Church Burning Bibles on Halloween


We will also be burning Satan's music such as country, rap, rock, pop, heavy metal, western, soft and easy, southern gospel , contempory Christian , jazz, soul, oldies but goldies, etc.​

What's wrong with "soft and easy"? Or "southern gospel"?

We will also be burning Satan's popular books written by heretics like Westcott & Hort , Bruce Metzger, Billy Graham , Rick Warren , Bill Hybels , John McArthur, James Dobson, Charles Swindoll , John Piper, Chuck Colson, Tony Evans, Oral Roberts, Jimmy Swagart, Mark Driskol, Franklin Graham , Bill Bright, Tim Lahaye, Paula White, T.D. Jakes, Benny Hinn , Joyce Myers, Brian McLaren, Robert Schuller, Mother Teresa , The Pope , Rob Bell, Erwin McManus, Donald Miller, Shane Claiborne, Brennan Manning, William Young, etc.​

Can't say I disagree with some of those.

But I'm wondering, what was so sacred about King James?
i guess its because it say thou shalt not suffer a witch to live rather than thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live
Yeah, but why King James? What was so special about his translation?

It was and remains one of the most common and popular Bible translations in English; so, logically, most of 'em are raised with it.
The KJV-only movement is quite insane, though; it has also spawned such nutters as Jack Chick.
OK, I don't even know where to begin. Should I make fun of his overalls or the fact that he thinks the King James Version is straight from God's mouth?
These are the fanatics that scare me. The ones that think their interpretation is the only one.
And why would they pick Halloween to do the burning? Seems very pagan to me.

Here is the list of Satan's Bibles they are burning


A Canton church plans a special event for Halloween. Pastor Marc Grizzard says they're holding a bible burning to burn what he calls perversions of the bible. They also plan to burn music and books from authors he calls heretics, like Billy Graham and Rick Warren. Grizzard says his Amazing Grace Baptist church an independent fundamental church that believes only in the King James Version of the bible. He says any others are perversions of god's word.

Should they not also burn the King James Bible because of the unicorns that exist in that version? But then what would they have left?

Do they even realize that they must believe in unicorns if they hold that version as true? :bugeye:

...takes brain and chucks it out the window...
OK, I don't even know where to begin. Should I make fun of his overalls or the fact that he thinks the King James Version is straight from God's mouth?
These are the fanatics that scare me. The ones that think their interpretation is the only one.
And why would they pick Halloween to do the burning? Seems very pagan to me.

Here is the list of Satan's Bibles they are burning


A Canton church plans a special event for Halloween. Pastor Marc Grizzard says they're holding a bible burning to burn what he calls perversions of the bible. They also plan to burn music and books from authors he calls heretics, like Billy Graham and Rick Warren. Grizzard says his Amazing Grace Baptist church an independent fundamental church that believes only in the King James Version of the bible. He says any others are perversions of god's word.

Wow. The church gets bored with shit to do so it turns, pretty much, on itself?

Talk about a catalyst.
OK, I don't even know where to begin. Should I make fun of his overalls or the fact that he thinks the King James Version is straight from God's mouth?
These are the fanatics that scare me. The ones that think their interpretation is the only one.
And why would they pick Halloween to do the burning? Seems very pagan to me.

Here is the list of Satan's Bibles they are burning


A Canton church plans a special event for Halloween. Pastor Marc Grizzard says they're holding a bible burning to burn what he calls perversions of the bible. They also plan to burn music and books from authors he calls heretics, like Billy Graham and Rick Warren. Grizzard says his Amazing Grace Baptist church an independent fundamental church that believes only in the King James Version of the bible. He says any others are perversions of god's word.

Well, if the devil appears and drags them off to Hell, it'll just be their own fault. No whining. :mad:
Book Burning Great Success!

