Clandenstine Ops


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
I've been posting on this board for nearly 10 months, I believe I've put forwards bits and pieces of information on a bunch of subjects, and in trying to help debate until a result is drawn I feel that some discussions have actually evolved my understanding of particular subjects.

Although I've done this for so long, I haven't fully unleashed what has been occuring to me to the whole board. I've kept it a bit of secret because I had a belief that just mentioning it to the board could have a partial influence over it occuring in the first place.

I for the past three years have been under heavy strain trying to deal with something that I know most of the board would either not take seriously, or believe it insane.

The problem has been keeping it silent has allowed the problem to grow much worse, and I believe it's about time that I air what the problem is so everyone here and anyone that happens to find this through a search can learn about the reality of it's nature.

(this is a long post, I apologise, but if you read it I commend you.)

What is this problem I refer to?

I have been on "Incapacity Benefits" for approx 3 years, my reason for being "Incapacitated" was due to some stunt a lab pulled on me that got be locked up in an Mental Health Hospital.
(An underfunded one with paint peeling off the walls, a malfunctioning heating system and who's staff seemed undertrained to deal with Labrats.)

What basically happened was this:

In 1999 some weird events happened, I heard some voices for a short instance, which have turned out to be students manipulating Entropy through the use of short wave frequencies.

Such tricks as firstly I had this odd illusion about large corporate sponsors, I can't name any of them but it was made out to look as if someone was "filming" my life from the use of the Radio frequencies.

Then the students really started to piss about, making out that I in a parallel was more advanced and was attempting to connect to myself, and another one was making out that I was going to end up in a hospital and suffer electroshock therapy 4 times, another one was making out a film crew (director and clapperboard) was calling me god and "Action".

This and a few other pieces occured but I at the time took no notice, I just thought the Ganja I was smoking at the time had been spiked.
(I no longer smoke Ganja.)

I was at the time suffering from not having an income, I was living off my father and eating only Toast. I tried getting a job with a webspace provider but due to not speaking more than my first language I was told to hit the curb.

I was speaking to a few people at the time through the net, since I use to be a chatter (using a chat service on the net). I spoke to one man through a messenger service, who I only knew of from a discussion with someone about some weird events on a bulletin board.

I was mesmerised by the man's extravegant use of the english language, he would seemingly pull words without more than a few seconds that wouldn't occur to me, in fact I had to hunt through the dictionary just to get a clue to what some of the meanings were.

I shared with him some of my daft juvenile thoughts, and wanted to speak to him in person so I managed to arrange a meeting for March that year.

Since I had wanted to find a job I had managed to find an advert in New Scientist for a placement at a Laboratory as a "technical Officer", in truth the only things I could do that it had down as needed, was the CAD operation and perhaps the computer interaction, as for the whole lengthy pieces on Radiological telescopes, I was intrigued but didn't really have that much of a clue.

I at that time had one of my theories of how to create something using a satellite matrix, and thought of it's application if I was accepted at that Laboratory, and also had decided that I would quite smoking ganja if I was accepted. (I wasn't accepted)

While that application was being rejected, I went to meet that man, and spoke to him about many things, although I only met with him for about 1/2 to 1 hour it was enough to get some information across. Although my "theories" at that time were pretty absurd.

One thing I did mention to him though was I was looking at the possibilities for creating a machine for transfering faster than light information, of course I wasn't looking at all the facts back then, although I knew after I met him that I would have to consider continuing to look into more facts on the possibilities rather than just building a machine.

I've mentioned before about this, but on waking that morning to meet him I was greeted with two images. Now some people would say "sleeping, then it must have been a dream".
Well it wasn't, the images were wireframe shapes rotating on a Fractal background (Like a giant Mandelbrot).

I asked him about the shapes, and some extra ones I threw in, because I had been contemplating neural networking (perhaps you can work out what I was planning with the satellites)

The Man told me of "Schrodingers Cat" and gave his version of the experiment, but he mentioned of "bombarding the cat from outside of the box with frequency".

Within 1 month of this meeting, I was tryin to relax with some friends smoking that terrible weed, and I kept feeling as if I was been bombarded by Frequency, it happened once or twice and I got a bit edgy.

