
Health reasons? Did he have some sort of condition that absolutely warranted it?
Or do you mean hygenic reasons?

Yeah sorry. Hygenic reason. When you are in battle (Viet Nam for example) you don't exactly get to clean as often and as well as you want. My Dad was circumcised as a newborn and never thought anything of it. But when he saw adult men having to be circumcised due to infections, he made sure my brothers were.

My Mom has seen enough come through her lab to stress it also. Again, for hygenic reasons.
Yeah sorry. Hygenic reason. When you are in battle (Viet Nam for example) you don't exactly get to clean as often and as well as you want. My Dad was circumcised as a newborn and never thought anything of it. But when he saw adult men having to be circumcised due to infections, he made sure my brothers were.

My Mom has seen enough come through her lab to stress it also. Again, for hygenic reasons.
Yes but you do know that unless you are in a backwards, third world country, it's not necessary. Of course if you don't have the adequate complex facilities such as running water, soap and a bathtub to clean yourself, of course it's going to get infected. If you don't brush your teeth, they will get 'infected' and fall out. If a girl doesn't wash her pooty-poo it's going to get nasty and possibly infected, but that's no reason to cut off her clit or lips, is it? Hygiene, especially in the U.S. and other developed countries, is a stupid reason to have your newborn baby boy cut. But I guess it's easier to have him cut than actually teach him how to clean it every day huh?
I bet you don't have any children. Ask any mother what havoc daycare plays with their children's health.
Yes but you do know that unless you are in a backwards, third world country, it's not necessary. Of course if you don't have the adequate complex facilities such as running water, soap and a bathtub to clean yourself, of course it's going to get infected. If you don't brush your teeth, they will get 'infected' and fall out. If a girl doesn't wash her pooty-poo it's going to get nasty and possibly infected, but that's no reason to cut off her clit or lips, is it? Hygiene, especially in the U.S. and other developed countries, is a stupid reason to have your newborn baby boy cut. But I guess it's easier to have him cut than actually teach him how to clean it every day huh?

I love my son more than my life. I wasn't making an uninformed decision. I had a co-worker who was circumcised at the age of 32 due to recurrent infections. (That was one angry man!) I didn't do it for cosmetic reasons. I did what was best for him and I stand by that decision. If he has problems with it, we'll talk about it then. He can be angry at me, you can't. :p
I bet you don't have any children. Ask any mother what havoc daycare plays with their children's health.
I don't. And so what. Like I said, the mother would rather have his son's weenie cut than overcome her laziness to show him how to clean himself, or clean him up herself; after all, that's what a mother's job is concerning her young children.
Did you also know that studies indicate that 82% of the world's men are still intact? AND, circumcision is losing popularity as well.
Circumcision IMO, is 'swimming against the current' of 100,000 years of human evolution. We walk upright, we've lost most of our hair, so I'm going to safely assume that if the foreskin was such a hygenic hazard, that we would not be born with it.
I don't. And so what. Like I said, the mother would rather have his son's weenie cut than overcome her laziness to show him how to clean himself, or clean him up herself; after all, that's what a mother's job is concerning her young children. ....

You don't have a father?
You don't have a father?
Yes, but he wasn't around that much. Besides, I used the mother term to respond accordingly to sam's post. You know what I meant.

I had a co-worker who was circumcised at the age of 32 due to recurrent infections. (That was one angry man!)
Well I can fully understand with situations like that where it's necessary. Care to tell us why he was so angry?:D
I don't. And so what. Like I said, the mother would rather have his son's weenie cut than overcome her laziness to show him how to clean himself, or clean him up herself; after all, that's what a mother's job is concerning her young children.
Did you also know that studies indicate that 82% of the world's men are still intact? AND, circumcision is losing popularity as well.
Circumcision IMO, is 'swimming against the current' of 100,000 years of human evolution. We walk upright, we've lost most of our hair, so I'm going to safely assume that if the foreskin was such a hygenic hazard, that we would not be born with it.

82% of the world men are intact? Are they all Chinese?

Circumcision is losing popularity where?

Its between 60-70% now. They are trying to circumcise more and more in Africa thinking it will slow down AIDS. I don't know if its working.

They halted the study as initial results were too positive to not utilise the method.
French and South African AIDS researchers have called an early halt to a study of adult male circumcision to reduce HIV infection after initial results reportedly showed that men who had the procedure dramatically lowered their risk of contracting the virus.

The study's preliminary results, disclosed Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal, showed that circumcision reduced the risk of contracting HIV by 70 percent -- a level of protection far better than the 30 percent risk reduction set as a target for an AIDS vaccine.

Its between 60-70% now. They are trying to circumcise more and more in Africa thinking it will slow down AIDS. I don't know if its working.
See, one other stupid excuse to not be responsible and actually use condoms or abstain altogether. Humans always try to find the easy way out. If you have unprotected sex with someone infected, you can get infected too, intact or not. AIDS is not going to slow down until we; find a cure, or start being responsible and either; using condoms, or abstaining altogether. Circumcision used as a reason to try to stop AIDS is a fuckin cop out.

Here are a few:
Globally, 20% of male children will be subjected to some form of non-medically indicated genital mutilation.(5)
That equals ~80% that are still intact.
Thirty years ago, up to 90% of American newborn baby boys were circumcised; currently, around 60% are circumcised. On the west coast, this figure has gone as low as 40%, and in parts of Canada, 25% and less. Worldwide, the uncircumcised penis is clearly the norm: 85% of the world's male population has "intact" (uncircumcised) penises.
Read the title of the page.
Specialists estimate that 70 percent of adult men in the United States are circumcised, although the numbers appear to be declining.
Most Americans, when presented with the information that approximately 97% of the world's infant male population is not circumcised, are rather astounded.

but I guess I should expect a response from Sam saying that all these sites are full of shit...