concerning all people


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
most people live their lives without second guessing, without ever stopping and thinking about their own lives much.
that is ok, although i see that as blindly going about your business~ but for the most part these people dont mean any harm, and just want to be happy (have money, well-being)

i stop and look at things.

i study the past, and speculate about the future.
you can even say i speculate about the past a bit sometimes.

either way- i see some holes and missing links in the "view" that most of us hold in our minds about the world.
now, when i say "us" i mean the United States general public, because that is what i am a part of. none of this may pertain to other peoples in other countries. on the other hand, all of this may pertain to some peoples in some countries (russia, for example).

many of the flaws that i see lie within our government, which is supposed to be a Justifyiable Body of people that should make the right choice for its people.

now, this was true of our government when it was created, and held true for quite some time. but frankly, in this day and age- i dont see it living up to its word anymore.

our freedom has been limited several times, each instance chipping away at the stone that is our constitution. amendments and new laws have re-written our most precious document. o well, trash it.

what i want to say is that the time has come to come clean.
i think we have the right to know what our government is working on, especially when it comes to weapons and technology and our own citizens of the US of A.

Perhaps fifty years ago it was a smart move to NOT let the surprising news out that an actual UFO was recovered in Roswell, NM- Yes, i do see their reasoning for with-holding this information from the public AT THAT TIME- but it is no longer 1960, and we have grown to accept many strange things, such as Gay marriage.
There comes a time when you have to tell your son or daughter that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy, or when u have to explain to them the birds and the bees.

Take a look. It has been over half a century, and the public STILL isnt sure whether or not UFOs and Aliens actually exist. Why can't the gov't confirm or deny either of the two options?

There is only one rationable conclusion one can draw from this:
The hole is much deeper than you think~

why else would the gov't be so hesitant to once and for all set the records straight on the UFO situation.
the only reason for their continued silence would be because:
1- they are still working on something related to the UFO matter
2- they do not want the public to know of something they did regarding this matter
3- both of the above

because, in all rationality, if none of these applied, then there would be no reason to withhold this information from the public.

if there was a crash, so what? we the people are ready to accept the fact that we are not alone.

i feel there is more to it than meets the eye.

so i begin my quest for knowledge and try to filter the facts that are thrown at me.

debunking a debunker- decrypting encryptions.
there is a plethora of information regarding these sensitive subjects abound on the 'net ~ yet most dont stop to think that some of this info is actually planted miss-information.

with that said, and much searching done, i have found some very sad news about us.

the matter i would like to bring to the front is one that started roughly in the middle of the 20th century, and it was occuring mostly in russia, or the solviet union as it is called. what i am speaking of is the birth of technologies that have, and will, alter the destinies of mankind and effect the earth's future for better or worse. these technologies are known to most paranoids as "Mind Control Technologies"

the russian KGB was the leading group on this technology movement. they utilized the technology to alter people's minds, and word has it that our own US gov't has been buying these devices and technologies from russia.
The Jan. 11-17, 1993 issue of DEFENSE NEWS reported that U.S. political and military officials are obtaining Soviet mind-control technology. The Soviet KGB "capability, demonstrated in a series of laboratory experiments dating back to the mid-1970's, could be used to suppress riots, CONTROL DISSIDENTS, demoralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of friendly special operations teams, sources say."

"Pioneered by the government-funded Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acoustic psycho-correction involves the transmission of specific commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions.

Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute. Moreover, decades of KGB research and investment of untold millions of rubles in the process has produced THE ABILITY TO ALTER BEHAVIOR ON WILLING AND UNWILLING SUBJECTS, the experts add."

the reason i throw this bizarre technology wrap to you is basically for one ultimate reason:
in hopes of helping people worldwide wake up to realization of what is being done and whats to come.

now, i hate to sound like some crazed prophet; but indeed my intentions are similar to those of a prophet.

back to the data and information:
take a look at russia and how their government - citizen relationship works.
the citizens of the united states are headed to a similar dictatorship if we dont open our eyes to the facts.

The 4\94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported that Janet E. Morris and her husband Christopher C. Morris "have been involved in promoting a 'psycho-correction' technology, developed by a Russian scientist, that is INTENDED TO INFLUENCE BY MEANS OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES EMBEDDED IN SOUND OR VISUAL IMAGES." In 1993, "the Morrises organized a meeting in which the technology was demonstrated for U.S. scientists and officials by its Russian inventor."

