Climate Change Control Using Biology

The modern Republican Party is a coalition of its long time base in the prosperous capitalists of American business with a newly amenable population of fundamentalist Christians and disaffected heirs of the Confederacy.

Basically, around 1964 the KKK switched Parties in national campaigns - that way the Republicans could win national elections again.

On the plus side... many of them are very pro-Israel and there are ways to convince the G.O.P. to do what it would not usually do....... if you better understand their pschology.

Sorek Desalination Plant
The world’s largest and most advanced SWRO desalination plant

I have read that Israel donated the solar desalination technology to Norway so that Norway could share the tech with the Islamic world that Israel a decade or so ago could not so easily deal with directly.
Sahara Forest Project

Global Warming II by Carl Cantrell

“So how is our problem of continental drying causing global warming? It all has to do with vegetation and sunlight. When sun light hits a plant, it causes a process which we call photosynthesis where the energy from the sun light creates oxygen for us to breath, water for us to drink, and is stored as sugar for plants and animals to use. When the same sun light hits the soil, all of its energy turns into heat and is radiated back into the atmosphere, carried away by running surface water such as rain fall, is carried away to other areas by our winds, and diffuses down into the soil towards the earth's crust. All of this warms our planet increasing its average temperature.”

“Therefore, the less vegetation you have on the planet, the more sunlight is being turned into heat and the warmer the planet becomes. This is very critical because warmer and dryer winds dry out other land areas faster decreasing the vegetation on those land areas. Less humidity in the air also reflects less sun light back out into space so that more sun light strikes the earth and more heat is generated….”

“The truth is that you can do more to decrease global warming by just reducing the average temperature for the Sahara Desert by one or two degrees than if we humans completely quit using fossil fuels and returned to the cave….”

“So, how would you start working to resolve this problem? Easy, cool the deserts and get some vegetation growing on them as soon as possible. But the method is much more complex than that. You have to use the prevailing trade winds in relation to the deserts to get the best results as quickly as possible and it will be extremely expensive….”

“Then we build desalination plants along the coast near these water sheds and pipe water to the tops or ridges of the water sheds…”

“This will do a number of things. First, it will increase the moisture in the desert soil so that it will develop water tables and water will begin to run in the streams. This water will increase the amount of vegetation in the area and decrease the amount of heat being generated by sun light cooling the watered area and all areas down wind of the watered area. As more available water evaporates, it will cool the air and reflect more sun light back out into space cooling the area even more. Cooler and more humid air will have less of a heating effect on areas down wind and will reflect more sun light back into space in those areas cooling areas we won't be watering yet. Cooler and more humid air will also have less of a warming effect on our seas and oceans.”

“Rain water running off of cooler soil will decrease the heating effect on our oceans and our planet crusts which will decrease catastrophic storm activities for other areas and seismic activity for the entire planet. Also, returning more ocean water to the surface and aquifers of our continents will lower the sea levels providing more usable land for us to farm and build on.”

“With cooler desert areas and increasing vegetation, less water will evaporate from our deserts increasing the amount of surface water even more and increasing the amount of vegetation and animal life by huge amounts because deserts currently take up more than 20% of our land surface. Populations will be able to spread out and there will be less competition for existing land areas.”

“This strategy has to be done in steps with the first step being to begin slowing the rate at which our global warming is increasing. We need to focus on that until we have brought it to a point to where the temperature is not increasing any more and is reasonably stable. While we are doing this, we need to come to a global consensus of just how cool we want to cool our planet down to. If we cool it down too much, we will begin to have devastatingly harsh winters in large populated areas and even cause an ice age to set in.”

“Then we begin cooling the planet down to a point which will be most beneficial for all countries or the planet as a whole. We need to gradually bring the temperature down because there may be a lag effect in which the planet will continue cooling after we stop increasing our efforts to cool it off more. We may even want to stop cooling the planet once or twice before we reach our targeted temperatures to see if there is a lag effect…”

“We need to start working on this as soon as possible because, if the planet reaches a point to where it is warming faster than our technology can possibly stop or reverse this warming trend, then our planet is lost and all life will cease to exist on this planet within a relatively short period of time. We will need to start with the largest and hottest deserts because cooling them will have the greatest benefit in the least time. (Global Warming II by biologist Carl Cantrell).”
Just about the only relevant comment that I can make on that is that I know of family and friends who have nothing but good things to say about CBD oil which can be produced from a type of hemp that has zero...... or nearly zero THC left in the plants.