Then one night it got too intense, I had this erge that I needed to ring the emergency number, but everybody was spooked when I asked them to ring the police. So I went home since everybody had been spooked and I was still being attacked by the frequencies, just stronger now I was near enough alone at home.

My father was upstairs but I was passing back and forth in the rooms below, My sight was starting to yellow in colour (probably just due to the bulbs) but my sense of smell was now no longer functioning correctly, all I could smell was something similar to a poison or gas. I realised that someone had placed me in a box, a box of satellites and was bombarding me I began to panic.

My father appeared, yelling, aggressive and annoyed at my pacing, I asked him to take me to the police station, he took me to the hospital.

[I realise now it wasn't that I should telephone the police, but it was in fact the people doing what they were doing to me, suggesting to the person that was doing it that they should inform the police before they continued... which they didn't!]

I went to an Accident and Emergency at like 3am, but they said that I should be moved over to the Mental Health hosptial. Now I knew what I needed was someone to get arrested to stop them bombarding me, I tried explaining to nurses, but they treat all of this like its a mental disorder and fabricated.

I was taken to the Mental Health hospital, they basically asked that "You stay for observation". With undernorishment, a high dopamine level, lack of sleep (now 4:30 am), they gave me a sleeping tablet after taking a bloodtest and I was out for the next day.

I awoke to find I was in a "Secure Unit", f**k knows what my old man had said, but he had surely f**ked up. The doctors slapped infront of me a form and said "SIGN this!".
I didn't know at the time but this was a form, so they could incarcerate me for 3 days.

Well in those three days they gave me a drug that caused me to act like I was on acid. (Although it didn't help seeing all the "No illegal drugs are allowed on the premises" with all the details of what would happen if a person got caught, so I ate my last little piece of ganja, which was a real foolish manovre with the hosptial narcotics effecting it further.)

This is where the first drugs caused a reaction that felt like my nerve endings being destroyed, like a fire. They then changed it to this other drug.

The whole time I knew I didn't need drugs, so I didn't want them. I just wanted to get home and sleep everything off. But the doctors were following some Medieval torture ritual of incarceration and drugging.

when 3 days was up, another paper came along with a promise of a tribunual after this 2 week section. The tribunual was a farce, someone slipped me a micky to stay there, probably switched the drugs that I was taking, I had tried to refuse them since I disagreed that I need them.

So I found myself stuck in there for 3 Months. B*STARDS!

For 3 months I had to try and stop myself from being destroyed by the narcotics they were pumping into me, while also combatting the radio frequency "holographic" halucinations that those people that had put me in there to begin with were adding to the effect.

I wasn't happy and will never be happy until there is justice over just this point, but thats not where it stopped, infact it still continues...

In 2000 I managed to break free from the last of their tyranny, I was suppose to take injections of yet another dodgy pharmaceutical. Again I knew that this was all Bullsh*t, I knew that now I was no longer after the people that had bombarded me and put me in there but I would need to deal with these doctors in the future with the use of the Law.

(Presently everyone has taken the skeptic approach and played down my rights to legally challenging the hopsital over malpractice.)

In March 2000, those students re-appeared in my head after 6 months away, but were they just about to check me out... Oh no... they were here to cause more trouble in my life.

[Why the F*ck won't governments force some law about clandenstine experiments being recorded by a governing body?]

So I had to deal with some "holographic" hallucinations that were far beyond the original ones, Like the "STARWARS" one where it was like 20 satellites in orbit, all tilted their solarpanels to reflect the suns energy at a singular point... Me. One instance was complete heat, and a sun tan.

That day I was travelling up to Scotland via plane, and one of the students pulled the worst sound FBI agent attempt I've ever heard. (Making out hackers had taken over the satellites and made them do that stunt, just with an English accent... go figure.)

A few other tricks were pulled, like the resonance of halogens in air to create 3 dimensional images, the first was this green alien head that rolled through the wall. I laughed and just thought of all these satellites being positioned to create the effect.