Defense news reported that on Dec. 15, 1992, Janet Morris stated that she and the Richmond, Virginia-based International Health-line Corporation "have briefed senior U.S. intelligence and Army officials about the Russian capabilities, which Morris said could include hand-held devices for purposes of special operations, crowd control and anti-personal actions."

Morris reported that this particular weapon creates "BONE-CONDUCTING SOUND WAVES that cannot be offset by protective gear These devices appear to work at the Very Low Frequency (VLF) spectrum, the same frequency range as generated by the sinister U.S. Gwen (Ground Wave Emergency Network) system of transmitters.
this is just a small portion of the enormous amount of research and secret legislative activities being conducted on these dangerous technologies.

to give a little background of whats going on today, its only logical that i supply some information about the past, specifically what our gov't has been setting up for us.

Clinton can be associated with these secret meetings on mind control technology, or Psychotronic Weapons as the scientist call them. Janet Reno, close to Clinton, has been confirmed as an attendee to secret behind closed doors meetings with Russian Scientists, as well as US Scientists.
Moscow is now supplying Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno with a whole new class of weapons, that will be specifically TARGETED AGAINST AMERICAN CIVILIANS.

The controlled U.S. media has labeled these so-called "NON-LETHAL WEAPONS." A close inspection of the facts about these new anti-civilian devices, reveals that they are SOVIET PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS, which are very dangerous and they can also be extremely lethal. The 3\1\93 issue of Time Magazine reported: "American and Russians are discovering common interest...MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY. Former KGB General George Kotov has told American visitors about Russian (KGB) research into 'acoustic psycho-correction.' The process involves transmitting commands into the subconscious of targeted victims through static or white-noise bands

Please note that Clinton has supported Former President George Bush's attempts to allow mind control devices to be used on american citizens, and that George Bush Jr. is now furthering his father's wishes by continuiing ELF Transmissions (amongst several other brutal acts) in several parts of the world, one being in the atlantic ocean.

President Bill Clinton has continued and expanded George Bush's surrender-America policy. As a result, increasing numbers of foreign troops, including Russian Spetsnaz, along with vast amounts of foreign military equipment are now entering the United States to serve as a U.N. OCCUPATION force.

On May 3, 1994, President Clinton signed an Executive Order Presidential Decision Directive (originally numbered PPD-13, later changed to PPD-25) that places U.S. troops under U.N. command and abolished the law limiting the number of U.S. troops that can be committed to the U.N. without approval of Congress.

PPD-25 also created special funding for U.N. peacekeeping and occupation forces, that permits an UNLIMITED drain upon the U.S. Treasury. American Tax payers will be forced to pay any amount demanded by the U.N. occupation forces.

Acting under U.N. occupation orders, U.S. military and national guard forces are now being trained to attack civilians in this country. In Alaska, contingents of Russian military OCCUPATION FORCES are reported to have already landed. State and Federal forces, have begun house-to-house surveys, looking for gun collectors and checking attitudes for possible patriotic resistance.

A number of citizens have already been illegally detained. The 10\14\94 WASHINGTON TIMES reported that U.S. Marines in California had to fill out a "Combat Arms Survey" that asked 39 questions about attitude to determine if AMERICAN MARINES WERE WILLING TO SERVE THE NEW WORLD ORDER TRAITORS AND FIGHT AGAINST THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS.

Marines were asked to give their attitudes on the treason statement: "I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and EVERY Nation's way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their service." The last item on the survey asked the Marines' attitude about the statement: "I WOULD FIRE UPON U.S. CITIZENS, WHO REFUSED OR RESIST CONFISCATION OF FIREARMS BANNED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT."

Many of you (i hope) have noticed Bush's globalisation vision, and realize that it is purely fueled by the greed for power and money. But this information here bluntly shows you, without a doubt, what his motives are: globalisation.

furthermore, these decisions made my the govt have had ripple effects, like any and every action has ripple effects.

One would be the suspicion that arises in american public. This is where debunkers come into play. many of you here are familiar with debunking, which is a method of sabatoging an idea by deceptively sending a mole to the other side and having him make insane and illogical statements, bringing down the credibility of the resisting force.

but, debunkers arent the only means of keeping things in check. and this is where the mind-control devices and technologies come into play.

