christians v. the rest-come in and get ya ass kicked


Registered Senior Member
u can get ya ass kicked over anything u like, becoz god's the smartest of all. at least a good whuppin' will make ya feel a lot better.
is this it? is this the best the world can produce? man. is there noone, lord? i actually think mensa folk are about the thickest one could come across. how man invented the mountain bike, i have no idea?
If I found out your god was real I wouldn't repent, I wouldn't beg for forgiveness or worship him, I would try and punch him in his stupid face.
The way I see it the bible god hates earth for some reason, he tells his "children" to destroy it. Poor earth defends itself with diseases but we keep curing them. I'm on earth's side on this one, I hate your god.
(Pretending your god exists just for fun)When I died I would spit in his face, it would be like this;
GOD: "well my son, do you have anything to re.."
Me:*interupts* *spit*
GOD: "how dare you! I shall cast.."
Me: *interupts again* "shut up, fuckass"
GOD: "ooooooohhhh you are making me so angry!!!:mad:"
Me: *wedgie*
GOD: "ack! my buttocks! grrrrrr" *tosses lou back to earth*
Me: *decays into the earth and becomes one with the planet* *joins the fight against evil humans by inventing some really badass diseases*

So you see, even if christians were correct I STILL wouldn't be on their side, it would just make me change from laughing at them to hating them.
hahahahah....ouch! i think u may have won that one. now, go on, beat it, AND DON'T DO THAT AGAIN. grrrrrrrrrrrr
my religion's god is older than yours so shove it boy! yeha, i win. *i don't really believe in god that much, but i do so for this thread.*
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
If I found out your god was real I wouldn't repent, I wouldn't beg for forgiveness or worship him, I would try and punch him in his stupid face.
The way I see it the bible god hates earth for some reason, he tells his "children" to destroy it. Poor earth defends itself with diseases but we keep curing them. I'm on earth's side on this one, I hate your god.
(Pretending your god exists just for fun)When I died I would spit in his face, it would be like this;
GOD: "well my son, do you have anything to re.."
Me:*interupts* *spit*
GOD: "how dare you! I shall cast.."
Me: *interupts again* "shut up, fuckass"
GOD: "ooooooohhhh you are making me so angry!!!:mad:"
Me: *wedgie*
GOD: "ack! my buttocks! grrrrrr" *tosses lou back to earth*
Me: *decays into the earth and becomes one with the planet* *joins the fight against evil humans by inventing some really badass diseases*

So you see, even if christians were correct I STILL wouldn't be on their side, it would just make me change from laughing at them to hating them.

LMAO exactly what id do i reckon.

hey boy, have u heard the story of the big feet?

the wolf howls it's call
the moon hears its echoing
baby moose shivers

oh well, some more fertiliser. have many more martyrs are there? this will also help with over-population. this is kamikaze, man.

john 10:1
yes, indeed, i tell u, the person who doesn't enter the sheep pen thru the door, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.
john 10:9
i (jesus) am the gate; if someone enters thru me, he will be safe and will go in and out and find pasture.

what does this mean? baaa baaa baaaa baa baa baa baa baa?

(this has been a tough case:eek: )

Could you be a little more clear in what youre trying to say,be blunt.

hi doom.
could u please explain your avatar? i have still not quite understood its significance
i'll get back to ya.
<------------fuck the sheep be yourself.

Or it could be used to take the mickey out of the welsh.

Hey,i do my own thing i dont really follow anyone,thats what i kinda attach to it.

Also i think its funny.

yeah, ok cool. it's certainly interesting. now i see it more clearly. thanks.
no worries. the fertilizer was just a play on mr lou's "decays into the earth" is all. sheep? well, i see ya not a sheep, then. and i don't think u are a goat.
the main thing is ya happiness. thats all that really concerns me.

sounds like u drink some awful shit. yuk.
(i like it when it's moving, did u know sometimes it doesn't?)
Originally posted by firingseeds
u can get ya ass kicked over anything u like, becoz god's the smartest of all. at least a good whuppin' will make ya feel a lot better.
It's a good thing he's on your side too because you obviously need all the help you can get.

I drunk through a bottle of absinth,its not just the 55% (110 proof) strength its whats in it.
i dont think ill do that again,ive drunk through various spirits before and overall id say you were better off with the absinth in the drunk phases.

It caused temporary insanity for half hour,then i went back into a more stoned/drunk phase.

In the half hour of insanity i decided a few things were an enemy that i had to punch repeatedly:
the couch i was sitting at,a wall (i thought it was looking at me funny) and a cardboard box(dont know why)
i was also getting pissed off with creases in stuff,had to keep straightning out creases.

You dont get depressed with it though and apart from the tempory insanity bit you keep your mind intact and just lose motor activity,the insanity wasnt severe,id say ive done worse things with lesser spirits.

Can cause permenent neurological damage though,im not sure if thats a myth or not.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
This thread is worthless. You simply can not argue Faith so stop trying.

True, it is also immature and pointless, they aren't arguing, they are insulting eachother.
Originally posted by firingseeds
u can get ya ass kicked over anything u like, becoz god's the smartest of all. at least a good whuppin' will make ya feel a lot better.

Firingseeds...what makes you think or be too sure that you are a Christian? Saying I'm a christian doesn't make one a christian.....Until you leave this earth and find out that you won god's acceptance, it's too early to go around gloating and poisening others.....If you think you are on to something, then keep it to yourself, you'll need every clue when the day come. If I was you, I'd keep low profile and quit using the name of god in vain like you did in this thread.....sounding like you are the official whip of god or something....Go repent man to god, he doesn't appreciate to be boasted with and played with the way you are doing.