Christ's Victory Over Satan. Huh!?

SnakeLord said:
Yes, yes yes, *yawn*, enough with the brainless sermons.

You're such a hypocrite.. If some guy attempted to put an end to the world, you'd be the first to say he should be stopped, but if some old hippy jew says he's gonna do it, you think it's wonderful. What a fool.

obviously your antagonistic persona keeps you from even attempting to grasp the view of what others have written. This page was started around a segment which brings focus of the Bible and the different views people have percieved. I am merely pointing out what the bible speaks AS FAR AS I UNDERSTAND IT, in regard to each question. This type of question answer process is called philosophy, if your looking for an argument or to downplay that which others believe, perhaps Donahue is better suited to your needs.
obviously your antagonistic persona keeps you from even attempting to grasp the view of what others have written.

Fair enough I guess, but then you should realise my 'persona' only turned that way after you decided to lump a brainless sermon on me - even ending it with "amen", which shows how much of a sermon it was.

As for my second sentence.. do you find it a show of my persona or is it just a valid statement? I don't consider it rude, just accurate - (as far as I understand it). If you get offended so easily by what others say, perhaps Mickey Mouse is better suited to your needs.
SnakeLord said:
Fair enough I guess, but then you should realise my 'persona' only turned that way after you decided to lump a brainless sermon on me - even ending it with "amen", which shows how much of a sermon it was.

Sorry if it sounded like a sermom, I'll try and keep it an informative reply next time.

As for my second sentence.. do you find it a show of my persona or is it just a valid statement? I don't consider it rude, just accurate - (as far as I understand it). If you get offended so easily by what others say, perhaps Mickey Mouse is better suited to your needs.

LOL!!! What is wrong with Mickey Mouse? Mathew 18:1-5 "......I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
Mathew 18:1-5 "......I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Snakey 1:1 Only a twonk keeps quoting biblical text, thinking the opinions of ancient shepherds actually has any basis in reality.
SnakeLord said:
Snakey 1:1 Only a twonk keeps quoting biblical text, thinking the opinions of ancient shepherds actually has any basis in reality.

Christs victory over Satan. Isn't this the Thread? Pretty sure its a question relevant to the Bible! Only a TWONK would get into a discussion without knowing its relevant basis.
Christs victory over Satan. Isn't this the Thread? Pretty sure its a question relevant to the Bible! Only a TWONK would get into a discussion without knowing its relevant basis.

So.. the bible is relevant to the question? Then wouldn't it be true to state that a comment claiming the bible is also complete nonsense is also relevant? Here, let me break it down for you:

"It says in the bible christ will be victorious over satan"

"The bible is a work of fiction, it doesn't matter what it says".

That's relevant.. no?
SnakeLord said:
So.. the bible is relevant to the question? Then wouldn't it be true to state that a comment claiming the bible is also complete nonsense is also relevant? Here, let me break it down for you:

"It says in the bible christ will be victorious over satan"

"The bible is a work of fiction, it doesn't matter what it says".

That's relevant.. no?
