Church Signs


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
We've all seen them. Usually somewhere out front where you can't help but read it. Sometimes they come with cute witty sayings, wordplay or just downright stern messages. I've witnessed some odd ones, some funny ones and some that just make you scratch your head. I'm talking about signs in front of a church that are obviously meant to draw you in or at least make you think. Here's one I saw today at the front entranceway of a Mennonite chuch I passed by on my way to work:

1 cross
3 nails
4 given

No mention of a body or Christ for that matter. I think I get it though, a simple little formula to remember next time I feel like I've been sinning a little too much. I kind of think it is aimed at Christians more than us heathens. Sort of a head scratcher. Not sure if that would make me want to investigate. I'd rather go to another church that's near home because their sign says:

Da Vinci Code Revealed

Anyway I was hoping the membership may have viewed a few church signs they wouldn't mind publishing here.
"Brush up on your bible to prevent Truth Decay!"

Ah the Lutherans, so witty. Personally as a christian I am against such signs. Making comedy out of something I consider sacred and holy, to be treated with the utmost respect. I find it a bit offending personally. I actually went to one of those Da Vinci Code revealed things. It was pretty interesting indeed. I would be more called into a church by something more serious really.
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"If you can kiss your elbow, you do not need God"..

This was the sign at one of the local Anglican Church. Had us laughing when we saw it. The priest had a good sense of humour at least.
Oh! man these signs are getting witty, and down right funny as well:
Found the same site and got doozy signs...unluckily they don't allow hot linking :( One of my favourites is the one that says "Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has". That just sums up life doesn't it? lol

On a related note...why wouldn't I be able to attach pics? Tried on two diff PCs with two diff levels of I doubt it's any firewall I have to activate attachments or something?
I hate churches and their signs but I always have to notice them. Saw this sign recently: "Exposure to the Son will prevent Burning."
According to the site, these are real photos, not touched up images. The last one is...disturbing...


Yeah, bee-atch!

Do we really want to know why we're here?