

You just got served.
Registered Senior Member
I was reading a cigarette box, and saw this warning...


Is that warning enough, or should they make it more potent?
That's plenty. I'm sure everyone knows.

We used to have warnings like that in Britain, but recently they've been bringing in these huge black warnings in a white box that takes up half the fag box. New slogans too, like 'Smoking Causes a Slow and Painful Death'.

People know that.
The government taxes the shit out of tobacco companies and runs inecessant ads about the danegrs of smoking. What about the dangers of overeating? Where are the notices on The Big Mac? On alcohol? etc.

I say fuck the stickers, noone reads them, and if they already are smoking such a tepid message won't make a difference. I am more concerned about nicotine. Nocotine is a drug and it is an additive and addictive. If anything I say ban the adding of nicotine to ciggaretes.
Agreed. Fountainhed is right...if one is resumes the act of intake of an addictive substance a mere warning label won't really help. Most concious smokers (as in not brain dead morons) know that smoking is bad for them but the addiction wins out in the end. I say attck their vanity if they really insist on anti-smoking campaigns...people despise anything that takes away from their natural beauty and charm.
Can't find an image ....

A few years back an American entrepeneur with a bent against cigarettes marketed what turned out to be some reasonably good smokes under the brand "Death Cigarettes". I'll have to look around for the old pack I kept for sentimental value; the packs were black with a white skull & crossbones and big white letters that said "DEATH" on the front. The pack carried the standard US Surgeon General's warning, and also the manufacturer's warning. I forget what the pack I have says, but some of the packs put it straightforward: "Smoking cigarettes will kill you".

Sad thing was, they were good cigarettes when compared to Marlboro or Camel .....
As long as they aren't blowing the smoke right in my face I WANT everyone to smoke. They can shorten their lives and help me rise in the world. Heck, I want heroin vending machines in front of every Wal-Mart.
You know what gets me....Everyone talks about the 'evil' of cigarettes, but nobody knows why! All of the 'enlightened' people of this new age of information still just injest any information that the media throws their way.

Anyone that know anything about science should be able to figure out that there is no scientific proof that cigarettes cause cancer!!

Now follow this line of thought. If Smoking causes lung cancer, as the number of smokers increase in a group of people, then the number of people with lung cancer should increase relationally.

Every country has been assigned an LCI (Lung Cancer Index) and every country track the per capita number of smokers.....take the time to track these numbers down. You will find that Japan has one of the highest per capita smoker numbers, yet they also have one of the lowest LCI's......If smoking causes Lung Cancer, how can this be??

All this said, please try to make sure you know what you are talking about before you talk!

Deaths sucked! They had them in Italy dude, they're still fairly popular over there.
Yo Wes!
Quitting aint the only thing. Here in the UK the government have for many years added 85% tax to a pack of fags. (maybe 'fags' don't translate to well;) )
The current cost of my suicide sticks is £4.20 a pack I'll let you figure out the exchange rate.

Lung cancer and poverty, an endearing combination:(
Dee Cee
Anyone that know anything about science should be able to figure out that there is no scientific proof that cigarettes cause cancer!!

Maybe you should read into cigarettes and cancer before posting as well. Start here. Cigarettes and Cancer

I would like to see how you can stand the grounds the science hasn't proven that cigarettes cause cancer.

Cancer, then, is the direct result of damage to genes that restrain cell division. Without controls, the mutated cell divides continuously, now a cancer cell. Because healthy cells possess many controls that act as breaks on cell division (called tumor suppressors), it usually takes several mutations to induce cancer. That is why cancer is more common among older people than children. Chemicals that cause mutations in genes are called mutagens. Cigarette smoke contains many powerful mutagens. Introducing cigarette smoke to the lungs of mice and other laboratory animals creates mutations in the epithelial cells that line their lungs (and thus are exposed to the chemicals). Cancer biologists propose that the lungs of cigarette smokers are similarly sensitive, and that lung cancer is caused by mutation of growth-regulating genes by mutagenic chemicals within cigarette smoke.
Personally I just hate smoking people. I wish there would be an isolated place on earth in which only smokers live.
Personally I just hate smoking people. I wish there would be an isolated place on earth in which only smokers live.

I think so also. I also agree with the Florida State law that smoking is not permitted in enclosed workplaces, including restaurants.

I think I heard somewhere that 2nd hand smoke is worse then first hand smoke. I personally don't think people should be allowed to smoke in public because it allows for air pollution to be emmitted in the environment which can cause a sickness to innocent people. It is like friggin bioterrorism or something:) I knew Iraq had WMD
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/I think so also. I also agree with the Florida State law that smoking is not permitted in enclosed workplaces, including restaurants.

Wow, what a fascist. How about this, should the government hold your cock while you piss too?

/I think I heard somewhere that 2nd hand smoke is worse then first hand smoke.

You may have heard it, but it's still a fucking crock.

/I personally don't think people should be allowed to smoke in public because it allows for air pollution to be emmitted in the environment which can cause a sickness to innocent people.

You are a facist pussy. If you are so senstive stay out of traffic or uhm.. buildings. You'd better move to the woods far from industrialized areas so your pussy doesn't get infected. No no wait, you'd rather everyone else conform to the health of your pussy. If they don't want to bother you'll just force them by legislating your vagina.

/It is like friggin bioterrorism or something:) I knew Iraq had WMD

No, it's like you're a huge pussy.

You may have heard it, but it's still a fucking crock.