As more Russian and United Nations occupation troops enter the United States, the White House is expecting strong resistance from loyal Americans. To QUIETLY suppress these patriotic fighters, [the] President .. is getting help from the old Soviet KGB.

with all this long typed page i feel i have not gotten my point across. but that's the nature of this dilemna~ it is so broad and global that the general public cannot comprehend it very well. this may be in part because they have been toned down by mind altering forces, or it could be that only a select few are smart enough to think about it, or both.

these technologies i spoke of were in development in since the early 1970s (in US) and even longer in russia. it would not come as a surprise to me if they are already employing the technologies across large geographical areas.

from here i can spend hours upon hours dishing out the numerous devices, attempts, and plans for mass mind control, but thats excess baggage. i could throw bizarre theories on the table such as the flouride in toothpaste (which has a warning : DO NOT SWALLOW, yet you put it in your mouth ?) or the MicroWave towers hidden in remote areas, or several others strange incidents and information~~ but that will only add to the debunker's pleasure.

im not here to preach about anarchy, although it sounds like a good idea to me.
im not here to oppose the government, although they are hiding alot from us
and im not here to prophesize about the future, although it doesnt look too bright from where im standing.


While this technology can be useful, it seems the gov't wants to take a more dark side of this new technology. why is this?

reports confirm a device able to generate electromagnetic fields that can disrupt or disengage any electronic device.
in the event of a Missile coming our way, this sounds like a GREAT idea.
but in the event of shutting off power grids, or zapping a car/public area- this device could potentially stop not only the suspect's car, but his neighbor's pacemaker. now how does that sound ?

I even read about certain projects that are going on where scientists (both US and Russian) are collaborating in hopes of achieving a device that can control weather. the problem is, they wont be controlling weather, they'll be corrupting weather. and the ripple effect of this can be cataclysmic.


we are on the brink of a new era. the information age is at our hands, and we should use it to OUR advantage.
slowly but surely the right information comes to light, and those who seek it are able to let others know.

this message is for all of you who read it, whether you believe it or not, the notion has entered your mind, and my job here is 'done' so to speak.

for those who find relevance in my words, please grab this inner feeling and magnify it. let other people know as well. for knowledge is power. thats the law of the land and is exactly why the gov'ts with hold information.

think about it
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Lemme guess. You're related to Kathaksung?
Have any reliable sources regarding your topic?

:m: Peace.
Wow that is an unbelivably long post. I am impatient. Can someone paraphrase that for me? PPPLEEEEASSSEEE? :eek:
goofy: let me guess, you're always the first person to reply to anything here, with your quick reflex you ask for reliable sources.

evidence: stand in front of your microwave and put it on high for 20 minutes.
"reliable source"(for goofy):

votorx: in a nutshell:
there is technology available that can directly alter our very own thoughts, actions, desires. these technologies include, but aren't limited to:
-microwave technology
-ELF extreme low frequency technology
-psychotronic devices
-VLF frequencies
-Electromagnetic wave interference

and many others that come in all shapes and sizes.

i will try and gather some more reliable sources for goofy, and continue to research into this hidden technology as time passes
also, no relation to kathaksung, except we probably both see whats going on and share some views.

votorx- patience is a virtue

i have an idea - why not do a little researching yourself goofy? you will be surprised.
here are some key words:
E L F frequency / frequencies
H P M projectiles
Janet Morris

here's a good page that goes into detail about the ELF tests and its origins:
Your first source:
  • No mention of Russia.
  • No mention of the KGB.
  • No mention of Clinton.
  • No mention of Bush.
  • No metion of PPD-13.
  • No mention of firearms.
The point?

:m: Peace.
I agree the research for this type of technology has shown effects that match simple mind control but to really express mind control you have to understand the mind a whole lot better then we do now.

This type of mind control suggestion is less then subliminal messages and pictures.

People allow the suggestions to take affect and can normally ignore them or misunderstand what the suggestion was suppossed to do because of differences in each persons way of thinking. At the most these mind control techniques are emotional levels only "be happy", "be calm", or "be scared". Subliminal messages are at best urge based "your are thirsty" or "you want popcorn".

No the real mind control box is the TV. Within 30 seconds of sitting in front of the TV you get the equivalent or a morphine shot. Then from there you can broadcast subliminal messages and a few ELF waves.

But actually there is a better way with just facts placed out of context. Or calling something a fact. For some examples look at how the church operated and mantained its power in the dark ages of Europe. Or look at how US controlled black slaves. You dont think they were all locked up all the time.

Ignorance of the truth and community wide fear is much more effective then ELF waves. This seems to be the way media and the corrporate world handle stuff now make them afraid and then sell them stuff based on that fear.

Afraid of this buy that it will protect you.
Fear sells just about as good as sex.

