Comparative Violence: Muslims, Christians, etc.

Dear Flores,

This is not about the authority in each religion. I do not say that this or that person represents this or that religion. I am only trying to discuss religiously inspired violence by people who call themselves members of such particular religiouns. And in this discussion I talk about a group of people the same way an encycolopedia does. When we talk about muslims we don’t care which sect or person is more muslim than the others. Which sect is more Christian than other Christian sects. Etc. But to make you a bit happier I dug up a name for you….

  • The most notable feature of 'Umar's caliphate was the vast expansion of Islam. Apart from Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine and Iran also came under the protection of the Islamic government. But the greatness of 'Umar himself lies in the quality of his rule. He gave a practical meaning to the Qur'anic injunction:
There ya go. The “idiot” you are referring to falls to the second “Rightly Guided Caliph” of Islam, the companion of Mohammed himself, the great Umar. And the rest of the caliphs obviously agreed with his actions for they did nothing to reverse these conquests.

Heard of the infamous "Pact of Umar"? The root of dhimmitude.
tiassa said:
A General Note:

In the meantime, the lack of consideration given economic factors is highly suggestive.

Of Americans, who live better than most of, if not the entirety of the world, I can say that Christians are a more frequent source of violence than any other religion.

Furthermore, the topic overlooks alleged historic examples; e.g. God punishes a man in the Bible for not committing genocide.

Or a 450 year-old grudge by God being given over to the Hebrews to execute?

Revenge is the "Jewish man's burden." Just ask Golda Meier.

Bring me a war that's purely about religion, and I'll make the call.
1. May I remind you that this thread is about religious violence. American violence has nothing to do with religion.

2. This thread is about recorded facts, not recorded myths & legends. That disqualifies your “God punishes” argument. Historical? eheheh. :D

3. And who said “purely”? We are only concerned with the religious objective of each violence.
DoctorNO said:
This is not about the authority in each religion. I do not say that this or that person represents this or that religion. I am only trying to discuss religiously inspired violence by people who call themselves members of such particular religiouns.

Listen to yourself man, you make no sense whatsoever. Hose your brain down first by directing a stream of water from one ear and when the stream comes clear out of the second ear, then you're ready to debate. You say that you are not concerned with the authority of religion, you also say that people do not represent a religion, then you so boldly say that you are talking about religiously inspired voilence by people who claim to be member of religious groups????? Give us a freakin break... Instead of analyzing the crime objectively and assigning the blame to the perpetrators, you are so ready to identify the religious affiliation of the criminals and blame that affiliation for the murders? How can you do that? Do you know what this is equivalent of? See example below:

Person A rapes and murder little phillipino girls. You arrest person A and ask him, what is your religion and he says: I'm christian and everything I do is in the name of Jesus....As a judge, do you place christianity on trial or the criminal who is sick enough to kill little girls and even more sick to claim that he did what he did in the name of religion instead of taking personal responsbility for his crimes?

You have no idea, but you are actually allowing criminals to get away with their crimes by calling their crimes muslim violence....If I was a criminal I would love to commit my problems to a religion instead of looking deep within myself and acknowledging that I'm sick bastard....You and your likes are engaging in glorifying criminals and prosecuting innocent and I would ask you again to stop blaming muslims and Islam. Be objective in your analysis.

DoctorNO said:
And in this discussion I talk about a group of people the same way an encycolopedia does.

Encyclopedias do not project judgements, you do....Encycolopedias are not used in court of laws to identify criminals, yet you have no problem assigning blame and defaming people.

DoctorNO said:
This is not about the authority in each religion. I do not When we talk about muslims we don’t care which sect or person is more muslim than the others. Which sect is more Christian than other Christian sects. Etc. But to make you a bit happier I dug up a name for you….

The most notable feature of 'Umar's caliphate was the vast expansion of Islam. Apart from Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine and Iran also came under the protection of the Islamic government. But the greatness of 'Umar himself lies in the quality of his rule. He gave a practical meaning to the Qur'anic injunction:

There ya go. The “idiot” you are referring to falls to the second “Rightly Guided Caliph” of Islam, the companion of Mohammed himself, the great Umar. And the rest of the caliphs obviously agreed with his actions for they did nothing to reverse these conquests.

Heard of the infamous "Pact of Umar"? The root of dhimmitude.

