Christmas is Getting Earlier Every Year


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
The one thing I am grateful to Christians for is religious holidays. Christmas was a damn good idea. You don't have to believe in the religious reasons to enjoy it. Getting together with family and friends should be more frequent but once a year is still good. Anyway this topic is about good ol' ST. Nick. Just one question:

Is Santa Claus more real than God, just as real or less real? Remember, it may be different for a kid than an adult.
Who said Christmas had anything to do with followers of the Messiah Jesus?

Jesus was not born on Christmas day it is a pagan celebration. Just because the catholic church decided to mix light with darkness does not mean Christians will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Jesus was not born on Christmas day it is a pagan celebration. Just because the catholic church decided to mix light with darkness does not mean Christians will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

whoa whoa whoa. thats a pretty shitty statement to make as it applies to paganism. none of those religions were evil by nature. their gods were just as true or false as yours is. the catholic church made a wise decision to replace whatever jesus's real birthday may have been with the traditional date of saturnalias, if they hadn't there would probably be no christian church anymore.
Well santa clause is more real than god in a way because there was a guy who existed in 4th century, a bishop in (what is now) turkey called saint nicholas or "Sinterklaas", who gave presents to the poor.

So he was technically real, despite obviously not existing now.

I think when you tell your kids about fictional propaganda such as god, tooth fairy or santa clause the belief system is essentially the same, you give a plausable (to a kid at least) reason for something to exist and you mention a reward.

People generally do not believe or follow something without a reward at the end of it, be it heaven, presents or money under your pillow.
Adstar said:
Who said Christmas had anything to do with followers of the Messiah Jesus?