[This was before the understanding of short wave formations and ground arrays]

Another was this large beast, it looked like the creature from Predator cloaked (namely it was invisable) I just thought about how I could see it like some computer special effects code, that I could probably get one instance of it's cloak and untangle it.

Another is where they tried to call themselves "Morpheus", now I had had enough of their tomfoolery, It was beyond a joke. So I said, "I'm Zeus and your not Morpheus", I began considering the points of "God mode" in games, although it would seem a complete fabrication it made me feel good for having something to fire back at them.

These of course were attempts to not just drive me insane, but debunk anything that I outputted about the experiences.

Eventually They popped a group of students claiming to be hackers into my head, A stupid place to put anyone since I had a theory on Spontaneous Human Combustion. They tried talking me into doing a hack, I didn't want to, so following my Zeus/god mode combative stretch I uttered some words that I confess hackers don't like.

"I think it's time to firewall", with that My temperature started to increase for an instance, an then a "group" claimed thy had entered and kicked the students out.

Then the students acted at a higher intensity of tricker, the group claimed to be trying to remove the problem and at the end of the day they were just one in the same.

This brings us up to about August 2000, But since that point I have had to put up with 24/7 of someone monitoring me, and maniplating my thought patterns. Although I've regained my sanity in the sense I know I don't have a god mode. (lol) I have had to put up with the hassle of students that believe that since no one has come forwards they could torture me.

This has been going on for 2 years (and is still going on at time of writing).

I've tried gaining government assistance to not just catch ut detain the culprits, but they don't take any notice. I now know that this sort of equipment and method is used in the creation of:

U-Boats, people that haven't got any evidence of being connected with blackops used as patsies in the killing of people, usually assasinations (warping political notions to an individual).

It's also known that "Mass murderers" have in the past claimed to have suffered from similar aspects of this arrangement, So I need some help stopping this before they try and push me in that direction.

In fact "Suicide Bombers" could be down to this equipment also, take for instance if a racist organisation was to pit one race they didn't like against another using this method and equipment. (Middle east should pay attention to that possibility that a bunch of organised racist movements could set this up.)

I feel that I have suffered enough from this equipment, I know that it can make a person irrational, I know it can damage a person (In fact I'm going to get some Scans to prove the damage)

I just wanted everyone on this board and out there to know that although people talk about radiation bombardment and people turn round and call them crazy, The technology is possible and to call them crazy is being dumb as you allow that technology to be misused.

Thre you go, way too much information about me, and about the possibility that I face death with every waking moment.

This post contains relevant material.
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...well. I'm suprised you said it loud Stryder. This message is now on-net and spider-bots have it catched.

...thanx, this story filled up a quite some holes, I didn't know.

... be careful...I'm not sure that they are "students".

and yeah- we both hate doctors:rolleyes: :p
The mind connects

the mind is full of things. Not only toughts are in the mind. we connect with every dimension in the multiverse, we are starports, we ARE

we each humans have infinite capabilities, yet in every dimension restricted to it's place in time and restricted not only by laws and religion (wich only was an early form of mind control).

When people discover these possibilities, we enter a special realm, this realm is not entered involuntarely. It is only voluntarily accesible,...

And only discovered by those who have searched for these answers, they diserve them.

Neural networking is indeed taking place, the amount of monitoring I would not like to discuss, since I can only make estimations and are highly in-acurate.

I'll leave it with that for now. I have no intention of beign mysterious or anything like that, it's just that it can't be always displayed entirely,....nor at the same time,...there has to be a delay. Don't ask me why,...I don't know, it's an intuïtion.

A hunch is mostly correct,....check the engrams and feel,...there's something going on,....yep. But be not vicious, be a boudha, be a spirit, a gosth, non-existant if you must.

for the ego is just a shell in wich we roam this dimension, this materialistic 'reality'.

Someday w'll see the light again. And our souls will not be sold nor will our spritits be broken. We Are humans, altough mamals, not animals.

As the intrinsic evil evades our body's with technology that reasembles in my eyes the 'magic' wonders of the myths of time,
we strive for a place among the stars,...and THAT my friend,...costs us dearly,...

but know that you are NOT alone, together we are. It is this bonding wich makes us strong, wich lets us free ourselves, wich permits us to comunicate, trough space and time.