THEY dont need technology to control your mind.
And just because your paranoid doesnt mean they aren't after you.
zonabi said:
you should become a debunker
Debunking doesn't even enter into it. The "insane and illogical statements" are those made by someone who claims conspiracy with no facts to back them up. If you want to talk about the scince surroundind the effects of various electronic radiations, that is one thing. But to sprinkle conspiracies into it with no supporting evidence is another thing entirely. I merely asked you to support your statements. Your provided sources do not do this, and the websites from which you apparenty took your Bush/Clinton/KGB/Psychotronic Tyranny quotations do no better.

:m: Peace.
thanks scramble!

FNG- totally true, the 'tube' (tv) is a form of control, even mind control to an extent.
that is why i never watch a single hour of T.V. - unless of course its the simpsons.
commercials and media is all controlled feeding certain messages to the public, not to mention the hundreds of stupid reality shows, like if people in america dont have their own reality.

anyhow, i gave plenty of solid sources in my original post- there are at least half a dozen articles from respected magazines that tried to expose this dangerous technology in the early nineties.

there is also the documents PPD-25 (which was PPD-13, guess they changed it because of the unlucky 13 ;) )
i have tried to get my hands on this but everyone wants cash for it.

im not claiming conspiracy, it is known that the soviets tried mind control techniques in the past, and so has the US gov't. they first thought drugs could control the masses, this was when LSD and other psychoactives were rampant in the 60's and 70's..
... then in the 80s and early 90s we see a number of russian scientists in our own US Labs...

to step away from the debunker's request for absolute proof, here's something a bit more important:

it is from an article on research of our own EM waves and the EM waves of the earth (including ELF)
article can be found here:

Some research has suggested that the frequency of the basic Schumann's resonance has recently been rising in value, possibly threatening the whole biosphere, human welfare and our evolutionary future. All biological processes are a function of electromagnetic field interactions. EM fields are the connecting link between the world of form and resonant patterns. They store gestalts or patterns of information. The bridge connecting solar system resonances and brain frequencies resides in our human DNA helix, which co-evolved in the Earth's environment.

Electrical engineer Lewis B. Hainsworth, MA, was among the first to suggest that human health is linked with geophysical parameters by way of the naturally occurring Schumann's ELF. His hypothesis identified naturally occurring features which determine the frequency spectrum of human brain-wave rhythms:
The frequencies of naturally occurring electromagnetic signals, circulating in the electrically resonant cavity bounded by the Earth and the ionosphere, have governed or determined the 'evolution' or development of the frequencies of operation of the principal human brain-wave signals. In particular, the alpha rhythm is so placed that it can in no circumstances suffer an extensive interference from naturally occurring signals.

Hainsworth concluded that the frequencies of human brain-waves evolved in response to these signals. If his hypothesis is correct, conditions for evolutionary changes in human brain-wave patterns have now been established. Furthermore, variations in these patterns can produce mild to disastrous health and behavioural changes.

what im trying to get at here is that all of these ELF testings and waves being shot around by the gov't is seriously effecting our planet.
they know it too, but why would they continue to damage the earth ?
effects on our planet > effects on us > ?
i wouldnt like to stick around for that.

some more scientific backup:
Richard Willams, a physicist at Princeton, stated that he thinks the Eastlund (HAARP) device "might become a serious threat to the earth's atmosphere" and "could cause irreversible damage. ... Effects in the atmosphere cannot be localized. ...The language of the patent indicates that it is clearly intended to provide effects on a global scale," (3/88 OMNI MAGAZINE).

The 2/94 COOK INLET (Alaska) MONTHLY BUSH BLADE carried a number of detailed articles about the destructive effects of the HAARP system:

The late geomagnetic researcher Lloyd Zirbes strongly opposed the technology utilized in the HAARP system. He wrote: "Disruption of earth's magnetic field will complete damages to the planet's balance done by government nuclear bomb blasts in the natural radiation belts above the ionosphere. EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD KEEPS THE PLANET IN BALANCE WITH THE MOON AND SUN" (T. E. Bearden says the same thing—page 8). "Disrupting the field will be the last straw in sending earth into the sun or out into space."