Jesus was not born on Christmas day it is a pagan celebration. Just because the catholic church decided to mix light with darkness does not mean Christians will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Its not just a mix. You must have missed the point I made earlier so I'll recap. Christianity IS a pagan religion. Catholicism wasn't a mix of a "God's religion" with paganism. It was a mix of the pagan religions that could be referred to as Christianity. Whether or not there was an actual person Yeshua that modern Christianity was inspired by, the entire religion itself is founded in paganism, not just the holidays. Pagan meant villager. The pagan religions were the commoner religions. The commoners had been influenced by both Judaism's mythology and Egyptian mythology. Modern Christianity is more strongly influenced by Egyptian mythology than by the mythology of the Jews. The astronomical events near the time of King Herrod's death seem to have been the astrological inspiration for the creation of modern Christianity. Meri who was married to Jo-Sep had a virgin birth of Horus in either a stable or cave amongst animals under a star. Ever wonder where the H comes from in the saying "Jesus H. Christ"? Meri and Jo-Sep fled from the evil Serpent Herrut who was opposed to Horus. Now you might see why the astronomical events near the death of the Evil king Herrod could begin to inspire the formation of a modern Christian religion. Meri and Jo-Sep were visited by three maji bearing gifts. That’s where the three comes from in the Christian tradition. Later Horus ascends in status among the gods to inherit the legions of Ra. Thus Horus was a sun god. The sun god or the sun was represented by many by the Celtic cross which may go back as much as 10 thousand years having been originally an actual device used to navigate based on shadows case by it from the sun. So Horus Christo(Christo was a title for Horus) variations such as Harry Krishna were sometimes depicted as an ascending person in a crucified posture corresponding to a symbol for the rising sun. Krishna is at times depicted as Crucified with an arrow(which is a small spear) piercing his torso the same as Yeshua-Horus(Yes-us, Jesus). As far as I can tell the only thing that is unique about the Jesus resurrection -ascension is that he had a crown of thorns. Eventually the Isis religion grew roots in Egypt and given their political practice of Synchrotism they decided to adjust their teaching absorbing the identity of Meri into Isis. Its like telling someone you don't worship a different god, you just worship the same god by a different name. This way you can unify the religions to gather others into your congregations. The new Osiris-Isis-Horus religion probably the first trinity had Osiris killed by Set(Satan) and his body broken and scattered across the land. Isis collected up the parts and resurrected him. Eventually he returns to the underworld but not before impregnating her. As he returned to the underworld he becomes capable of reincarnation and so enters the unborn child who becomes Horus. Thus the son was one with the father. Meri then was both the Mother and wife of Horus through Osiris. So it makes sense that both the mother of Jesus and the alleged wife of Jesus would have the name Mary. The sacrament was instituted by the Egyptians where the broken bread and wine was made into bits of the broken body and blood of Osiris. The resurrecting magic of Isis would then apply to those who took the sacrament to give them eternal life after death. So titles of Horus being Osiris included the way and the life and no one would come to the father but by him. The dying resurrecting godman struck such a popularity with people that surrounding religions even rewrote some of their gods to reflect that very mythology. In fact Egypt wasn't the only ones practicing Synchrotism. as an example Baccus was rewritten as Dionysus who had traits in common with Osiris and Jesus. So this entire group of dying rising godmen from which Jesus gets his traits are referred to as Osiris-Dionysus for short. Do a web search on that term to find more info than I am giving. Since Jesus is a dying rising sun god made in the fashion of Horus and Methras of course he would be given the winter solstice birthday of such gods. It also makes since then that Christians have him returning from the east and why he would have a similarity to Quetzalcoatl even though so far displaced because Quetzalcoatl was also a sun god. This should explain to you why Catholicism/Modern Christianity has pagan holidays. It didn’t just incorporate paganism. It IS paganism.
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Trilairian said:
Its not just a mix. You must have missed the point I made earlier so I'll recap. Christianity IS a pagan religion. Catholicism wasn't a mix of a "God's religion" with paganism. It was a mix of the pagan religions that could be referred to as Christianity. Whether or not there was an actual person Yeshua that modern Christianity was inspired by, the entire religion itself is founded in paganism, not just the holidays. Pagan meant villager. The pagan religions were the commoner religions. The commoners had been influenced by both Judaism's mythology and Egyptian mythology. Modern Christianity is more strongly influenced by Egyptian mythology than by the mythology of the Jews. The astronomical events near the time of King Herrod's death seem to have been the astrological inspiration for the creation of modern Christianity. Meri who was married to Jo-Sep had a virgin birth of Horus in either a stable or cave amongst animals under a star. Ever wonder where the H comes from in the saying "Jesus H. Christ"? Meri and Jo-Sep fled from the evil Serpent Herrut who was opposed to Horus. Now you might see why the astronomical events near the death of the Evil king Herrod could begin to inspire the formation of a modern Christian religion. Meri and Jo-Sep were visited by three maji bearing gifts. That’s where the three comes from in the Christian tradition. Later Horus ascends in status among the gods to inherit the legions of Ra. Thus Horus was a sun god. The sun god or the sun was represented by many by the Celtic cross which may go back as much as 10 thousand years having been originally an actual device used to navigate based on shadows case by it from the sun. So Horus Christo(Christo was a title for Horus) variations such as Harry Krishna were sometimes depicted as an ascending person in a crucified posture corresponding to a symbol for the rising sun. Krishna is at times depicted as Crucified with an arrow(which is a small spear) piercing his torso the same as Yeshua-Horus(Yes-us, Jesus). As far as I can tell the only thing that is unique about the Jesus resurrection -ascension is that he had a crown of thorns. Eventually the Isis religion grew roots in Egypt and given their political practice of Synchrotism they decided to adjust their teaching absorbing the identity of Meri into Isis. Its like telling someone you don't worship a different god, you just worship the same god by a different name. This way you can unify the religions to gather others into your congregations. The new Osiris-Isis-Horus religion probably the first trinity had Osiris killed by Set(Satan) and his body broken and scattered across the land. Isis collected up the parts and resurrected him. Eventually he returns to the underworld but not before impregnating her. As he returned to the underworld he becomes capable of reincarnation and so enters the unborn child who becomes Horus. Thus the son was one with the father. Meri then was both the Mother and wife of Horus through Osiris. So it makes sense that both the mother of Jesus and the alleged wife of Jesus would have the name Mary. The sacrament was instituted by the Egyptians where the broken bread and wine was made into bits of the broken body and blood of Osiris. The resurrecting magic of Isis would then apply to those who took the sacrament to give them eternal life after death. So titles of Horus being Osiris included the way and the life and no one would come to the father but by him. The dying resurrecting godman struck such a popularity with people that surrounding religions even rewrote some of their gods to reflect that very mythology. In fact Egypt wasn't the only ones practicing Synchrotism. as an example Baccus was rewritten as Dionysus who had traits in common with Osiris and Jesus. So this entire group of dying rising godmen from which Jesus gets his traits are referred to as Osiris-Dionysus for short. Do a web search on that term to find more info than I am giving. Since Jesus is a dying rising sun god made in the fashion of Horus and Methras of course he would be given the winter solstice birthday of such gods. It also makes since then that Christians have him returning from the east and why he would have a similarity to Quetzalcoatl even though so far displaced because Quetzalcoatl was also a sun god. This should explain to you why Catholicism/Modern Christianity has pagan holidays. It didn’t just incorporate paganism. It IS paganism.

