Compulsory study of Islam in American schools


Every person has his own views, but last time I checked, a mod was to post his views in a good manneredship.
Where did you check? There are no rules for mods. This rule appears to be your own unsupported perception. However, don’t feel that I am just picking on Islam, I find all religions ridiculous. But they do have an enormous impact on world affairs and that is why I have a special interest in them.

Your complaint seems more to do with my views not agreeing with yours, but that has nothing to do with my being a mod.

Those are the qualites of a mod and that is how someone becomes a mod.
You might have a case if I was personally attacking you or other members, but I do not do that. However, the subject matter is fair game for any level of support or attack.

And I see unfairness being where I might close threads I didn’t like, or edit members posts because I didn’t like their point of view, or ban members who didn’t agree with me. I do none of these things. However, I do occasionally, especially when activity is low, generate confrontational issues and often put myself as a target. The result is usually a lively and often heated debate. But then that is one of the objectives of the forum and in that case I think I do a good job.

If I make your blood boil and make you want to respond then defend your views and explain why my perspectives are wrong if you can, make a case for your position. But please do not criticize me for having opposing views - that has nothing to do with being a mod.

You have made some claims that Islam is spreading in the UK and that Christians are significantly converting to Islam. I cannot find any statistics to support your assertions, do you have any?

I did find this link that seems to support your claim somewhat –

And this article however does show some stats on religious beliefs in the UK.

Some brief extracts –

“The Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan periodically conducts the World Values Survey. It polls a statistically valid sample of adults from a total of 60 nations. In their their 1995-1997 survey, they found that only 16% of the British adult population consider religion to be very important in their lives. This compares with 53% in the U.S., 14% in France, and 13% in Germany.”

"Jedism" appears to be the fourth most popular religion in the UK, with 390,000 adults (0.66% of the population) identifying themselves as followers of this religion. This refers to the spirituality expressed by the characters in Star Wars. These are the "May the force be with you" folks.

“A New Scientist Poll in 2002-Autumn showed that "55% of British public do not believe in a higher being." Note that Muslims are only 2.7% and not all those are strong believers.
Thank you for clarifying that Cris. I go to another forum like Sciforums and that was how the mods were. I also noticed in any other forums I went to.

I took it as a personal attack on Islam by your post, but now I see your status on all religions.
Originally posted by Vienna
Thank you PS for a great reply! Dare I say it makes a refreshing change from all the flaming.
P S:

Yes, it is a lot better like that.

As for immigrants, and asylum seekers I always think that they will do well in this country. For example you have to look no further than Prince Phillip
P S:

:D This is hillarious....I like this 'Prince' specially when he crack his own jokes !

Here you have something funny about him:

2003 - The Prince approached a group of parents in the hall at Sheffield’s Fir Vale school and asked, “Were you here in the bad old days, then?” Two women nodded politely, and the Prince said, “That’s why you can’t read and write then!”

2003 - Patriotic George Barlow, 14, wrote to the Queen and Prince Philip inviting them to his school in Redden Court Romford, Essex. But as Philip was introduced to nervous George during the visit he rudely barked, “Ah you’re the one who wrote the letter. So you can write then? Ha, ha! Well done.”

2003 - The Prince told bemused onlookers, "It is surprising the way things have changed since I first became chancellor of the university 50 years ago." But the university was only celebrating its 40th anniversary and the real chancellor is the opera singer Dame Janet Baker.

2002 - At the Bangladesh Youth Club, in Marylebone, Central London, embarrassed a boy of 14 by telling onlookers, "He looks as if he's on drugs" only moments after turning to the youngster's friends, and smirking, "So who's on drugs here?"

2002 - "Of course the problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. They block the streets. If we could just stop tourism we could stop the congestion."

2002 - During the Queen's Jubilee visit to a North London Murugan Temple in North London, he asks a Sri Lankan priest, "Are you the Tamil Tigers?" LOOOOOOOOOL

2002 - In Australia as part of the Golden Jubilee "World Tour" after taking in a performance by an Aboriginal dance troop, he wisely avoids racial stereotypes by deftly asking an Aboriginal leader, “Do you still throw spears at each other?”

2002 - During the Golden Jubilee tour of Britain, he jokes, “Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?” upon confronting a visually impaired, wheelchair bound lady and her guide dog.

2001 - During a visit to Salford University to inspect the NOVA spacecraft, he asked a 13 year old schoolboy about the spacecraft before saying, "Well, you'll never fly in it, you're too fat to be an astronaut."

1999 - Whilst being shown around a high-tech electronics factory in Edinburgh, he notices a fuse box that's less advanced than other equipment that's around. So naturally, the completely unbigoted and misunderstood Duke automatically says, “It looks as though it was put in by an Indian.”

1999 - On a visit to the new Welsh Assembly and eventually coming across a group from the British Deaf Association. Upon seeing some young people with hearing impairments standing near a band, the Duke remarks: “Deaf? If you're near there [the music], no wonder you're deaf.”

1997 - On an official visit to Jallianwala Bagh and the ‘Flame of Liberty’ (a memorial to unarmed men, women and children who were butchered by General Reginald Dyer's British forces in 1919), the Duke reportedly said the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy was “vastly exaggerated.”

1996 - He makes an entirely perspicacious, intelligent and sensitive comment during the gun debate that follows the Dunblane massacre: “There's no evidence that people who use weapons for sport are any more dangerous than people who use golf clubs or tennis rackets or cricket bats.”

