

OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Once a male child has been circumcised, what do they do with the extra skin? I assume in hospitals it gets incinerated or sent to a skin bank. But if its a bris, what happens to it?
Some of the methods of disposal of the foreskin are more a matter for interest than emulation. The Levites during the Exodus piled their foreskins in the wilderness and covered them with earth ; in parts of West Africa, where the operation is performed at about 8 years of age, the prepuce is dipped in brandy and eaten by the patient ; in other districts the operator is enjoined to consume the fruits of his handiwork, and yet a further practice, in Madagascar, is to wrap the operation specifically in a banana leaf and feed it to a calf. In happy contrast to some of these macabre practices is the habit of the Bani Chams in Australia with a wooden knife and leave their victims unscathed.

In other places, I guess they just bury it.
Once a male child has been circumcised, what do they do with the extra skin? I assume in hospitals it gets incinerated or sent to a skin bank. But if its a bris, what happens to it?

I saw on a show a few years ago, that the theory was, that they could use the foreskin for stem cells. Here's some more info on it:

However, IMO; unless the baby has some sort of medical condition with the foreskin that would pretty much require circumcision, it's not necessary; it's barbaric. But that's a whole other debate in itself.
One of my brothers got circumcised 2x. They did it wrong the first time and my Mom noticed and sent him back in.
I didn't mean to offend and as I don't want another infraction for talking about sex (or penises) on a science forum, I am asking that this thread be closed. please!!
what makes me wonder is,
why would god create mans penis with a foreskin in the first place and later told him to cut it off?:confused:
what makes me wonder is,
why would god create mans penis with a foreskin in the first place and later told him to cut it off?:confused:

because people love rules??
Maybe someone did it and said "God told me to" Isn't that what Andrea Yates said?
I know some Orthodox Jews have the Rabbi bite it off, it's true.

Orleander, i wonder why you start these threads then 10 post later ask to get them locked.
because people love rules??
Maybe someone did it and said "God told me to" Isn't that what Andrea Yates said?

Don't forget 'Because the bible tells me so'. That's another good one too!
It's not so much that people love rules moreso than it is, people are fuckin gullible and will believe ANYTHING. Proof of that lies within the plethora of ridiculous religions and cults on this planet.

I can't find the actual cartoon but it depicts Moses in the desert looking up at the sky saying,
"Ok, let me get this straight; the Arabs get all the oil and you want us to cut off the ends of our WHAT????"

I'm curious as to how many guys out there that would agree to actually have part of their weenie cut off if they had been old enough to consent to this practice (barring any serious medical issues that would warrant it).

Do you have any sons? Did you have this done to him (them) when he (they) were born? If so, why?
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...Do you have any sons? Did you have this done to him (them) when he (they) were born? If so, why?

I have 1 son. He was circumcised 2 days after he was born using a Plastilbell (I think) I just know he had a plastic piece that fell off about the same time his umbilical cord did. I did it for health reasons. Military family and all.
Yeah, I don't know of biting it, just sucking on the baby. <gak!>

Using saliva on wounds is very common in the Middle East; its a harmless practice that is seen as "weird" by people who see sexual connotations in any physical touch. I hardly see even a tenth of the physical contact between people in the west as I see at home or in the ME. There is some kind of weird concept of "personal" space and "privacy" instead.
I have 1 son. He was circumcised 2 days after he was born using a Plastilbell (I think) I just know he had a plastic piece that fell off about the same time his umbilical cord did. I did it for health reasons. Military family and all.
Health reasons? Did he have some sort of condition that absolutely warranted it?
Or do you mean hygenic reasons?