I did not miss your post at all. I read it and did not bother replying. Your pointing out the paganism in modern "churches" Only supports my view. But you have drawn the wrong view from the knowledge you have found. You have placed the cart before the horse. satan mimics God not God mimics satan. The Babylonian harlot is not the Bride of Christ. just because they are both woman does not mean the Bride is the Harlot in disguise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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charles cure said:
whoa whoa whoa. thats a pretty shitty statement to make as it applies to paganism. none of those religions were evil by nature.

Anything that is not true is false. There is only One God and there is only One Way to Him. If that sounds "shitty" then so be it. All lies are evil.

their gods were just as true or false as yours is.

No there "gods" do not exist and if any entity does exist they are demons masqurading as God. The God of Abraham is real and there is no other.

the catholic church made a wise decision to replace whatever jesus's real birthday may have been with the traditional date of saturnalias, if they hadn't there would probably be no christian church anymore.

Not true. Christians existed for centuries before the catholic church and have existed for many centuries after the creation of the catholic church, despite the persecution and deception the Body of Christ has faced from the catholic church and her daughters.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
there is no god and if there was then he must be evil because he creats fires and floods and lightning ect ect to kill so he must be a homicidal maniac, take your pick

you know there is something bigger than your god dont you?
Adstar said:
I did not miss your post at all. I read it and did not bother replying. Your pointing out the paganism in modern "churches" Only supports my view. But you have drawn the wrong view from the knowledge you have found. You have placed the cart before the horse. satan mimics God not God mimics satan. The Babylonian harlot is not the Bride of Christ. just because they are both woman does not mean the Bride is the Harlot in disguise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well then you must have read selectively which seems to be common among religionists. If we go with your premis as correct and Satan knew prior that Jesus would be crucified for sin then given what he is supposed to be, he wouldn't have inspired those under his influence to the evil to do it. He would have specifically not done so to thwart God's plan of salvation. You have a contradiction here.
Asguard said:
there is no god and if there was then he must be evil because he creats fires and floods and lightning ect ect to kill so he must be a homicidal maniac, take your pick

you know there is something bigger than your god dont you?

Oh please i hope your no going to tell me it's the Force. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Trilairian said:
Well then you must have read selectively which seems to be common among religionists. If we go with your premis as correct and Satan knew prior that Jesus would be crucified for sin then given what he is supposed to be, he wouldn't have inspired those under his influence to the evil to do it. He would have specifically not done so to thwart God's plan of salvation. You have a contradiction here.

The concepts of sacrifice where established by God at the start. Genisis shows cane and able offering sacrifices. So it is a small step for satan to mimic that concept and inspire mythology that includes human sacrifices. satan did inspire them to kill Jesus in doing so he thought he could once again sabotage Gods plans and demonstrate Gods failure. But as we know satans rebellion and those who where inspired by him only played their part in fulfilling Gods plan, satan and his followers where caught in their own cunning.

Every free will decision by satan designed to undermine Gods claim of sovereignty has backfired. God, who knows every move before it is made cannot be surprised by anything the accuser does. Through His awesome wisdom he uses the evil intentions of those that resist Him to serve His propose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
The God of Abraham is real and there is no other.
Bull. Put up or shut up. Show me physical evidence.

