
othead, it isnt that ridiculous here yet, but its heading that way.
Im glad I dont smoke.
The current warning on my pack:

• "Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy."

They run around $6.00 a pack.

I noticed an older part of the discussion about a place on Earth where just smokers lived--gee, it would be nice, I suppose, but people get really pissed off when smokers try to make a corner of the world their own.

Some of the state workplace-smoking laws ban smoking in a tobacconist's shop. I mean ... really.

What's carbon monoxide? The warning label that came up at the website (21+ only, please, by request of the company).
One entry found for nicotine.
Main Entry: nic·o·tine
Pronunciation: 'ni-k&-"tEn
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from New Latin nicotiana
: a poisonous alkaloid C10H14N2 that is the chief active principle of tobacco and is used as an insecticide

That's IT?

Here in Portugal, no kidding, but the warnings are 75% of the whole packet. On all sides, in big black letters, with a black border... and then little warnings in gold letters...

stuff like:

your children could be born radically disfigured
- " - mentally retarded

and other disturbing thoughts...

I thought that was interesting.

I think the ones on my dads read, "SGW : Quitting smoking can improve your health"
Yeah, it just means a stronger, better-tasting cigarette.

The thing is that they have to bleach out the tobacco. Remember that scandal about cigarette companies "spiking" tobacco with extra nicotine? As I understand it, that's what happens after bleaching; otherwise, crappy cigarettes like the front-tier cigarettes (Marlboro, Camel, &c.) would be inconsistent.

Of course, here's the fun thing: in cigarette smoke, there is both ammonia and bleach.
ammonia and bleach...

A friend of mine once dipped a cigar in ammonia and smoked it...
Yeah, he lost a few IQ points.
BBC: The Dangers of Mixing Bleach and Ammonia

This page lists three big dangers dependent on ratios:

• Chlorine gas (Cl2)
• Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3
• Hydrazine (N2H4)

None of which are pleasant.

Chlorine gas and mustard gas casualties are given as different figures; nitrogen trichloride was once used to bleach flower; hydrazine is rocket fuel. I can't find a directly confirming reference, Fafnir.
Crap. $6 a pack is insane!
Over here we get a pack of 10 cigs for Rs. 30 which is something like $0.6.
Great thing is, the local brands here are way better than any Marlboro or Dunhill nonsense. Bidis are even cheaper.