1995 - Never one to rely on stereotypes, he asks a Scottish driving instructor: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”

1994 - Everybody knows that questioning a person's parentage is never a polite thing to do, well, except the good ol' Duke. During a spell in the Cayman Islands he asks a local: “Aren't most of you descended from pirates?”

1993 - He tells a Brit in Hungary: “You can't have been here that long - you haven't got a pot belly.”

1993 - He visits Lockerbie, scene of the Pan Am air disaster, where eleven locals died (killed by wreckage) along with those on board. For some strange reason, the locals are offended when he says: “People usually say that after a fire it's water damage that's the worst. We're still trying to dry out Windsor Castle.”

1992 - As an animal lover he declines to even touch one of Australia's most loved species, the Koala bear saying, “Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease.”

1986 - On a tour of China, he single-handedly tries to end Sino-British diplomatic relations. He describes Beijing as “ghastly” and told a group of British students: “If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed.”

1986 - Whilst it's true to say that the people of Hong Kong and China choose their ingredients from a wider selection than us, he oversteps the mark during a World Wildlife Fund conference saying, “If it's got four legs and it's not a chair, if it's got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it's not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.”

1984 - Upon being presented with a gift from a very obviously female Kenyan the ever gracious and courteous Duke inquires: “You are a woman, aren't you?”

1981 - At the peak of the recession, he sensitively jokes that: “Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they're complaining they're unemployed.”

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Vienna said:
Seventh graders in a growing number of public schools, who are not permitted to wear a cross or speak the name of Jesus, are being required to attend an intensive three-week course on Islam - a course in which students are mandated to learn the tenets of Islam, study the important figures of the faith, wear a robe, adopt a Muslim name and stage their own Jihad.

Yeah, its compulsory, and in America.

God is that a joke. It is compulasary for schools to teach to a moderate level about other religions that are in a high populated minority but it is gainst the law to force people (as you said it is compulasry) to learn abiut religion in th s depth and making them wear religoius uniforms is CERTAINLY against human rights. you chat shit Vienna. and remeber, it probably wasn;t Muslims who chose this idea,
munim_786 said:
God is that a joke. It is compulasary for schools to teach to a moderate level about other religions that are in a high populated minority but it is gainst the law to force people (as you said it is compulasry) to learn abiut religion in th s depth and making them wear religoius uniforms is CERTAINLY against human rights. you chat shit Vienna. and remeber, it probably wasn;t Muslims who chose this idea,
M*W: Since when do American schools require students to learn about other religions? The schools should not be teaching ANY FORM OF RELIGION!

I recall when I was in elementary school, we had a weekly presentation by some Christian person who used felt to teach us Christianity. Even then I wasn't a Christian, and I never could understand at the age of 7-8 why they would be teaching us such crap. I can't believe they're still doing it.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Since when do American schools require students to learn about other religions? The schools should not be teaching ANY FORM OF RELIGION!

I recall when I was in elementary school, we had a weekly presentation by some Christian person who used felt to teach us Christianity. Even then I wasn't a Christian, and I never could understand at the age of 7-8 why they would be teaching us such crap. I can't believe they're still doing it.

Wow M*W I agree with you entirely on this one.(That must be a first ;) )

My eldest lad is 8 years old and I cringe when they teach Religious Education to kids at his school. He loves all the stuff, and I can't bring myself round to tell him its a load of old bunkum.
I wish schools would leave religion alone - firstly they are not even qualified to teach this subject. My son came home with a questionnaire. One of the questions was "Who is Jesus's father?"", So I told him the answer "God". When he came home the next day after handing the paper in, he told me that my answer was wrong and the school said Joseph was the father of Jesus. Geeeez, I guess the schools are now teaching kids that Joseph is God. :rolleyes:
okinrus said:
It's impossible to teach history without religion.

True, an element of religion is history, but only a very basic knowledge is required to understand the link between both.

The education authority here does not make it compulsory for a child to study religious education.
Vienna said:
True, an element of religion is history, but only a very basic knowledge is required to understand the link between both.

The education authority here does not make it compulsory for a child to study religious education.

The sooner all religion is eradicated from a child's mind, the sooner the human race can carry on evolving.

We should pick a religion to try my theory on.

Any suggestions...?

The Flemster.
Why on earth has this been brought up again? This is months old.

To be fair, Flemster person, we would need to do it on both Judeo-Christianity and Islam.

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
Zero said:
Why on earth has this been brought up again? This is months old.

munim dragged it out of the files again - ask him....


Flemster - I believe Islam would be a perfect choice to try your theory on :D
Vienna said:
munim dragged it out of the files again - ask him....


Flemster - I believe Islam would be a perfect choice to try your theory on :D

Right. Islam it is!

(Sorry if I dragged up an old point but I dont get online as much as I'd like.)

The Flemster (is a he).
Zero said:
Why on earth has this been brought up again? This is months old.

To be fair, Flemster person, we would need to do it on both Judeo-Christianity and Islam.

-- Long live the Female Messiah!

I was actually being sarcastic. I'm in favour of ALL forms of religion being phased out as soon as possible. I just think Islam is a dangerous religion and should be shut down immediately.
Let's be honest, all this "my God is better than your God" bollocks is a bit playground-like, dont you think?

The Flemster.