

I'm sorry if this is offensive, but what the hell is a "trinity"? I hear it's God, Jesus, and Mary all in one, making some type of Supergod. The instant I heard this, I thought to myself, isn't that polytheism? But then people said 'no, the trinity is three spirits in one."

Does this make any sense to Christians? Some people say God is himself, with Jesus a son. Some say Jesus is God. Some say Jesus, God, and Mary make one God. I hate to say it, but every time I hear the word 'trinity', my mind forms some sort of stereotypical picture of a three-headed mutant god.

Please, somebody define this for me. I haven't extensive knowledge on this religion, but surely it shouldn't be so confusing. Don't all these branches of beliefs originate from one book, the Bible? How are there so many deviations? Can somebody explain to me how Christianity actually sees Jesus/God/Mary? Are they individual, combined, or what?
The Trinity has nothing to do with Mary - you have been told wrong.
The Trinity is a triune Godhead made up of The Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost.

Three different aspects of the same God.
Think of it this way...
You are made up of your Body, Mind and Works - correct?
Three distinct aspects of one person.
isn´t it Holy spirit???
I´ve always here it as the holy spirit.

Yep. One in the same.
Wikipedia's definition:

The Holy Spirit is different from Jesus in that He does not have a physical manifestation (or incarnation), and that He frequently dwells in and amongst God's people as a spiritual guide or a Comforter.
Yep. One in the same.
Wikipedia's definition:

The Holy Spirit is different from Jesus in that He does not have a physical manifestation (or incarnation), and that He frequently dwells in and amongst God's people as a spiritual guide or a Comforter.

is just that "holy ghost" seems freakier
God will save you so don't worry, eventually your soul will have a choice between burning in hell forever or accepting him. I pray for you every night and hope that Jesus or savior finds you & can brainwa ahemm convince you to come to us. We are part of the holy trinity gods life church group and want to make you our new member. We love you very much, even more-so than your own family so please don't just run away from this. We know what you need even better than you do, it's god. Through the holy ghost we can heal your wounds (the ones we inflict) and maybe even get you a life as a priest. You're so lucky to have found us, let us help you and in turn you can help us. Give us some money to fund our extravegent church because it's expensive having stained window glass...
God will save you so don't worry, eventually your soul will have a choice between burning in hell forever or accepting him.
If that's the choice I'm given from a supposedly merciful, benevolent god, I'll take my chances in hell.
Sounds like a choice most tyrants/dictators give the citizens of their country.
If that's the choice I'm given from a supposedly merciful, benevolent god, I'll take my chances in hell.
Sounds like a choice most tyrants/dictators give the citizens of their country.

mmmm, I believe he was being over-the-top sarcastic man, I´m thinking you didn´t read the whole thing
If that's the choice I'm given from a supposedly merciful, benevolent god, I'll take my chances in hell.
Sounds like a choice most tyrants/dictators give the citizens of their country.
Comply now, get rewarded with everlasting happiness later.

Or.... live free now, burn in Hell later.
I swear I was staring at that avatar for five straight minutes, wondering to myself, 'is this shit going anywhere?' I feel like such an idiot.
The Trinity is the best example of how patently false religion is. It's sort of like the show "who's line is it anyway?" where they just make it up as they go along.
I'd go with a duality rather than a Trinity, but ultimately: come on. This is god. If you believe in a "God", do you all believe that he's omnipotent, or is it politically expedient to suddenly slap limitations on this fellow? Seriously. In or out? Can't have it both ways.
is just that "holy ghost" seems freakier
That's from the King James bible - English as it was in the 1600's. Ghost didn't have 'spooky' connotations then; it just mean spirit.

I swear I was staring at that avatar for five straight minutes, wondering to myself, 'is this shit going anywhere?' I feel like such an idiot.
Haha, me too. Except, for fifteen seconds rather than five minutes.

It's a nice example of self-similarity.
I'd go with a duality rather than a Trinity, but ultimately: come on. This is god. If you believe in a "God", do you all believe that he's omnipotent, or is it politically expedient to suddenly slap limitations on this fellow? Seriously. In or out? Can't have it both ways.

I thin omnipotent is just a word (with limitations itself - being a word) and a word that is never used in the bible.
To discuss simply whether or not God is "omnipotent" is fairly pointless, in my opinion - especially without a very detailed and agreed upon definition of omnipotent.

For example - if someone can do anything that is possible - that could very well mean the being is omnipotent - but then, what is possible and what is not? I think that with teh existence of free will, it is not possible to see the future, as it has not been determined yet. So, in my definition, God is omnipotent, but still can not see into the future.

Does omnipotent mean that he can do anything imaginable, including paradoxival things? If so, the the word itself loses all real meaning and so does God.
So you postulate a less than omnipotent God. But isn't he considered to be all-powerful? I know the Quran at least calls him "hearer and knower of all things" and so forth. He is supposed to have made the universe and all, you know. That's a big deal. I just think it's silly to say he's so incredible that he controls every single particle and yet still can't be three beings at the same time. Heck, the genie from "Aladdin" can do that.