Aum am aghoraya namah!
The brain, with its symbiotic partner--the mind, is of such poorly understood complexity that mental health services are still more art than science. And we know that there are far fewer great artists than there are bad ones (e.g.: 50% of all doctors graduated in the lower 50-percentile of their class).

That being said, your prior experiences from ingesting psychotropic drugs should provide you a clue how chemical activity within the brain affects what the mind finds immediately relevent.

I think that there is some merit to consideration of some component(s) of your natural brain chemistry being out of balance--as certain brain chemistry seems to be in cases of manic depression, and that brain chemistry may be just as likely a cause of your distress as is an equally speculative, technological mechanism.

The brain/mind complex certainly is one of Nature's most spectacular manifestions, and though we each have intimate, 24/7 interaction with one--our own, we don't really know them at all well, do we?

And, I suspect that the various relationships we each have with our own brain--both those bio-chemical and that sometimes pesky "internal dialog"--is similar in many ways to our relationships with our pets: sometimes it is hard to recognize at which end of the leash we are to find the boss.

I know it would be all very well for a doctor to place a sticker with "MAD" written on it, but that's not going to combat something that is external.

I know it's external because the interaction influences external objects, it can mess with the monitor, blow a light bulb (I'm sure you might have seen in some conspiracy message of "sliders"), some mechanisms have crashed.

Not to forget to mention the e-mails that don't reach their destination or the shear lack of response from those governing bodies that I have informed about this too.

One thing I care to mention about doctors is they are based on a methodology that might on one part have come from Hippocrates, which means they can go back on their word at any time.

The other point is that Druids, Witchs/wiccans and witch doctors were the first to practice in medicines, (along with priests). In fact the red cross is derived from some dodgy symbol of the cross of the roads of life and death.

I believe if Psychologists happen to be doing a Homeopathy study using the equipment, it would definitely add to the old terming of a "head shrink". (Due to the radiation causing the Thalamus and other regions to shrink)

If this was all just a manifestation Mr G for me at least, then I think I'm shy a pint of LSD, as I'm sure thats what it would take to manipulate such a long winded hallucination.

Just as gravity compels masses to motivate toward one another, or electromagnetism compels opposite charges to motivate toward one another, what may be motivating outside entities and yourself to be within one another's overlapping spheres of influence/interest?
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Everything you've described here in this thread is classic schizophrenia. I don't mean to be insulting or anything, but it seems almost directly lifted from the schizophrenia chapter of my psych textbook. If you're in any way serious, simply go see a psychiatrist.

Is it possible for you to record some of the physical manifestations or get witnesses to them? You certainly seem troubled, but I have to agree with Adam to some extent, too.

That book that you take reference from is written by people who take from Old frames of reference without regards to any technological clandenstine advance.

If you were to look long and hard at any individual and their background story, you could pretty much come up with some psychological evaluation of an ailment.

The way I see it there is real Schizophrenia and then their is a Homeopathy version, one created by people probably to study the supposed ailment.

The Real version is however different, it would exist with say hearing not voices telling you what to do, but a voice from the past. In cases of people being beaten by their father, they might have flashbacks of their beatings and what their father would have said.

It how ever is different in comparison to the homeopathy version which is external input from research institutes even military research. This sort of research would be classed an abomination originally, afterall if you found that people could probe into your mind and manipulate your thoughts do you realsie what they would do to the way you look at life or can you imagine what sorts of "Con merchants" would blame external influences for their crimes?

This is the reason why for one point this stuff stays secret, and for the other is national security. Afterall this type of equipment was developed during the cold war, so it's not new.

I you say "While I was in the Navy I didn't see none of this equipment" the simple answer is... you didn't have clearance.

Mr G,
As for the "why you?" question which I managed to obtain from your post, The place I previously lived was the main testing ground for my country for certain things.

It as known that once a chemical was released over my county (not country) just to get an assesment of the damage that would have been caused by fall out during the cold war.

Not to forget any small details from my past, school life, friends, aquaintences even family could all account for be "choosen".

