Co-existsnce of Covid 19 Virus with Humans?

do not understand your question

Can long term antibodues cause or enable coexistsnce in body under this functution of antibodies:
The above functionantibodues can suggest it make virons attack ineffictive but do not kill them. So probably this enables virus to coexist in body without harming the host.
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What enable virus to [coexist] in our body and where they can exist in body?

Depends on the virus and what manner of coexistence. Start with Furuse and Oshitani (2020)↱, an article literally called, "Viruses That Can and Cannot Coexist With Humans and the Future of SARS-CoV-2":

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has become a worldwide pandemic. Many projections concerning the outbreak, such as the estimated number of cases and deaths in upcoming months, have been made available. However, what happens to the virus after the pandemic subsides has not been fully explored. In this article, we discuss the ways that past and present human viruses have emerged via zoonotic transmission, the mechanisms that they have acquired the ability for effective transmission among humans, the process to sustain a chain of transmission to coexist with humans, and the factors important for complete containment leading to eradication of viruses. These aspects of viral disease may provide clues for the future path that SARS-CoV-2 might take in relation to human infection.

The search terms leading to this paper were, {virus coexist human}, and this was the first return; the second actually needed a click through to PubMed Europe, but Ruano and Ha (2021)↱ is available, and this one is called, "Living with respiratory viruses: The next saga in human/viral coexistence?" You will find this scholarly consideration just doesn't see the question of coexistence in your context:

Living with a collection of respiratory viruses that will continue to grow with additions such as SARS‐CoV‐2 is the next chapter in the saga of human and viral coexistence. We are moving into an era that will require new epidemiological frameworks based—more than ever before—on distinctions between mere infection and infection with high risk of severe clinical outcome.

And there was also this, from late 2020, via Scientific American:

Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria. Some can cause illness, but many simply coexist with you. In late 2019, for example, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania discovered 19 different strains of redondovirus in the respiratory tract; a handful were associated with periodontal disease or lung disease, but others could possibly fight respiratory illnesses. Scientists' rapidly expanding knowledge makes it clear that we are not made up primarily of “human” cells that are occasionally invaded by microbes; our body is really a superorganism of cohabitating cells, bacteria, fungi and most numerous of all: viruses. The latest counts indicate that as much as half of all the biological matter in your body is not human.


As a general question, coexistence is a fascinating circumstance; in more particular consideration, though, Covid needs to change a great deal before humanity can get along with it. That is, SARS-CoV-2 pretty much needs to stop being SARS-CoV-2, and be something else, instead.


Furuse, Yuki and Hitoshi Oshitani. "Viruses That Can and Cannot Coexist With Humans and the Future of SARS-CoV-2". Frontiers in Microbiology, 18. September 2020. 18 March 2020.

Pride, David. "Viruses Can Help Us as Well as Harm Us". Scientific American. 1 December 2020. 18 March 2022.

Ruano, Gualberto and Toan Ha. "Living with respiratory viruses: The next saga in human/viral coexistence?" Bioessays. 6 January 2021. 18 March 2022.
Depends on the virus and what manner of coexistence. Start with Furuse and Oshitani (2020)↱, an article l
As a general question, coexistence is a fascinating circumstance; in more particular consideration, though, Covid needs to change a great deal before humanity can get along with it. That is, SARS-CoV-2 pretty much needs to stop being SARS-CoV-2, and be something else, instead.

Thanks a lot for good information.
I think, your post suggest that Virus SAR-COV-2 has to change much(evolve itself to become non harmful to humans) to coexist with humans not humans have to change(produce long term antibodies to resist virus for their harming action) to enable virus co-existence. Right?
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I think, your post suggest that Virus SAR-COV-2 has to change much(evolve itself to become non harmful to humans) to coexist with humans not humans have to change(produce long term antibodies to resist virus for their harming action) to enable virus co-existence. Right?

Yes, again: SARS-CoV-2 needs to stop being SARS-CoV-2, and be something else, instead.
Thanks a lot for good information.
I think, your post suggest that Virus SAR-COV-2 has to change much(evolve itself to become non harmful to humans) to coexist with humans not humans have to change(produce long term antibodies to resist virus for their harming action) to enable virus co-existence. Right?
Can long term antibodues cause or enable coexistsnce in body under this functution of antibodies:
The above functionantibodues can suggest it make virons attack ineffictive but do not kill them. So probably this enables virus to coexist in body without harming the host.

question of what happens from long term vaccination ...
good question

need virologist to answer propagation of virus inside human body while incubating

what is survival rate etc

we already know there is some & risk stands for mutation into new worse strain always

maybe humans will never be free of covid
It got cleared to me by Tiassa posts that SAR-COV-2 virus has to change(evolve) itself much to enable it to coexist with humans.
Hiwever these points are still uncoear to me:-
1. Where in human body they van coexist for long? If in their same host cells who are with Ace2 receptors in in non harming condition or elsewhere in body? We can check it where influenza virus now exist in body.

2. How they can survive for long?