Click It or Ticket

DJ Erock

Resident Skeptic
Registered Senior Member
Recently a new law has come into effect in the U.S. that states that you can get a traffic ticket for not wearing your seatbelt. Is it just me or does this seem ridiculous? The Bush administration seems bound and determined to take away our rights in order to make the U.S. "safer" for its citizens. It just doesn't seem to me that the governments job is to personally protect its citizens unless it is in a military sense. Just wanted to see what everone else thinks.

If you're not smart enough to wear a seatbelt in the first place, maybe you shouldn't.
This sounds like a wise idea. Many people die in car accidents due to not wearing their seatbelts. This will hopefully be an incentive to where them and lower the number of deaths on your roads which costs you money to clean up. Bodies don't just scrap themselves off the road you know ;)
its good idea to buckle up,imo if you like your life,after all how many race car drivers do you see not wearing seatbelts?

my only question is;what about motorcycle riders? :p
Motorcycle riders wear friction. Nah, if motorcycle riders had seat belts they'd be killed in almost every accident. Motor cycles are more prone to flipping and being thrown in the air. Imagine firing a bull out of a cannon and you sitting on top strapped on :eek:
Shouldn't the fact that seatbelts save lives be incentive enough to wear them? And it doesn't cost me a thing to clean up wrecks, thats why we have mechanics with wrecker trucks. But doesn't it seem to you that basic rights should give you the right to harm yourself? I don't mean to sound S&M or anything, but it seems the same thing goes for cigarettes. Sure they're bad for you, but shouldn't it be you who decides not to smoke them? Should the government be the one to tell you not to do something because its bad for you?
For some strange reasons some people see wearing seatbelts as uncool. I have no idea where this concept came from but hey, it's what people think.

DJ said:
And it doesn't cost me a thing to clean up wrecks, thats why we have mechanics with wrecker trucks.

And who pays for the guys to clean up the mess? The public, that's who.

And the government isn't saying 'Look, you can't not wear seat belts'. They're saying 'If we catch you not belted up, you're gonna pay us'. So people still have the choice, they just now have the luxury of paying to be stupid.
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I have a problem with laws meant to protect me from myself. It is up to me to protect me from me someone once said. I never ride anywhere without buckling up, but nanny state laws tempt me to start doing so.
The financial justification that is used to justify such laws could be extended to mandatory diet and excercise programs to reduce our epidemic of obesity, and the lost productivity caused by the premature illness and death associated with it.
Think of the money that could be saved by banning smoking outright.

What about unnecessarily dangerous sports?

I think people who ride in cars without seatbelts are dopes. But it isn't against the law to be a dope yet.

Welcome to the 21st century, where the government is your mother.

And also remember, just as with speed laws, the real purpose behind this is the generation of revenue.
I know of a guy who completely removes the seatbelts from any car he buys because his brother was killed in one of the very rare occasions when a seatbelt was responsible for the death, not the preventative. He has an extreme aversion to seatbelts. He fails to realize that the number of lives saved by belts is considerably greater than the opposite. Nevertheless, he considers them more of a hazard than a safety device. Very odd.
Not exactly a new law. Most states I've been in have had mandatory seat belt laws for years. The way they're usually worded is that they won't pull you over for not wearing a seat belt, but they will ticket you if you're not wearing it and you're stopped for anything else.

Or is there a new federal seat belt law?

The seat belts I hate are those automatic seatbelts. I despise those with a passion. Burn them, kill them. Fucking car trying to cage me. I can put the seatbelt on myself, thank you very much. It's about as bad as cars that talk to you. I hate those too. "You are standing too close to the car. Please step away."
Yeah right! cars that talk to you are awesome, after everything they say you can add "Micheal" and feel like Knight Rider!

It does seem weird that people will willingly uninstall seatbelts or airbags or the such because if you don't use them correctly they will hurt you, but I still firmly state that it should be up to you, not the government. Very odd is right. I can understand where they are coming from, I'm not a big fan of seatbelts since one broke my collar bone and they lie right in the gap where it mended differently, but you should still be smart enough to wear one.

"The door is ajar Micheal" totally sweet
Seatbelts? HAH. How about seatbelts on back seats? How about the fine people get when crossing the street on the dont-walk sign? Also, how about the fine people get if they take up more than one seat on the train? NYC laws. Applause, please.
Damn government thinks we are a bunch of 3 year old who need to be protected from ourselves. Wait a minute! Illinois state police made 1.2 million dollars in seat belt tickets last year! Its not about saftey its a bout money! Why doesnt this surprise me! Its perfect, the politicians get to say they are saving us and at the same time they get paid!
Most states I've been in have had seatbelt laws, I live in Houston Tx. I only wear seat belts when traffic is moving "if you catch my drift" other than that I find them uncomfortable, besides most fucking cops I see on the road don't wear theirs, cops are after all "above the law" the way they drive here in houston is outright redicoulous, they most of the time run red lights, they just flash their lights while taking it, change lanes without sinals, don't wear seat belts, and speed thruough all roads.

Houston speed limits: If the speed limit is 35mph, you got to go at least 45mph, if 45mph you got to go apx 60mph, if you are on the freeway hold on to your hat!!. I've cruised at 80mph on the freeway and people pass me up like i'm standing still.

I live in Germany, we have seatbelt laws for decades. Don´t know what your all complaining about. And speed limits? If there is no police or radar devices in the vicinity, then who cares about speed limits? I know people who drive 130 kph where you are only allowed to drive 30kph...

Perhaps there is a reason for seatbelt laws :rolleyes:
"Damn government thinks we are a bunch of 3 year old who need to be protected from ourselves. Wait a minute! Illinois state police made 1.2 million dollars in seat belt tickets last year! Its not about saftey its a bout money! Why doesnt this surprise me! Its perfect, the politicians get to say they are saving us and at the same time they get paid!"

Dark trooper, heres a great idea, if you dont like the govt raising money cos you arent wearing a seatbelt, then wear a fucking seatbelt. that way you are happy cos you get to keep your 'hard' earned cash, and the government is happy because they have saved your life

The Bush administration seems bound and determined to take away our rights in order to make the U.S. "safer" for its citizens.

If the safety of the citizens of a country isn't the government's jurisdiction, then let us immediately disband the military, the police, etc...
good idea porf, then i would be able to get that new car that i wanted that my neighbour has, im sure he wont miss it too much :p
it is for public safety, just think what innocent bystander you could needlessly injure as your maimed corpse goes flying through the windshield after a head-on collision. :D
I can't believe some of you are immature enough to consider doing the opposite of something just because the government tells you to do it. Seatbelts are there for a reason, the government there is trying to lower the deaths caused in accidents. They've probably looked at the stats an went 'Woah...look at these tards, if they had been wearing seatbelts they'd have voted for us in the next election - gotta do something about that.'

I believe here in the UK wearing seatbelts is mandatory but if you are over 13 it is the responcibility of yourself to put them on, not the driver.

Put it this way, if you had a life threatening disease and a cure was found, would you not take it because the government orders all patients with the disease to take the drug and live?
Thor, are they seriously making us be cured???? if they tried to do that to me id get a 2 by 4 and smash them silly with it, how dare they care about us!?!?!?!