Not true. Christians existed for centuries before the catholic church
No. Christianity only began a few days before the Catholic Church. Since Iesus named Peter his successor and vicar on earth, and Peter was the first pope, Catholicism was the original organized christian church.
Adstar said:
The concepts of sacrifice where established by God at the start. Genisis shows cane and able offering sacrifices. So it is a small step for satan to mimic that concept and inspire mythology that includes human sacrifices. satan did inspire them to kill Jesus in doing so he thought he could once again sabotage Gods plans and demonstrate Gods failure. But as we know satans rebellion and those who where inspired by him only played their part in fulfilling Gods plan, satan and his followers where caught in their own cunning.

Every free will decision by satan designed to undermine Gods claim of sovereignty has backfired. God, who knows every move before it is made cannot be surprised by anything the accuser does. Through His awesome wisdom he uses the evil intentions of those that resist Him to serve His propose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Still selectively reading I see. I'll repeat in short, prechristian christianity was complete with crucifixions, sacraments, baptisms etc in worship of the dying rising godmen doing so giving eternal life to the people of which Jesus was only one. Your explaining this as Satan mimicing god but saying the whole mimicing of the salvation was something he did without knowing about. You have a contradiction here.
Adstar said:
Anything that is not true is false. There is only One God and there is only One Way to Him. If that sounds "shitty" then so be it. All lies are evil.

i guess we'll see what happens then when your god goes the way of zues and osiris and ishtar and adonis and odin and all of the other long dead in the pantheon of forgotten gods. if the pagan religions were so evil how come christianity had to replace its own holidays with theirs in order to move their own religion forward and turn it into a movement? how come the undiluted christianity, if its so good and true couldnt make it without stealing from almost every other religion it came in contact with in order to make it appear convenient to those it was trying to convert? shouldnt the "truth" of it have been enough? please, your religion has no more validity than any other, and probably even less proof that it is the one true way to salvation.

Adstar said:
No there "gods" do not exist and if any entity does exist they are demons masqurading as God. The God of Abraham is real and there is no other.

yeah right. i'd like to see what basis you have for a claim like that outside of the bible or other church propaganda.

Adstar said:
Not true. Christians existed for centuries before the catholic church and have existed for many centuries after the creation of the catholic church, despite the persecution and deception the Body of Christ has faced from the catholic church and her daughters.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

