Christians believe in inbreeding

You guys don't understand what I mean...
This had nothing do to with the bible. Adam could have practices polygamy and the humans altogether developed as a tribe.

This is out of your butt, the bible makes no reference to rules regarding marriage of relatives.....The bible must be not complete.
Yes it does. Look at deuteronomy.
Originally posted by okinrus
Yes it does. Look at deuteronomy.

Thanks for the vague hundreds of pages of useless referral...If you know a specific verse, then post it, do go look at the bible, it's there.
... But then I have to look for it

Deuteronomy 27:20-23
"Cursed be he who has relations with his father's wife, for he dishonors his father's bed!" And all the people shall answer Amen!

"Cursed be he who has relations with his sister or his half-sister!"
"Cursed be he who has relations with his mother-in-law!" And all the people shall answer, 'Amen!"

Probably some other places as well. The laws of the Old Testament are the bare minimum.
Keeping it in the family...

"Cursed be he who has relations with his father's wife, for he dishonors his father's bed!" And all the people shall answer Amen!

"Cursed be he who has relations with his sister or his half-sister!"
"Cursed be he who has relations with his mother-in-law!" And all the people shall answer, 'Amen!"

What about the brother-in-law when the brother dies? What about Lot and his daughters? Aren't we all descended from that incestuous mating?

What about when Lot wants to give up his daughters to the townspeople at his door (or angels, whatever they were)?

All this kiss and tell was going on in the OT, but in the NT, Paul strictly forbade it! He was a woman-hater, Jesus wasn't. He didn't really hold the same beliefs as Jesus. That's why Jesus' family hated Paul. (Read "James, the Brother of Jesus"). Paul was cashing in on Jesus' name.

It was Paul who created the myth of Jesus' death and resurrection. (Read "The Myth of Paul: How Paul Created Christianity").

Xianity in its original form had NOTHING to do with Jesus! Jesus himself was not known as an Xian. That was a word coined by Paul.
What about the brother-in-law when the brother dies? What about Lot and his daughters? Aren't we all descended from that incestuous mating?
The laws of Abraham's time were different. The Laws of the Torah are the bare minimum.

All this kiss and tell was going on in the OT, but in the NT, Paul strictly forbade it! He was a woman-hater, Jesus wasn't. He didn't really hold the same beliefs as Jesus. That's why Jesus' family hated Paul. (Read "James, the Brother of Jesus"). Paul was cashing in on Jesus' name.
James probably distrusted Paul at first becaues Paul had persecuted the early Christians.

Paul is not a woman hater and was just trying to maintain order.

Paul was a misogynist. His writings prove he was. And it certainly was not his place to 'maintain order'! Were the women being disorderly? No, they weren't. One of them was just getting a little too close for Paul's comfort. Besides, Paul didn't walk with Jesus anyway. He came about 80 years later. The Gospel of Mark was written about 70AD. It was the oldest Gospel. So none of those guys were alive in Jesus' time or close to him. Everything that was written about Jesus in the Gospels were written long after Jesus was gone (not dead, just outta town).
Let us not deviate from the subject and save okinrus butt..

We are speaking of inbreeding here.....That means cousins marriage. I defy you to find one religious scriptures againest first cousin marriage.

The Quran allows cousin marriage, so inbreeding in Islam is permitted. Why can't you admit that christianity allows it as well.

Originally posted by Flores
Let us not deviate from the subject and save okinrus butt..

We are speaking of inbreeding here.....That means cousins marriage. I defy you to find one religious scriptures againest first cousin marriage.

The Quran allows cousin marriage, so inbreeding in Islam is permitted. Why can't you admit that christianity allows it as well.

First cousin marriages still occur today in predominantly Xian countries like Brasil. In fact, it is encouraged.

Recent research has been done in the USA with findings that say first cousin marriages aren't as problematic as originally thought.
Paul was a misogynist. His writings prove he was. And it certainly was not his place to 'maintain order'! Were the women being disorderly? No, they weren't. One of them was just getting a little too close for Paul's comfort. Besides, Paul didn't walk with Jesus anyway. He came about 80 years later. The Gospel of Mark was written about 70AD. It was the oldest Gospel. So none of those guys were alive in Jesus' time or close to him. Everything that was written about Jesus in the Gospels were written long after Jesus was gone (not dead, just outta town).
Yes they were! Ok partly it was because of man's lust for them...
Coritheans was a sea port known for prostitution and Paul just wanted the christians to remain respectiful. 80 years after is untrue because Paul spoke to Peter. His letters were written around 50AD.