"...Ionospheric warming (such as created by the HAARP transmitters) can't fail to effect the land mass below. Total result will force POLAR ICE-CAPS TO START MELTING," - a goal which U.S. and Soviet scientists have been jointly and secretly working towards since the late 1960's

thats enough posting evidence for the skeptics, let me talk about some things now:

if u look, alot of this stuff is a bit old, a little out dated.
these tests have been known to take place since the 60's we can assure this.
magazines tried to exploit the situation, some scientists opposed tampering with the earth's magnetospere and other forces of nature. environmentalists screamed that these devices are killing animals, while people tied in with CIA etc have said some of this technology has even killed humans already.

ah, okay - one more piece of evidence for now:

Damaging this planetary pacemaker could spell doom for life as we know it. In the name of progress and defense, this pacemaker is now threatened, while vast amounts of public money are spent on this atmospheric exploitation. Even more tax funds are allocated to implement the ill-conceived "Star Wars" missile defense by the year 2020, and the already-operational energy beam Project HAARP, (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) operating in Gakona, Alaska.

This environmental rhythm -- the fundamental driving system for all life on our small blue planet -- is jeopardized by human manipulations of the ionosphere, such as HAARP. Some physicists have gone so far as to identify the upper atmosphere as essentially “alive,” transmitting a type of consciousness to all living things. It is dangerous to fool with Mother Nature as the results of ozone depletion and other ecological calamities have shown. Tampering could destroy this system, essentially leaving it -- and ourselves -- dead. It might be easy to see that such survival risks don't balance alleged benefits, but targeted research on potential problem areas has been virtually non-existent.

“What is clear is that part of the money voted to Bush’s Star Wars plan will be used for research into space-based lasers,” the Independent reported. “These, we are told, will be used to shoot down the missiles fired in anger by ‘rogue states.’ But they will, inevitably, evolve into weapons aimed at America’s enemies from space. U.S. Space Command doesn’t even bother to hide this fact. The most chilling illustration in Vision 2020 is of such a space-based laser firing a beam of energy at the earth.” What the Russians are worried about (as they’re trying to explain in badly translated prose from Moscow’s Interfax News Agency) are U.S. plans to begin large-scale scientific experiments using the Alaska-based HAARP in 2003. Ninety Russian deputies signed the appeal against the HAARP program, charging that the experiments “would create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions.” (Fitrakis, 2002)

it should also be noted that the before mentioned PPD-13 (PPD-25) was passed by the white house(clinton) and pentagon without the public ever knowing about it.

from a site that sells the documentations:
E.O. 12919-- $18.00
The areas discussed in this paper are the placing of U.S. military personnel under a U.N.
commander for peacekeeping operations; this has already been done once without public
knowledge and the Pentagon went along.

Interesting stuff.

Don't mind Goofy, he's been trapped in his box too long.
Zonabi, I agree. The government should disclose the information to us all now, and It looks like it's coming out, but at the same time, it looks like it might not come out. We maybe taken for another decades long ride, if we don't do something about it.

The information is all out now. They have made contact. They have technology that could eradicate poverty world over. The reason is obvious, why they are keeping it from us, and we better fight against them, for the sake of humanity.
The government should disclose the information to us all now

The information is all out now

Seems you don't need the government to do anything then...

The reason is obvious, why they are keeping it from us

Well no. It isn't. Whoever controlled such technology would yield even more power than they do now.
Persol, why are you so close-minded.

You say, they should yield more power than they do now. Yield more power than what, more power, than being the worlds most powerful country? And do you realise, the actual government, is not IN on this, it is the shadow government operating underground, that is so compartmentalized, that even the head of the state, does not have access to them.
have some decent referances? other than the guy sitting under a swinging light in his moms basement who only responds if you call him moulder? no? ok thanks for wasting your time
zonabi, the implication behind your rant about the government is that they are somehow in control of some important information. I have news for you, no one is in control.

from here:
To my mind, conspiracy theory is a kind of flight from facing the fact that probably nobody is in charge. You want a vertiginous vision that'll stand your hair on end? How about that? It's not the Catholic Church, not the World Bank, not the Jews, not the Communist Party -- nobody is in charge!
LMAO. You completed avoid the comment.

Once again 'whoever controlled such technology would yield more power than they do now'... regardless of who you are claiming this is. And yes, even 'the most powerful country' could yield more power.

So, why don't they use it? And why do you even think they HAVE it? Besides 'my buddy told me so'....
I hate to say it, but Persol, you make stupid points:

regardless of who you are claiming this is. And yes, even 'the most powerful country' could yield more power.

And how do you know it has not yielded more power already?

And why don't they use it? Well I could say, that you are probably more intelligent than you come across here, so why don't you use it, to make good points.
You could say, you're not using it, because you don't consider this discussion intelligent - and you will answer your own question :)