light, can such trips be made in comfortable time frames

A type 6 and 7 civilization can travel anywhere in the universe, or perhaps serveral billion light years, but such a civilization would be several hundreds of millions of years advanced, perhaps even billions(does not have to be actual Earth years) Also, they have the ability to view us from afar, and instantly teleport here, it's unlikely they would travel in UFO's.

Now wether type 5,6,7 are visiting us, we cannot be sure.

it would seem logical to conclude that if most alien visitors are all the same kind (species)- they must be closeby.

Yes, that's exactly what follows. The aliens visiting us, are most likely nearby, and perhaps not that more advanced than us, from a few thousand years to a hundred thousand years, which in terms of interstellar years, would make them children, and us, toddlers, perhaps. They are mostly probably type 1, type 2, and type 3, and type 4, and perhaps type 5 civilizations within the range of 4 light years to 1000 light years.

The greys are suppose to be only 39 light years away, and the closest claim to ETI life is 15 light years away. I think the greys are a type 2, at most, type 3 civilization.
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i am glad to see how much you already know crazymikey!

what ETI is supposedly 15 light years away?

Yes, the Greys are pretty close, which is why I spend most time discussing them. Taking probably the most convincing proof ( the betty hill diagram ) and all of the research that followed it- I believe and logically agree that this is the origin of the greys. computer analysis confirms the map drawn by betty, and it is almost an exact match of the Zeta Reticuli stars.

But, one thing really itches my mind:
on the map betty hill was shown (and later drew while under hypnosis) there were "routes" or lines connected a few certain stars. taking the entire hill abduction at face value, it is said these lines represented "trade routes" of places (star systems) the greys visit frequently, and other places they visit ocasionally. now, from the computer analysis, (which proved that the aliens were showing a map based from their home planet [just like we map the stars based from earth]) it was confirmed that earth was part of the map, and more specifically- part of the 'occasional route'

what does this mean? thats what gets me wondering.

and this is where all this comes in about dolphins, and such. were greys here before we ? did they actually have something to do with the evolution of man?!
some evidence may point to yes, albeit very abstract and theoretical evidence.

history is a big key in finding out the truth. except!!! what we have in our history books may not be completely true or correct.
i believe history should be double checked every so often. just like it has been in the past- (flat earth, ptolemy, evolution, the missing link, catastrophic events)
we need to evaluate all these over and over with current and newer technology and more open minds.
just a few weeks ago scientists found out that the "big comet that crashed and killed the dinosaurs" may not have even had anything to do with the extinction of the dinosaurs (well lets not say it didnt have ANYTHING to do with it, but it has been found out the astronomical crash happened considerably before dinosaurs walked the earth)
things like this need to be considered, and alot more.

some cases in point that i'd like to bring up are:

ancient civilizations- namely the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians
we need to look closely at what these civilizations recorded and knew, and drew on their walls, etc. **note- it is a shame but the War in Iraq has causes several ancient artifacts that were in the 'holy' city to be destroyed and stolen, taken, whatever.

look at what these peoples drew. theyre was monsters, drawings of angelic peoples, egyptians had visions of Gods and Godesses, worshipped them. Egyptians are a very interesting civilization if u study- you will realize they had an extremely advanced intelligence that seemed to come out of the thin air. their very complex calendar systems.
ancients also payed attention to the stars. why do u think ? because there is something very important up there (and down there) in the skies of space.

it has been rumored that outside forces (greys?) contacted these ancient civilizations, and mankind even before that perhaps- to help mankind advance they gave us some knowledge, and maybe even more. this could explain the extended knowledge of the skies or the advanced processes of mummification the egyptians practiced, also can explain how they built the monumentous pyramids! these are gigantic structures, built by impossible-to-stack 100 ton blocks - and also not to mention the hidden tombs and who-knows-what-else.

sumerians knew there was an extra planet in our solar system, they had it in their drawings. (they drew 12 planets, except they counted the sun and our moon as 2 more) and sure enough there pops an extra planet.
*note this planet will effect the earth dramatically

the thing that kind of pisses me off is how far away from our "roots" we have gotten. as u trace history, the wonder and questioning of our world and life seems to deteriorate. why is this? is it because we feel we have answered the questions in the entirety? <--if thats so, then we are weak-minded. or perhaps it is because we are satisfied with our current understaning <-- could be partially true, people do feel uneasy when their normality is questioned. or could it be even darker than we that? could it be that certain techniques of advanced technology and wave-transofrming some opposing forces have been able to tone down our rampid imagination? were are all the poets and artists that i so much appreciated in the past? where has our creativity and insight gone? when i think about this it doesnt seem so far-fetched to cry conspiracy of mind-control.
it could also be a mixture of the said reasons above. just like almost everything else is a mixture of things, its another revelation i have had.
one is not enough. ever. you need to gather multiple views in order to see any truth. thats my philosophy.

"only after seeing the lies can you realize the truth"

a quote i made