Compressed Earth Theory Proof?

Do you need to prove your theory, or do you need to find the truth?
The "Compressed Earth Theory" has been tried before but the proof of the truth of it has been unconvincing.
Find the truth would either confirm or refute the theory, as far as I can see.

What's the point? Would it explain something that current theories of Earth formation do not?
What's the point? Would it explain something that current theories of Earth formation do not?
The end result is still the same. It truly explains a lot of events that currently are not explained.
And we will get to these, it is just I can’t put it all together in one hit, so keep a look out for the thread and just ask a relevant question now and then.

How the Expanding earth worked ... too early to get my head around the arguments just yet!

Welcome to a really great forum. :)

The Moon capture required a large gaseous planet Earth to slow the incoming Moon. The amount of matter in the protoplasmic disk allowed for an Earth with up to 42 Earth masses.
In the process of slowing the moon, the mass of volatiles removed could have been as much as 35 Earth masses leaving about 7.
The vastness of the mass pressing down on the terrestrial part of the Earth caused it to compress. During the decompression of the Earth the continental plate which was once a continuous covering cracked.
Later in the Earth's history the single continental plate broke up into 7 major chunks once the expansion of the Earth slowed.
So the Moon's position and angular momentum is explained by the capture theory, which is only possible with a large "volatile covered" compressed Earth.
So the Expanding Earth Theory is more likely a fact rather than a myth. Continental drift and plate tectonics are quite a geologically late phenomenon, (last 250 million years). :)