Maybe even some of the things I've done like e-mailed disgruntledness at some point about certain aspects of society towards particular peoples.
I thought I would just post this that I wrote, okay it will sound very vengeful, but thats because I feel that I have a vendetta against those that use this form of oppression.


I thought I would write this post since most people don't take what has occurred to me seriously.
Since I've become fed up at the shear oppression caused by the system, I've decided to divulge all information I can obtain upon HOW a system is created to manipulate frequencies.

To start with some people have put forwards that the wavelength ranges that I have been speaking about have been different from that of Mobile Phone antenna's and tried to generate Debunkem.

So I've drawn a little diagram of a Mobile phone masts top, Four antenna's and a Microwave dish.
The system is simple, The dish is used to make the antenna a "Node" in a network, it allows the "node" to stay syncronised with the network, and can allow the transferance of data to any other antenna arrays or Satellite stations.

The mast itself has the four antennas, as where only one antenna would broadcast in ever increasing circles from it, four antenna's can "Triangulate" to an exact point, and if the frequencies transmitted from the antenna's are manipulated correctly it's possible to even change the shape of the wavelengths.

A mergence of Antenna nodes in a network can allow a system that although is used for communication to be used for such purposes as mind control, assassination (through the use of Forced heart attacks to mention one technique) and paranormal phemonona.

It's known that such systems have been used to manipulate the populous for many years, and caast blame onto groups and factions. (Namely a person is tormented into killing and suggests that "Nazi's" told him to do it.) The reason for this is to manipulate public opinion towards a particular goal. In recent years it seems the newest attack involves Paedophilia and the creation of Paedophile rings, not to forget to mention corruption through the use of clandenstine entrapment with government officials.

It has been proven the the culprits are the communcations companies since they make vast profits through news coverage, and communication.

This is only a portion of the problems that the antenna arrays cause, They can cause cancer which corrupt scientists will try to blind people with answers of "It is not proven to cause ailments" when people seem to drop like flies around them.

Personally I would love to tear these networks down to remove the homeopathic ailments of people with scitsofrenia, MS, people subject to cancers and other corrupt uses these systems befall to.

There are four antennas in an array because they are directional. They are directional because this gives a more uniform horizontal coverage than a multidirectional antenna.

Stryder, those things you mentioned (cancer, heart attacks, mad murderers, etc.) havent increased markedly in the later years; some go up some go down. But those antenna arrays were put up during the last 5-10 years with the build-up of the cell-phone network.

I have to say that I feel sure your life would be easier if you could realize that some of those things go on inside your head only, and that you might seek some help.


I wish you could realise that to you, you might perceive this as something that doctors didn't originally have an explaination for and you can continue having your views over the reality of the matter.

I will say that I'm not just adamant about this being an external source, I can prove it's an external source but I just need the equipment to be available.

I mention this because if you truly don't believe it exist I will build the necessary equipment and invade your space with your permission. (Of course this would need a meeting and a university to be the experiment centre)
I was checking around for some information about cell tower radiations and came across this photo of a cell tower in Morrisville, North Carolina. :D

Mmmm, Stryder, its easy to find out about microwaves. Doesnt require big equipment: Wind about 20 windings of isolated wire around a beer bottle (or similar diameter), connect the ends to a 1V bulb (ordinary small flashlight bulb), and leave it in the middle of your room. If it ever lights up, you're being microwaved.

Sorry Stryder but after reading all of that I would have to say that you are mad. However, if you ever proove that it does originate from outside your head you will recieve a full apology from me.
It's diabolical that people can just turn around and assume that a person is mad because they haven't the physical scientific proof laid out before them in a neat little package.

The people that have been doing this have a job, and their job is to make sure that there is no neat little package to layout before the likes of you, because it's all very well to have one individual that's treated as mad knowing about it, but a number of people a portion of the populous, it could be catastrophic to them.

What I can't understand is why you don't use your imaginations to fill in the gaps a little if your so sceptical about it being real. For instance Hans you clame to know about radiation types and the matricing of antenna stations but you haven't specified if it is possible, and that tends to go with anyone else challenging me.