I assume that the only reason for governments to restrict the types of hemp that have zero or nearly zero THC would be because they could be used to disguise plants that have a high level of THC?
It's easy to tell the difference.
But Hemp poses a viable competing industry to many other products. If you read the history of Hemp and the reasons it was dubbed a class I drug was by totally ignorant politicians who were going to eradicate use of opioid drugs and just lumped marijuana in as just another addictive drug.
Of course marijuana is not an opioid (it is a cannabinoid) and is not any more addictive than coffee, and in addition to thousands of industrial uses it also has medicinal properties for all kinds of physical and psychological ailment. In fact it has been proven to be an effective non-addictive cure for opioid addiction.

If used as recommended it is truly a divine gift from nature.
On the plus side... many of them are very pro-Israel and there are ways to convince the G.O.P. to do what it would not usually do....... if you better understand their pschology.

Sorek Desalination Plant
The world’s largest and most advanced SWRO desalination plant

I have read that Israel donated the solar desalination technology to Norway so that Norway could share the tech with the Islamic world that Israel a decade or so ago could not so easily deal with directly.
Sahara Forest Project
So sorry to rain on your pro-Israel Isaiah/Ezekiel prophecy dreams, but it's US goy scientists that have come up with a game-changer:
So sorry to rain on your pro-Israel Isaiah/Ezekiel prophecy dreams, but it's US goy scientists that have come up with a game-changer:

Thank you immensely for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(For the record Orthodox Jewish historian and scholar Mr. Yair Davidiy teaches that Americans are significantly descended from the lost tribes of Israel............ so Americans have some Jewish and / or lost tribe of Israel DNA if he is correct).
It's easy to tell the difference.
But Hemp poses a viable competing industry to many other products. If you read the history of Hemp and the reasons it was dubbed a class I drug was by totally ignorant politicians who were going to eradicate use of opioid drugs and just lumped marijuana in as just another addictive drug.
Of course marijuana is not an opioid (it is a cannabinoid) and is not any more addictive than coffee, and in addition to thousands of industrial uses it also has medicinal properties for all kinds of physical and psychological ailment. In fact it has been proven to be an effective non-addictive cure for opioid addiction.

If used as recommended it is truly a divine gift from nature.

Yes... .I have ran into some information related to that idea over the years and now......
in 2021 we have another interesting theory that could be another game changer......
by adding eighty or ninety trace minerals to food.......
it may be possible to fight many of the major North American illnesses and
significantly increase longevity that is combined with good health.

While I was in Ecuador I did not get a chance to visit the Valley of Longevity but I was aware of the theories
related to why many people there did seem to live amazingly long lives. The soil there is volcanic and has more than
eighty trace minerals in it so of course plants grown in soil of that nature would tend to increase longevity.

I've been discussing this with people on these forums for years and one guy who claimed to be a medical professional
stated that he was involved in a project to patent a method of getting trace minerals into the human body because
since trace minerals themselves are natural they cannot be patented...... but a delivery method could be. Fortified hemp
products is an obvious alternative to this proposed technology.
Known as “The Valley of Longevity”, the natives of Vilcabamba have a reputation for commonly living into their 100s. Most who have studied the region agree that the combination of healthy diet, aerobic exercise, natural mineral waters, and contamination-free environment are the main factors for the residents’ healthy state. Our theory is that the local sugarcane liquor—distilled in most every cane field—is toxic to germs and viruses if you drink enough of it.

Thank you immensely for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(For the record Orthodox Jewish historian and scholar Mr. Yair Davidiy teaches that Americans are significantly descended from the lost tribes of Israel............ so Americans have some Jewish and / or lost tribe of Israel DNA if he is correct).
Ha ha ha ha. I also got involved with the WWCOG and about the same time you did, but kept it up till 77 when word got back from someone who spilled the beans on the corruption and blackmailing going on at Pasadena HQ. Being young and ill-informed I initially fell for HWA's spiel re USA = Manasseh and British Commonwealth (white component) = Ephraim. With other assignments e.g. France = Reuben and so on. Which nonsense HWA plagiarized from "Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright":
Wikipedia does a reasonably good job of tearing it all apart (Armstrong getting his very own section there):

