

Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
Any developments on the goat sucker? He was pretty popular a few years what happened to him lately?
I had a dream about it, revealing the truth. I wrote it down somewhere in this forum, but I don't remember where....
They only attacked when afraid, or something like that.

I'm not sure where you guy's are getting your information, but I watched a show on Discovery channel about the Chupacabra(sp?). Apparently there is only one and it doesn't wear clothes, because it's an "upright walking lizard". There are secret laboritories up in the mountains above the town, so no civilian is allowed into the mountains. Theory is, is that these scientists created this creature.

Don't they primarily live near the equator? I was scared as shit of the south and never wanted to set foot in it after hearing many stories of animals found in barns, primarily goats, sucked of their blood dry.
I forget exactly where it said it was. Either central america or somewhere in the caribbean.
The dreaded chupa has roamed the earth longer than man has. Why? How do I know this? Because God and Satan existed before man. The evil chupacabra is a manifestation of evil, a part of Satan. Oh, be afraid of the chupacabra, be very afraid.

So he um...punishes goats and sheeps for man's has his priorities straight.

Always pray to the Heavenly Father, say, "Dear God, protect me from the evil Chupacabra, please God, protect me from the evil Chupacabra. Oh God keep the Chupacabra away from me, protect me from the evil Chupacabra. Protect me from the evil Chupacabra. Forgive me for my sins, and protect me from the evil Chupacabra." Pray this several times throughout your day. If you do, our Father will keep the evil one from you. "Believe in the chupacabra, for God’s sake, believe."

Ok i took this guy barely seriously before but after reading this forget it....he has been sniffing the fumes of the Colombian stash a little too much.
Any developments on the goat sucker? He was pretty popular a few years what happened to him lately?
Inebriated, are you?
The chupacabra is just what it is- a mexican leprechaun. Pueblo legend.
Originally posted by gendanken

Inebriated, are you?
The chupacabra is just what it is- a mexican leprechaun. Pueblo legend.

Hey this dude was quite popular...just pure hollywood gold waiting to be tapped and gendy deary this is pseudoscience
Originally posted by Bebelina
I had a dream about it, revealing the truth. I wrote it down somewhere in this forum, but I don't remember where....
They only attacked when afraid, or something like that.

Sorry, Beb, you broke one of the rules of creative writing, there. You should only use dream sequences to allow a character to make sense of information he already has, not to divine new information all together. Look for more believable ways to introduce new plot information otherwise readers feel cheated, and think that the author is just lazy.
..... and gendy deary this is pseudoscience

Hellfire! You're right!

This thread is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I've never posted in psudoscience.

Agh- this is what you get for clicking on a thread from the 'Who's Online' page. You never know what shithole your post will end up in.
And its all sarge's fault.
Sarge, you're a scurvy fellow.
My family jokes that on my father's side we have the Chupacabra and on my mother's side we have the Yeti. Accurately describes them.
Originally posted by Bebelina
Sorry Mystech, I don't follow rules. ;)

haha, oh, goodness, sorry I didn't realize that you were a rebel without a clue :p
Originally posted by sargentlard
Any developments on the goat sucker? He was pretty popular a few years what happened to him lately?

reports od chupacabras sightseeing still come at large , you should just take a look at few last UFO Roundup's , UFO Casebook's , ...
Re: Re: Chupacabra??

Originally posted by MiTo
reports od chupacabras sightseeing still come at large , you should just take a look at few last UFO Roundup's , UFO Casebook's , ...

Yeah there were claims that he was an alien predator and some claimed he was a killer placed on Earth by aliens.
i don't think it's real but would be cool if it was
anywho did they find dead goat body all sucked up
Originally posted by certified psycho

anywho did they find dead goat body all sucked up

That's the point...i recall farmers in the south finding many...mostly in hot, arrid states.
Originally posted by certified psycho
i don't think it's real but would be cool if it was
anywho did they find dead goat body all sucked up
If you think on Chupacabra , It's real alright , it was seen on many occasions , and there are some reports that it was even captured on several occasons , some of the reports you can find in Timothy Good's "Alien Base" .