Church Signs

Oh! hey John I remember when I went to that church, it's been several years, fact is I visit many churches in my time of travels, my username is famous, not only do I use it, but I got to fight for my identity at times.

Google "Godless" and you will get to see what I'm up against. I got my name in several forums, in others I got to use vegasgodless, there's a godless already on Youtube, (not me) I'm vegasgodless there too...
I heard a few years ago of the sign 'Jesus saves!' with the addition of
'...but Fowler scores the rebound!'
I saw a Jesus Saves sign where someone had inserted an H between the S and the A: Jesus Shaves. Someone on theis board had done a "Jesus Loves Me" post, to which some nefarious user added "All Night Long".

A little off topic, but has anybody here seen the "Big Butter Jesus" statue?