I was already having serious doubts about WWCOG lost 10 tribes stuff by 76, but the final kick was finding out about HWA's incest & drunkenness, his son GTA's massive womanizing sprees, and blackmailing of HWA in particular by as I understand it his 'trusted council' the jew Stanley Rader likely in partnership with fellow jew Robert Kuhn. And iirc tens of millions of dollars flowed from funds nominally earmarked to 'do God's end-time work' into those blackmailer's greedy hands.
But yeah it's great that a genuine breakthrough in desalination and waste water treatment has evidently been cleverly engineered.
I've been discussing this with people on these forums for years and one guy who claimed to be a medical professional
stated that he was involved in a project to patent a method of getting trace minerals into the human body because
since trace minerals themselves are natural they cannot be patented...... but a delivery method could be. Fortified hemp products is an obvious alternative to this proposed technology.
I read an article on a small Chinese village where the average age is over 100. Apparently the soil and food they eat aids in the body's production of Hyaluronic Acid. What those foods are I have no idea.
I am no chemist but I know HA is recommended as a supplement for several purposes
Ha ha ha ha. I also got involved with the WWCOG and about the same time you did, but kept it up till 77 when word got back from someone who spilled the beans on the corruption and blackmailing going on at Pasadena HQ. Being young and ill-informed I initially fell for HWA's spiel re USA = Manasseh and British Commonwealth (white component) = Ephraim. With other assignments e.g. France = Reuben and so on. Which nonsense HWA plagiarized from "Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright":
Wikipedia does a reasonably good job of tearing it all apart (Armstrong getting his very own section there):

I was already having serious doubts about WWCOG lost 10 tribes stuff by 76, but the final kick was finding out about HWA's incest & drunkenness, his son GTA's massive womanizing sprees, and blackmailing of HWA in particular by as I understand it his 'trusted council' the jew Stanley Rader likely in partnership with fellow jew Robert Kuhn. And iirc tens of millions of dollars flowed from funds nominally earmarked to 'do God's end-time work' into those blackmailer's greedy hands.
But yeah it's great that a genuine breakthrough in desalination and waste water treatment has evidently been cleverly engineered.

Thank you for letting me know about this part of your life.

I personally am really glad that HWA and GTA introduced me to ideas on hidden meaning within the Jewish Holy Days. I actually plan to meet with a Rabbi once we sell our home in Nova Scotia and likely move to near Toronto. I absolutely love the lectures by near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava and the fact that I now believe in reincarnation, (The Gilgul Cycle), playing some sort of role in our afterlife I actually may fit a little better in a synagogue than I do in just about any church....... (with the possible exception of the LDS I guess)?! I think that I might be able to fit within the new Noahide Movement reasonably well????

The Jewish belief in Tikkun Olam fits very well with addressing climate change by putting carbon back into the soil and even linking variations of this plan to increasing longevity for humans.
I read an article on a small Chinese village where the average age is over 100. Apparently the soil and food they eat aids in the body's production of Hyaluronic Acid. What those foods are I have no idea.
I am no chemist but I know HA is recommended as a supplement for several purposes

I wasn't sure what HA meant so I did a search and this video came up. You will really like this one:

Carbon Farming: Harnessing The Power of The Soil
Thank you for letting me know about this part of your life.

I personally am really glad that HWA and GTA introduced me to ideas on hidden meaning within the Jewish Holy Days. I actually plan to meet with a Rabbi once we sell our home in Nova Scotia and likely move to near Toronto. I absolutely love the lectures by near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava and the fact that I now believe in reincarnation, (The Gilgul Cycle), playing some sort of role in our afterlife I actually may fit a little better in a synagogue than I do in just about any church....... (with the possible exception of the LDS I guess)?! I think that I might be able to fit within the new Noahide Movement reasonably well????

The Jewish belief in Tikkun Olam fits very well with addressing climate change by putting carbon back into the soil and even linking variations of this plan to increasing longevity for humans.
This is getting way off topic so I will just add that Wikipedia has a very broad coverage of the to me wholly irrational belief in reincarnation:
The only section I would recommend as worth pondering is:
I wasn't sure what HA meant so I did a search and this video came up. You will really like this one:
Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in the human body. It is found in the highest concentrations in fluids in the eyes and joints. The hyaluronic acid that is used as medicine is extracted from rooster combs or made by bacteria in the laboratory.
The FDA has approved the use of hyaluronic acid for injection into the knee for patients with kneeosteoarthritis. It is also approved as an injection into the eye for patients with cataracts.
People use hyaluronic acid for various joint disorders, urinary tract infections (UTIs), acid reflux, dry eyes, vaginal pain, aging, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses..........more
plants that eat oil plastic humans & CO2 ?
& float in the air & are impervious to acid rain smog & air pollution

France trying to ban local short haul flights is a fantastic real world move

speculative naval gazing on a science fiesta sunday for biblical down time in between base ball & foot ball games
is not an industrial CO2 solution

hard decisions must be made
rich people need to be told NO

"everyone plant a tree"
is not going to suddenly remove all the coal fired electricity plants
or massive pollution from factories
( i am pro tree planting)

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I am also in favor of Hemp planting. It's more efficient albeit not as aesthetic as trees.......:leaf:

I totally agree......
I have such good things about CBD oil and gummies that I suspect that relatively low cost hemp products could make much of what is put out by BigPharma unnecessary if not obsolete........ (or at least unable to compete when it comes to price)!