No I have not heard of them and they are not infamous except for someone that have the hots for them and is actively digging for them. Umar could go to hell....Islam have no room for Umar...he is not god nor is he a messanger....Umar can go to hell for all I and many other muslims are concerned....Why do you give importance to an idiot that is dead and decomposed from thousand of years????? Why do you give importance to a guy that have absolutely no role in defining islam????
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otheadp said:
whoa doctor
what an analysis

i think you made tiassa upset. he doesnt want to play anymore :rolleyes:

Hey pretty cheer leader....Can the other team have a peace of that ass of yours?
path said:
Typical sexist muslim ;)

Exactly, a muslim woman like me have all the right and no problem whatsoever identifying a sissy like you with feminine qualities......unless you find sexism in addressing men with qualities of a woman?
Flores said:
This is not about the authority in each religion. I do not say that this or that person represents this or that religion. I am only trying to discuss religiously inspired violence by people who call themselves members of such particular religiouns.

Listen to yourself man, you make no sense whatsoever. Hose your brain down first by directing a stream of water from one ear and when the stream comes clear out of the second ear, then you're ready to debate.
Flores Flores Flores, those are the sort of words that encourages me to behave in certains ways that annoys you more. I was already on the mood of courteous behavior. In fact I erased and edited the insensitive stuff I wrote in two of PM’s new threads like here…

I must admit it gives me more pleasure on my previous modes of posting. Hmmm…. :bugeye:
Flores said:
Exactly, a muslim woman like me have all the right

Whoa, a muslim woman with rights????

Don't tell those muslim men, they'll wonder where you got them from.

tiassa said:
I stand corrected. It's not even worth that.

Yes, You DO stand corrected, with or without the back handed remark. The truth is always hard to accept for some.
May I remind you that this thread is about religious violence. American violence has nothing to do with religion.
Is there a point to this response of yours?
This thread is about recorded facts, not recorded myths & legends. That disqualifies your “God punishes” argument. Historical?
Funny, you seem to be ignoring history by ignoring economic factors.

So much for your "historical" argument, eh?
And who said “purely”? We are only concerned with the religious objective of each violence.
Which undermines your topic, as you refuse to account for the role of economy in violence.

Here, don't bother reading a book; it's obscure and even I haven't found a print copy of it yet. So instead, read a book review of a book that mentions a book. Ten points if you can find the important phrase.

There's also a hint in an article by ReliefWeb; twenty points, this time, if you can find the right paragraph.

A broader examination in a random paper I found with Google.

Or perhaps from the US Army?
The clear distinction and premise of this essay is that, while religion may motivate, and in fact may become the essential ingredient for the sustainment of war, it is seldom the cause. Perhaps this is where the misjudgment and the false assertion of religious blame takes root. It is the failure to scrutinize the distinction between the reaction and the initial cause of conflict. The cause is the "gain principle" in conflict with the "retain principle." It is the collision of societies, not the societal reaction and justification to wage war when faced with immanent conflict. Occasionally war is fought over religion, as is perhaps the case during the reformation period in Europe. More often than not however, the cause of war can't be laid at the door of religion. (Maj. John P. Conway, US Army)
My recommendation is to actually take the time to do some research so that on those occasions that you don't know what you're talking about, it isn't so immediately apparent.
So tell me Tiassa, when is that red Indian gonna take back his land that you are living on?
When we gamble away the deed. Haven't you heard, they're in league with the Jews? ( ;) )
tiassa said:
When we gamble away the deed. Haven't you heard, they're in league with the Jews? ( ;) )

What league, is it the "We would like our country back" league?

Tiassa dont be so hypocritical
DoctorNO said:
Flores Flores Flores, those are the sort of words that encourages me to behave in certains ways that annoys you more. I was already on the mood of courteous behavior. In fact I erased and edited the insensitive stuff I wrote in two of PM’s new threads like here…

I must admit it gives me more pleasure on my previous modes of posting. Hmmm…. :bugeye:

Well, Thank you very much Doctor...I'm really trying to find an appropriate angle to launch my attack on the same object that you are trying to attack, but it's not easy.

The world have a terrorism fanatacism problem indeed and I agree with you that it should be handled, but I don't agree with your approach and I certainly don't appreciate your generalizations. That's all.