Coming out of the closet

YES YOU WERE DAMMIT!!! Otherwise send me a plane ticket and I'll show ya some real skill with a lillipop!
Oh will you really??

Only with me dragging on your legs!

BBC.. you thought I'd left the forums, didn't you?!
Well it's all good. The more of you there are, the more women I have for myself. Whether designed by god, or arrived by chance, it doesn't take a degree to figure out that the purpose is for penis to enter vagina and for kids to come out. But I guess out of several billion 'products' some are bound to come out broken.
m0rl0ck said:
I pray, I also sometimes do sitting meditation. I believe that there is "inside" me and permeating the universe a something or other that unites and interreleates to all things. I believe it is personal to me, but also to every other being and that it is the real one truth and identity of the universe. I dont believe this whatever it is can be explained away by materialism or reductionism. I have seen the difference it makes in my life and in the lives of others. I dont even believe it is actually seperate from me, or for that matter seperate from anyone or anything.

I bash religion here sometimes, but what im really disagreeing with is rote repetation of simplistic formulae and the attempt to force a fit of the spiritual on the empirical. Creationism is the worst example of this.

It is ridiculous for human beings to think that they can define or quantify God, or even attempt to understand or explain him given the limited intellect of their flesh and resources of the material world. What is even more hideous is when an organization and it's doctrine is used to replace a personal relationship with God. People seeking from the organization and in the flesh what they should be seeking from God personally and of the Spirit.
Cris said:
Your brain is a large matrix of tiny electronic computers (neurons) that communicate with each other via chemical transmitters (synapses). This massively parallel computational resource is several million times more powerful than our best man made computers, and immensely more subtle and complex in how it operates. This is what you are. It is not inside you, it is you.

Your Materialism doesn't, however, account for the Miraculous, and your Senses Only model of the World takes no account of the Psychic or the Mystical.

So your Materialism explodes with the first Saint that transcends physical law or exercises knowledge beyond the senses.