so youre saying the church started by jesus's principle disciple is wrong? who would know better than peter? and the beginning of the catholic church pretty much dates back to the time period between 36-65 AD when peter took up the banner and decided to spread christianity, so christians didnt exist centuries before the church, because they couldn't by definition have existed before christ.
Trilairian: Its not just a mix. You must have missed the point I made earlier so I'll recap. Christianity IS a pagan religion. Catholicism wasn't a mix of a "God's religion" with paganism. It was a mix of the pagan religions that could be referred to as Christianity. Whether or not there was an actual person Yeshua that modern Christianity was inspired by, the entire religion itself is founded in paganism, not just the holidays. Pagan meant villager. The pagan religions were the commoner religions. The commoners had been influenced by both Judaism's mythology and Egyptian mythology. Modern Christianity is more strongly influenced by Egyptian mythology than by the mythology of the Jews.
M*W: I see you have done your homework. Great post!
Trilairian: The astronomical events near the time of King Herrod's death seem to have been the astrological inspiration for the creation of modern Christianity. Meri who was married to Jo-Sep had a virgin birth of Horus in either a stable or cave amongst animals under a star. Ever wonder where the H comes from in the saying "Jesus H. Christ"? Meri and Jo-Sep fled from the evil Serpent Herrut who was opposed to Horus. Now you might see why the astronomical events near the death of the Evil king Herrod could begin to inspire the formation of a modern Christian religion. Meri and Jo-Sep were visited by three maji bearing gifts. That’s where the three comes from in the Christian tradition. Later Horus ascends in status among the gods to inherit the legions of Ra. Thus Horus was a sun god. The sun god or the sun was represented by many by the Celtic cross which may go back as much as 10 thousand years having been originally an actual device used to navigate based on shadows case by it from the sun. So Horus Christo(Christo was a title for Horus) variations such as Harry Krishna were sometimes depicted as an ascending person in a crucified posture corresponding to a symbol for the rising sun. Krishna is at times depicted as Crucified with an arrow(which is a small spear) piercing his torso the same as Yeshua-Horus(Yes-us, Jesus).As far as I can tell the only thing that is unique about the Jesus resurrection -ascension is that he had a crown of thorns. Eventually the Isis religion grew roots in Egypt and given their political practice of Synchrotism they decided to adjust their teaching absorbing the identity of Meri into Isis. Its like telling someone you don't worship a different god, you just worship the same god by a different name. This way you can unify the religions to gather others into your congregations. The new Osiris-Isis-Horus religion probably the first trinity had Osiris killed by Set(Satan) and his body broken and scattered across the land. Isis collected up the parts and resurrected him. Eventually he returns to the underworld but not before impregnating her. As he returned to the underworld he becomes capable of reincarnation and so enters the unborn child who becomes Horus. Thus the son was one with the father. Meri then was both the Mother and wife of Horus through Osiris. So it makes sense that both the mother of Jesus and the alleged wife of Jesus would have the name Mary. The sacrament was instituted by the Egyptians where the broken bread and wine was made into bits of the broken body and blood of Osiris. The resurrecting magic of Isis would then apply to those who took the sacrament to give them eternal life after death. So titles of Horus being Osiris included the way and the life and no one would come to the father but by him. The dying resurrecting godman struck such a popularity with people that surrounding religions even rewrote some of their gods to reflect that very mythology. In fact Egypt wasn't the only ones practicing Synchrotism. as an example Baccus was rewritten as Dionysus who had traits in common with Osiris and Jesus. So this entire group of dying rising godmen from which Jesus gets his traits are referred to as Osiris-Dionysus for short. Do a web search on that term to find more info than I am giving. Since Jesus is a dying rising sun god made in the fashion of Horus and Methras of course he would be given the winter solstice birthday of such gods. It also makes since then that Christians have him returning from the east and why he would have a similarity to Quetzalcoatl even though so far displaced because Quetzalcoatl was also a sun god. This should explain to you why Catholicism/Modern Christianity has pagan holidays. It didn’t just incorporate paganism. It IS paganism.
M*W: Excellent!
charles cure said:
i guess we'll see what happens then when your god goes the way of zues and osiris and ishtar and adonis and odin and all of the other long dead in the pantheon of forgotten gods. if the pagan religions were so evil how come christianity had to replace its own holidays with theirs in order to move their own religion forward and turn it into a movement? how come the undiluted christianity, if its so good and true couldnt make it without stealing from almost every other religion it came in contact with in order to make it appear convenient to those it was trying to convert? shouldnt the "truth" of it have been enough? please, your religion has no more validity than any other, and probably even less proof that it is the one true way to salvation.

Charles have you read my posts? Haven’t i made it clear that i do not celebrate christmas? You ask me why Christianity replaced it's own holidays with pagan ones. I tell you true Christianity never adopted pagan holidays. I am against that religion that calls itself Christianity that took on pagan holidays. You ask if the truth should have been enough, Yes the truth was and is enough to those who embrace the truth. For others who do not embrace the truth the traditions of man are very important. My faith is my faith and it is not the faith of many of those who call themselves Christians.

so youre saying the church started by jesus's principle disciple is wrong? who would know better than peter? and the beginning of the catholic church pretty much dates back to the time period between 36-65 AD when peter took up the banner and decided to spread christianity, so christians didnt exist centuries before the church, because they couldn't by definition have existed before christ.

The catholic church started when a group of false Christians decided disregard The teachings of Jesus and decided to follow and support Constantine to become emperor of the roman empire. Jesus said love your enemies. To take worldly power required killing your enemies a basic break from the teachings of Jesus was made. Anyone who calls themselves a Christian but supports physical warfare and killing of others is not a follower of the Messiah Jesus. This man made religion has been in league with worldly power ever since then. It is not the Only church that serves the satanic powers that rule on earth this harlot has many daughters. The claim that Peter established the catholic church is just that, a claim. The truth made glaringly obvious by the total disregard of the teachings of Jesus makes this claim a lie. Many who have read the Message have seen this and they have got out of her.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days