We are speaking of inbreeding here.....That means cousins marriage. I defy you to find one religious scriptures againest first cousin marriage.

The Quran allows cousin marriage, so inbreeding in Islam is permitted. Why can't you admit that christianity allows it as well.
You did not specifically say that you were talking about "first cousin marriage". Not specifically but I'm almost certain there was law saying "no marriage between close kin". It would take me along time to find it though since I'm not sure what book it's in.
Marriage between close kin

Originally posted by okinrus
Yes they were! Ok partly it was because of man's lust for them...
Coritheans was a sea port known for prostitution and Paul just wanted the christians to remain respectiful. 80 years after is untrue because Paul spoke to Peter. His letters were written around 50AD.

You did not specifically say that you were talking about "first cousin marriage". Not specifically but I'm almost certain there was law saying "no marriage between close kin". It would take me along time to find it though since I'm not sure what book it's in.

I don't think first cousins were considered to be that close at the time. Their opportunities were quite limited, and they often married within their immediate tribe. They were probably arranged.
This Leviticus 18:6
"None of you shall approach a close relative to have sexual intercourse with her. I am the LORD"...
It goes further to give some examples of what "close relations" are. The closest to first cousin is "You shall not have intercourse with your mother's sister, since she is your mother's relative."
However the law could be interpreted to mean all close relatives.
Hey that's a good point atheroy, I hadn't thought of that! If the Adam and Eve story is to be taken literally then there is no need to even include 'inbreeding'. Anyway, if the 'original' adam and eve genes were vastly different, maybe all the offsprings would have been ok (except maybe for small groups of people).
Adam and Eve

When Adam banged eve it was in the ass because her half eaten pasty had been wedged full of apples.
We are speaking of inbreeding here.....That means cousins marriage. I defy you to find one religious scriptures againest first cousin marriage.
yeah thats cool (or maybe not), but in the adam and eve and noah and his wife stories we're talking about true incest, brother on sister, mother and son, dad and daughter. that is gross. yet god abides by this. in fact, he creates this situation and no matter how you look at it we can't have stemmed from either of these couples because after about the third or fourth generation everyone would be dead.

Anyway, if the 'original' adam and eve genes were vastly different, maybe all the offsprings would have been ok (except maybe for small groups of people).
no. vastly different genes wouldn't make sense as eve was grown from adams rib, and it wouldn't make a difference to the end result even if adams and eves were vastly different. it would still result in third generation defects and miscarriges and i would be surpirsed if a fourth generation could even be conceived. either way you look at it, from a biological view adam and eve and noah and his wife could not have populated this world.

Just reminding you all that even though you look down on what early bible people did, Charles Darwin (basically your version of Jesus) married his cousin, and had about 8 children who either died quickly after birth or suffered very bad defects from inbreeding. So before your give christians heaps, look at your own people.

Charles Darwin (basically your version of Jesus)
oh dear, that is stupid. charles was a smart guy who put formard some smart ideas. i, or no one else i know, goes to some place on sundays then worships him because he put forward some ideas. if anything he is the opposite of jesus.

So before your give christians heaps, look at your own people.
what? now we are separating people? all i'm saying is that god set the situation up where some serious inbreeding had to occur. it is legal to marry your cousin in most countries and the reason he was having birth defects was probably because of bad sperm or something, birth defects normally wouldn't occur between cousins- too far removed. all i was saying is that you guys have to believe in inbreeding because you believe the stories of adam and eve and noah and his wife.
Charles Darwin (basically your version of Jesus) married his cousin, and had about 8 children who either died quickly after birth or suffered very bad defects from inbreeding. So before your give christians heaps, look at your own people.
Did some of his children die??! I didn't know that! I know he married his cousin and had loads of kids (ten I think).
let us also not forget that many couples had at least one kid die on them not 100 years ago. people seem to forget that mortality rates for children were appaling and it is only in this last century that things have seen a dramatic improvement.