Nonsense. It's a barbaric tradition that makes as much sense as prohibiting pork.
i have no idea what your talking about.
I know a guy who had to have it done at 30 years old, go talk to him about it.
Nonsense. It's a barbaric tradition that makes as much sense as prohibiting pork.
Nonsense. It's a barbaric tradition that makes as much sense as prohibiting pork.
i have no idea what your talking about.
I know a guy who had to have it done at 30 years old, go talk to him about it.
OK, there might be sound medical reasons to get this done, but it shouldn't be forced on people too young to make this decision for themselves.
It shouldn't be done until the age of 18, unless there is a necessary medical reason. After that, they can decide. Why bring a child into the world in pain? Who's to say what effect that early trauma is having?
ALL that i hear, is that it is an old tradition...
very old... done for various reasons... by various peoples..
historically... its been found to be a good thing.
so it has been repeated and remembered..
and along the way.
incorporated into culutres and religions.
all of which is a positive step in the long term survival and happyness of mankind as a species.
of which surely god approves.
hence.... it serves gods will that we circumsize.
i have no idea what your talking about.
I know a guy who had to have it done at 30 years old, go talk to him about it.
ALL that i hear, is that it is an old tradition...
very old... done for various reasons... by various peoples..
historically... its been found to be a good thing.
so it has been repeated and remembered..
and along the way.
incorporated into culutres and religions.
all of which is a positive step in the long term survival and happyness of mankind as a species.
of which surely god approves.
hence.... it serves gods will that we circumsize.