We wanted to say that the Book Burning was a great success. It was a success because God's Word was glorified and uplifted. God magnifies His Word above His name, and so do we. The video of the entire service will be up in a few days. We wanted to thank all the Bible doubters who prayed for rain with us. All the protestors and media got wet; we were inside where it was nice and dry. Someone said that we were “hiding” out, but that is not so. The Chief Deputy asked us to keep everything inside, and we agreed, so we were obeying those in authority. We also have others that rent spaces in that same building that we have to respect. This event was successful not because of the rain, it was just an added blessing. A blessing in the sense that less people came out to protest, and there were no problems. We are not glad people got wet, we are glad that His Word was honored. Some have written praising God that he intervened and stopped the Book Burning because of the rain, protestors, and state laws about burning paper. Nothing was stopped. Our goal was to destroy garbage as noted below, and we did just that. We didn't care how it was destroyed; only that it was destroyed. These same people must have never heard about "Paper, Rock, & Scissors." Scissors cut paper, and paper tears real easy. We destroyed everything as planned. Praise God! God answered every prayer that everyone prayed, but they don't like the answer.

If there were any disappointments, it was that there were no other Independent Fundamental Baptist churches or individuals standing with us locally on the KJV. They hook up with the Southern Baptist and the Freewill Baptist to fight the liquor crowd, and the abortionist, but will not stand with the KJV, the Word of God. Next year we will have others standing with us, as you will see. We have heard from hundreds of churches and individuals from around the world that will be happy to do the same thing next year.

Some of our members were out of town on vacation that is planned every year about this time. This we can understand with no problem, but they still supported us in what we did.
Book Burning Great Success!

We wanted to say that the Book Burning was a great success. It was a success because God's Word was glorified and uplifted. God magnifies His Word above His name, and so do we. The video of the entire service will be up in a few days. We wanted to thank all the Bible doubters who prayed for rain with us. All the protestors and media got wet; we were inside where it was nice and dry. Someone said that we were “hiding” out, but that is not so. The Chief Deputy asked us to keep everything inside, and we agreed, so we were obeying those in authority. We also have others that rent spaces in that same building that we have to respect. This event was successful not because of the rain, it was just an added blessing. A blessing in the sense that less people came out to protest, and there were no problems. We are not glad people got wet, we are glad that His Word was honored. Some have written praising God that he intervened and stopped the Book Burning because of the rain, protestors, and state laws about burning paper. Nothing was stopped. Our goal was to destroy garbage as noted below, and we did just that. We didn't care how it was destroyed; only that it was destroyed. These same people must have never heard about "Paper, Rock, & Scissors." Scissors cut paper, and paper tears real easy. We destroyed everything as planned. Praise God! God answered every prayer that everyone prayed, but they don't like the answer.

If there were any disappointments, it was that there were no other Independent Fundamental Baptist churches or individuals standing with us locally on the KJV. They hook up with the Southern Baptist and the Freewill Baptist to fight the liquor crowd, and the abortionist, but will not stand with the KJV, the Word of God. Next year we will have others standing with us, as you will see. We have heard from hundreds of churches and individuals from around the world that will be happy to do the same thing next year.

Some of our members were out of town on vacation that is planned every year about this time. This we can understand with no problem, but they still supported us in what we did.

Wonderful! I'm absolutely thrilled to know that we are returning to the Dark Ages! Who needs education when you have god?

I like how they weren't allowed to burn them. They could only rip them up like toddlers throwing a tantrum.

I also liked how some of the church members go on vacation around Halloween every year. Seems like it would be easier to find a new church.
"We are burning Satan's bibles like the NIV, RSV, NKJV, TLB, NASB, ESV, NEV, NRSV, ASV, NWT, Good News for Modern Man, The Evidence Bible, The Message Bible, The Green Bible, and ect. These are perversions of God's Word the King James Bible."
-Chhhh.... "Satan's" My god... NIV? RSV? NKJV? TLB? NASB? ESV? NEV? NRSV? ASV? NWT? Good News? Evidence? aren't these all the most used bibles?

"We will also be burning Satan's music such as country , rap , rock , pop, heavy metal, western, soft and easy, southern gospel , contemporary Christian , jazz, soul, oldies but goldies, etc."
-Chhh.... Yet again. This is bull shit...

"We will be serving fried chicken, and all the sides."
It amazes me that they have such blind devotion to one specific translation of the Bible. Its like they are New Jamesists, not Christians