I have put forwards sources that can build a picture of the reality:

For instance the "Radio controlled Rodents" thread, or the thread about the guy Patenting a mechanism to input the sounds of rushing water or a voice into a persons head.

There are many others out there that tie into the reality, and not just a conjured fabrication.

It's not that I want to believe, it's not that I want it to be the truth, It just is and there isn't much I can do until I gain enough public support to have it fully investigated.
Stryder, I'm sorry you are still experiencing trouble with this.
I have too little undertanding of the technical aspects to give a valid opinion, but I do however know that without having met a person there is no real possibility of making a psychological analysis of that person.
I think your theories of what is happening should be like candy for the science nerds in here. :D So get to it and stop calling him mad!
Help him out instead, and prove his theories to either be true or false.

Thanks for your very helpful outlook Bebelina, you've asserted that a person can't make any psychological evaluation through just what they have read on in a post or posts.

I realised after my last post that a discussion I had with someone about the nature of the universe was extremely relevant to the conversation. The discussion was about how the universe is Consciousness.

Now when I heard this sort of talk before I didn't understand the meaning that people were trying to convey, since it was based upon one of the old enlightening religions (Calling it that as it should give you a clue.)

How I interpretted it was down to a thought experiment, about how a universe could be turned into a mutliverse. I've discussed this many times, but I've always put forwards that a machine is capable of manipulating something to exist in a super-positioned state.

However I neglected that we have the capacity to have the understanding that we could moving an object to infinite different locations, spinning it, turning it and doing a number of other things to make it different from the position it was in originally.

We can do all of this with a thought, a thought of "what I could do in the next second is...", I know not all of these positions would be possible (Like moving a glass 25 lightyears away and upside-down), but it does explain how those religions perceive the universe as being made up of consciousness. Purely because you can consciously decide a fate that "Could" take place.

I mention all this just for the simple reason that even if what I see and hear are complete illusions or fabrications from within, they still exist within this universe as apart of it, making them not just very real to me but very real to the universe.

I did not say you are mad. If you ask me directly, I will have to answer that you seem to be having what is called "compulsory illusions". That is not madness, but it is an illness. But of course only somebody who has had the opportunity to examine you can decide. Unfortunately, you dont seem to trust the medical profession.

What I can't understand is why you don't use your imaginations to fill in the gaps a little if your so sceptical about it being real. For instance Hans you clame to know about radiation types and the matricing of antenna stations but you haven't specified if it is possible, and that tends to go with anyone else challenging me.

If we dont have all the facts, but fill in the gaps with imagination, thats not gonna give us facts. Just imagination.

OK, I'll specify whats possible:

It is not possible with present known technology to manipulate physical objects from a distance with any kind of electromagnetic waves. The energies required would be enourmous, and ther would be all kinds of obvious side-effects (like nearby metal objects melting, and such).

It is not possible with present known technology to manipulate the human mind from afar with any kind of electromagnetic waves. Actually our ability to manipulate the human mind by technical means at all is very limited and of little practical use (with electrotherapy as a possible exception). The remote controlled rodent had electrodes implanted in its brain. Those electrodes were activated by a simple radio link.

It IS possible to flood your living quarters with microwaves of a harmful intensity, which might make you physically ill in various ways, even threathen your life. It would, however, require placing rather bulky and obvious equipment in the immidiate vicinity (within few meters of your wall), and it would have obvious side-effects: heavy disturbance of all kinds of electronic equipment, objects getting hot for no apparant reason, lamps lighting up despite being disconnected. If you can watch TV, listen to radio, or use your phone, it is NOT, repeat NOT happening to you.

Actually the exact reason I have concluded from your posts that you must have some illusions is that your technical explanations dont make sense at all, from a technical viewpoint.

And you might say that there can be scientific advances that I'm not aware of. True, there surely are, but the physical laws governing electromagnetics have been very well explored for almost a century, and there is not likely to be much science can do to circumvent them. This is not to slight your person at all, but if somebody had invented something that could do all you think about, I assure you they wuld have better use for it than to make your (or any other individual's) life miserable.

Best regards,