You are a facist pussy. If you are so senstive stay out of traffic or uhm.. buildings. You'd better move to the woods far from industrialized areas so your pussy doesn't get infected. No no wait, you'd rather everyone else conform to the health of your pussy. If they don't want to bother you'll just force them by legislating your vagina.

I should be able to have my opinion shouldn't I. Well, since A. Cig. are proven to be toxic and deadly then B. I wouldn't appreciate somebody violating my right to life. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that about 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year in the United States due to passive smoking. AKA 2nd hand smoke. That is 3000 people that are killed against their will right? The EPA also is hesitant to show that Heart Attacks can be caused from Passive smoking because of inconclusive evidence, but they are leaning toward believing that. Ok, so basically your judgemental agenda and elementary name calling have equated you to nothing more then an incosequential rodent that somehow was gifted with being a human and thinking like a small brained animal.

I have sited references and EPA studies to show my point being valid that I disagree with public smoking. And what have you come with. "If they don't want to bother you'll just force them by legislating your vagina. " Yes, of course, that is brilliant.

You are probably the type of person that feels like it shouldn't be the goverments job to make people aware of Asbestos, Lead, and Mold. You probably disagree that they should set regulations on Air Pollution to maintain health. Come on Wes, you say Im a pussy for caring about health issues. Is it not your concern Wes or do you just figure its somebody elses problem. Come on...
/I should be able to have my opinion shouldn't I.

Of course.

/Well, since A. Cig. are proven to be toxic and deadly then B. I wouldn't appreciate somebody violating my right to life.

You mean violating your right to be a pussy. There is a difference between violating your "right to life" and your "oh this could potentially maybe hurt me 20 years from now possibly maybe but it's not really known if it's worse that other stuff I'm already dealing with anyway". If it were the first case I'd agree with you. The second case is for pussys. :)

/The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that about 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year in the United States due to passive smoking.

LOL. If that is higher than the deaths from prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide I'd say you've got a bogus statistic. Sounds pretty fucking bogus to begin with. Further, how does that compare to the number who die in traffic accidents? Should we ban cars?

THERE IS A FUCKING PRICE TO PAY FOR FREEDOM. If you can't handle the remote possibility of negative effects from second hand smoke in exchange for relief that you live in a free country, THEN YOU DON'T DESERVE THE FUCKING RIGHT TO LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY YOU FASCIST FUCKING IDIOT. Pardon, got on a rant there. Seem like a lot of people have this vaginitus like you and it makes me sick to see it.

/AKA 2nd hand smoke. That is 3000 people that are killed against their will right?

/I have sited references and EPA studies to show my point being valid that I disagree with public smoking.

No it shows that you have no conception of reality and that you're a pussy. Have you shown the correlation between "public smoking" as in "anywhere outdoors" or just quoted some retarded statistic that you can't verify. Prove to me that statistic isn't propaganda? Sounds like the propaganda of idiots who do not understand the slippery fucking slope they're walking on. Problem is that if enough of you idiots fall, you take the rest of us down with you.

/And what have you come with. "If they don't want to bother you'll just force them by legislating your vagina. " Yes, of course, that is brilliant.

Hey it wasn't a bad one-liner. Come on. It was pertinent even!

/You are probably the type of person that feels like it shouldn't be the goverments job to make people aware of Asbestos, Lead, and Mold.

Awareness is different than regulation. Regulation is okay to an extent but it must be done sparingly as per my previous point.

/You probably disagree that they should set regulations on Air Pollution to maintain health.

No, regulations are okay especially regarding industry. You're talking about individual freedoms on cigarettes. They are unrelated.

/Come on Wes, you say Im a pussy for caring about health issues.

I say you're a pussy because you're whining about someone else's problem and making it your own. In that sense, you are a HUGE fucking pussy.

/Is it not your concern Wes or do you just figure its somebody elses problem. Come on.

Yes, it is the smokers problem.. oh, and pussies who try to make it their own. You seriously need to re-consider your position. It's not about your fucking pussy ass little health, it's about not living under a fascist fucking regime. It's my concern for sure, that assholes who want to try and control every little aspect of EVERYONE ELSE'S lives but they're own. Why don't you just avoido places where people smoke and shut up about it? Oh I see, that's violates your "right to being a pussy"? :rolleyes:

(I realize I don't really know you, I'm just talking about your position on this issue, maybe you're no pussy at all IRL, just making a point)
I realize I don't really know you, I'm just talking about your position on this issue, maybe you're no pussy at all IRL, just making a point)

Anyway, I believe in Government. I think government is a good thing and the reason I think it is, is because there are to many dumb people that try to take those freedoms away from Americans. Laws are set in place for those reasons.

Oh, Here is the website for the propoganda that talked about 2nd hand smoke deaths.

Sorry to interject with that, Click on the button that says How Big a Lung Cancer Risk for Adults?.

Ok, so you want to say that I am a pussy and I should suck it up (no pun intended) because the risk is so minor. Ok, that is fair, but still we shouldn't equate it to driving in a car.

Traffic accidents are accidents. 2nd hand smoke is not and accident. Whoever smokes should suck that smoke in and keep it in them then and then if it came out, it would be an accident. No, they purpose to suck it in and blow it out. Is american freedom blind? It is his freedom to smoke and at the same time, it is the freedom of the next guy to want to take care of himself. Do you disagree that pregnant women shouldn't smoke? It sure as hell is their right to smoke. or drink, drugs...ect. Should we then have designated places for all smokers and some for all non smokers? That would be fine with me except for the law suits that would go flying.

I'd take you seriously if you promised to sell your car and walk everywhere.
Dee Cee