
Tammy Fae Baker talked about the Holy Spirit a lot. She was always 'filled with the Holy Spirit".
I was raised:
You pray to God.
You thank Jesus for dying for your sins
You do good because you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
All things bad are the devil's work.
So back to the original question.

….but what the hell is a "trinity"?....

The “trinity” concept is a concocted nonsense policy made by the Church around 250CE I believe to resolve a fundamental issue in the way the Christian religion was evolving.

The issue is that the bible states there is only ONE god and really makes no reference to a trinity, those who say otherwise stretch biblical interpretation to beyond breaking point. Yet the Jesus character was now being seen as a god who talks to his father who is also a god – oops – seemingly polytheism - can’t have that.

The answer was to adopt the Hindu concept of a single god with multiple personalities so as to retain the bible assertions of a single god yet still have a man-god called Jesus as well. The Holy Spirit gibberish was thrown in so it didn’t look like an entirely contrived attempt to make two into one.

The trinity is simply an official policy statement created by an incredibly and growing powerful religious ultra authoritarian authority in a futile attempt to resolve a fundamental flaw in their fledgling religion.
The “trinity” concept is a concocted nonsense policy made by the Church around 250CE I believe to resolve a fundamental issue in the way the Christian religion was evolving.
I swear someone here posted a number of religious trinity's? Like Hindu and earlier ME Trinities.

3 is an interesting number isn't it.
I'm sorry if this is offensive, but what the hell is a "trinity"?

It's the concept that 'God' is sentient life form that operates as a collective of 3 independent minds / personalities. Those minds / personalities of course can also act and manifest independently.

Think of it as 3 brains in one skull and sometimes 3 brains in 3 skulls with "borg" connectedness. Another way to think of it is one reproductive system and 3... well you get the point.
Christianity, as it is taught and preached in the US, is a religion that doesn't require any real effort.
Eastern religions (hell, most religions) require hard work, sacrifice, virtue, many years of relentless practice, integrity in words and actions...
Christianity, on the other hand, offers automatic absolution (except for the Holy Ghost thing, which most conveniently ignore, anyway) with no hard work in a lazy culture obsessed with instant gratification (or is this a case of the chicken and the egg?).
All you have to say is, "Yes, Jesus", and you are past the velvet rope into the VIP room where you can hang out with celebrities, sycophants and whores who said "Yes, Jesus".

I believe you are correct here in your assesment.
Most of the Christian programs I've seen and some churches I have attended dwell far too much on the "salvation thru accepting a saviour " routine.
It seems like a cop-out to me and rather than focusing on many of the finer teachings attributed to Jesus in the NT and personal development; it seems all geared towards saving your own butt.
It does fall in line with the demand for instant gratification that is prevalent in the western world.
The “trinity” concept is a concocted nonsense policy made by the Church around 250CE I believe to resolve a fundamental issue in the way the Christian religion was evolving.

The trinity is an old concept that predates Christianity.
The Ancient Egyptians had this long before the OT and NT scripts were written.
Much of Christian concepts were no doubt borrowed from the Egyptians and later near the time of the NT ,the cult of Isis; which had a bigger influence than many biblical scholars would care to admit.
The answer was to adopt the Hindu concept of a single god with multiple personalities so as to retain the bible assertions of a single god yet still have a man-god called Jesus as well. The Holy Spirit gibberish was thrown in so it didn’t look like an entirely contrived attempt to make two into one.

The trinity is simply an official policy statement created by an incredibly and growing powerful religious ultra authoritarian authority in a futile attempt to resolve a fundamental flaw in their fledgling religion.

How interesting, moderator of this section responsible for deleting posts.

Is the Hindu concept then similarly flawed, since it asserts a single god with multiple personalities?