Christians believe in inbreeding


Registered Senior Member
this has probably been hashed and rehashed many times before, but since my time here i haven't seen it discussed, so.... how do christians discount inbreeding from their bible and faith? it's happened several times in christiandom where two people have been left to procreate and ultimately populate or repopulate the world. now don't get me wrong, because i know there are examples in the bible where dads have done the bad thing to their daughters and it wasn't frowned upon, BUT, the population of the world would not exist if adam and eve had sex many times over with each other and then their sons and daughters and so on and so on. the children from about the third or fourth generation onwards would be completely wasted. then noah and his wife, later on, must copy adam's and eve's actions to reproduce the world when god petulantly floods it. does god not see the ramifications of what he is doing? people cannot repopulate the world between the two of them. it requires some very careful planning with about 4 men and 7 women to repopulate a world without causing inbreeding at least . any answers welcome.
The answer I have heard when I asked this very same question to various literalist bible interpretation types is rather simple and quite absurd.

Basically humans were genetically perfect back then so would not face the adverse effects that might be otherwise be involved in fucking your family members. After applegate all the descendants of A&E were tainted and their genes began to degrade. That is why the ages of all those bible guys are so large.
lol, really?!? they obviously know jack about biology if that is their answer. it wouldn't even have mattered if they had "perfect genes" because inbreeding doesn't occur from deffective genes. it occurs because the same genes are being used over and over. they also discount noah's ark ever happening as well if that is their reason- because if the gene's degraded (man that's funny) by their reckoning, it would be impossible for noah and his wife to repopulate the world. come-on theists, answer this post, there has to be a better answer that that crappy one, surely you can defend the fundamental ideas of your church.
lol, it gets better. your reaction to this must have been gold to see. i don't think i could take any of those people seriously if they told me this.
Go back and look at the hebrew texts that the bible was based on. In soom aspects, this being one of them, the bible is like notes on the original story. Adam had a wife before eve, created from the dust as adam was. she was cast out for, basically, wanting to be equal. the thing was, the bible never says anything about what was outside of the garden. It is widely believed that god either created wives for the sons and grandsons of adam and eve, or that there were more people ouitside of the garden. The first view is held more by christians, mainly because most dfon't know of the pre-existing jewish texts. The second is held more by Jews.
lol, it gets better. your reaction to this must have been gold to see. i don't think i could take any of those people seriously if they told me this.
What can you say? If they start off believing this crap they are obviously immune to logic.

Lilith was the first wife of Adam, she was a bit of a feminist apparently. She ended up causing disease in infants or some such thing.
that still doesn't explain noah. also, i forgot to add, but humans cannot have ever lived for more than our current life span. it has to do with the length of a part of the DNA which gets smaller every time the cell divides. when that part of the DNA gets to a certain point (smallness) the cell won't divide any more and that is ageing for you (cells don't magically appear out of no-where and once your cells stop dividing it is hello old age and death). adam and eve and noah as well can't have been human if it is claimed that they lived anymore than 100 years, and to my knowledge they were never claimed as angels so that basically disproves them.

With all the miracles in the bible this is child's play right?
no way. this is more involved than any miracle you have read about. and whoever or wherever has it been said that god could or ever did change people on a cellular level. it just gets more farcical.
that still doesn't explain noah. also, i forgot to add, but humans cannot have ever lived for more than our current life span. it has to do with the length of a part of the DNA which gets smaller every time the cell divides. when that part of the DNA gets to a certain point (smallness) the cell won't divide any more and that is ageing for you (cells don't magically appear out of no-where and once your cells stop dividing it is hello old age and death). adam and eve and noah as well can't have been human if it is claimed that they lived anymore than 100 years, and to my knowledge they were never claimed as angels so that basically disproves them.
You are assuming that Adam's and Noah's DNA is normal human DNA and that the rate of division of the cells was the same.
God can make cells appear out of no where.
have you ever heard of such an occurance before? your explanations are jut getting more grandiose. if noah or adam did not have normal human DNA then they weren't human and no-one can be at all related to them. you may as well be talking about aliens from another planet.
noah also had some of his family along. I know that doesn't increase the gene pool a whole lot, but its a start.
Also a freind of mine just told me noah had two wives (he was a pimp.) whatever...

VooDooChild, thank you for bringing up Lilith. Yes, she was 'Adam's' first 'wife.' When I use quotes, I'm thinking of these words/names as being questionable. There is also some theory that Eve gave birth to Adam (she's the 'mother of all living'). Hence, the rib story. I'm still learning about this theory, so I don't claim to be that knowledgeable on this subject. Lilith was a feminist. She might have been the first Creator. Moses doesn't speak of Lilith in the Torah (another convenient patriarchal omission). Eve may have been Lilith's mother, too. Okay, now for my area of linguistic expertise: 'Hawwah' is Hebrew for 'Eve.' 'Hawwah' is also Hebrew for 'serpent.' 'Hawwah' translates to 'Yahweh.' I would like to hear from anyone who knows Hebrew to comment. From a feminist point of view, 'shekinah' which I believe is Aramaic also means 'female spirit' which also translated as 'Messiah.' Unless we know and understand the languages of the Bible, there is no way to believe anything the Bible says with any hint of accuracy. I'd like to learn more about Lilith and her contribution to the human race.
Originally posted by okinrus
You are assuming that Adam's and Noah's DNA is normal human DNA and that the rate of division of the cells was the same.
God can make cells appear out of no where.
That post means nothing to the argument since it assumes that god has the ability to do as you say, and it furthermore assumes the existence of god. None of these are proven.
can i ask something?

biologically dont we ALL come from one root?

i mean doesnt one mutation cause say blue eyes, then how do so many people have blue eyes?

we all must have a comon ansestor

and no i dont belive in creation
The early human decendants could be more like a graph instead of a tree.

biologically dont we ALL come from one root?
yes, mitocondrial DNA (it is genetically exactly the same for ALL women) has been traced back 200,000 years. this does not prove that we all stemmed from say adam and eve- if that was the case then all men would also have exactly the same mitocondrial DNA as women (as it stands men have different mitocondrial DNA to each other so this would prove that adam did not exist and that god- being the all knowledgable and logical being that he is- had no part in creating man as why go to all the trouble of changing mitocondrial DNA over and over again for different people? he wouldn't. on a biological level god doesn't make sense) and that is the time scientists (from what i last heard) assume humans took their current form. most people don't get that we were probably just as smart as we were 1000 to 20,000 years ago. the difference is we have accumulated knowledge over that time so that it makes our ancestors look stupid by todays comparison (and our diet is much better).

we all must have a comon ansestor
yes, we do. though it is probably more than 1 common ancestor, more like several.
Originally posted by okinrus
The early human decendants could be more like a graph instead of a tree.

This is out of your butt, the bible makes no reference to rules regarding marriage of relatives.....The bible must be not complete.

Here's the Quranic rules, and cousin marriages are okay. You can't marry anyone who have suckled from your mom at the same time you suckled.

[4.22] And marry not woman whom your fathers married, except what has already passed; this surely is indecent and hateful, and it is an evil way.
[4.23] Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts and brothers' daughters and sisters' daughters and your mothers that have suckled you and your foster-sisters and mothers of your wives and your step-daughters who are in your guardianship, (born) of your wives to whom you have gone in, but if you have not gone in to them, there is no blame on you (in marrying them), and the wives of your sons who are of your own loins and that you should have two sisters together, except what has already passed; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.